Breath of the Dead

Chapter 206: The accident in Victoria City (60154)

Chapter 206: The accident in Victoria City (60154)

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Looking at the detailed description of the [Blood Cellar Land Deed], Gu Xi let out a long sigh.

Just when Song Yumo thought that Gu Xi was dissatisfied, Gu Xi took the initiative to say something.

"make a deal!"

Hearing this, Song Yumo also showed a smile on his face.

 Then he turned around and handed the Fairy Hand and Ghost Face to the death knight who had just come over.

At this time, Liu Kai also looked at Gu Xi and asked, "Do you need me to protect you when you go back?"


Gu Xi said confidently, and a city gate appeared directly behind him. Gu Xi didn't even need to turn around, he just took a step back and returned to Alidovi City.

 As the gate of Alidovi City disappeared, Liu Kai and Song Yumo sighed.

“The Three Divine Skills are truly well-deserved.”

"Yes! You can leave at once, and you can mobilize a large number of troops at any time. Usually, even if you just look at one person, no one knows how many soldiers are behind him."

While Liu Kai and Song Yumo were still discussing Gu Xi, Gu Xi had already arrived in front of the meeting hall of Alidovi City.

At this time, the tall Dimi was sitting elegantly on the steps in front of the parliament hall. Since there was no one there, she took off her shoes quite simply, and her feet in black stockings were raised on the steps.

Seeing Gu Xi come in, Dimi turned his head and looked at Gu Xi, and said with some confusion: "Lord City Lord, why do I smell the smell of poisonous blood on you?"

 “Just got a vampire building.”

Dimi needs vampires, but her route is the secluded house route. The vampires that come out are the kind that can actively turn into bats and fly. By sucking blood during battle, they can not only restore their combat effectiveness, but also resurrect their dead companions.

 They are two completely different vampire routes from the blood cellar title deed that Gu Xi just obtained.

Although there is no direct conflict, the relationship between them is actually not very good. After meeting, mocking each other is the basic operation.

 When Dimi opened his mouth, his attitude was clearly that of an old Onmyoji.

Hearing that Gu Xi had obtained a set of vampire buildings, Dimi planned to say a few words.

  I didn’t want to worry about it and asked directly.

 “Where’s Luna, hasn’t she come back yet?”

"No, once Luna left, there was no one in the city to talk to. Otherwise, why would I be sitting here waiting."

Hearing this, Gu Xi also frowned. It has been several days. Why hasn't he come back yet? Did something happen in Victoria City?

 Thinking of this, Gu Xi couldn't help but become nervous.

Luna must not let anything happen to her.

 “You get out of the way.”

At this time, Gu Xi could no longer care about anything else. He turned around and headed towards the Owl Building.

Dimi was stunned for a moment, filled with curiosity. She stood on tiptoes and followed Gu Xi away without wearing shoes.

At this time, Gu Xi was walking while blowing the undead transfer horn, and undead troops appeared behind Gu Xi one after another.

 At the beginning, Gu Xi’s original undead army appeared.

 Combat Team 2, Bone-cutting Battalion, Skeleton Archer Troop, Gargoyles, Ghosts, Skeleton Mages, Corpse Flies, and skeletons crawling out under the influence of the Undead Scourge Array.

 The troops who had fled to the undead natural disaster array one after another all reappeared next to Gu Xi under Gu Xi's undead transfer horn. The number of these troops is naturally incomparable to the number of people at the peak of Gu Xi.

 But when Gu Xi saw them, he felt somewhat cordial and familiar.

"You guys, don't follow me anymore. Go to the city gate and send the various supplies that were sent before to the dock warehouse for storage. Send the architectural design drawings to the outside of the Council Hall. The weapons and equipment I bought will be sent to the warehouse first. I’ll sort it out and I’ll come back to arrange it later.”

Under Gu Xi’s order, the undead spirits that appeared one after another left quickly.

 For a time, Alidovi City, which was originally empty, began to become lively again.

The last two troops that appeared were a thousand zombie axe-shielders and a two-thousand skeleton spearmen. Together with them, six undead leaders appeared.

 After appearing, these three thousand troops stood directly in front of Gu Xi, waiting for Gu Xi's order.

 Looking at the three thousand undead troops, Gu Xi found that their situation was similar to that of recruiting the undead himself.

 It's just that from the undead leader to the undead soldiers, they all seem to be carved out of the same mold. There is no difference in weapons and equipment, attack power, or vitality.

 When Gu Xi stood in front of them, their targets were all focused on Gu Xi, but Gu Xi could clearly see that only the six undead leaders had sharp eyes.

 At the same time, the situations of these six undead leaders are also exactly the same.

 There is no personality in itself, not even any difference in size.

 Compared with Gu Xi's men who had just experienced a series of battles, they looked cleaner and there were no traces of battle left on their bodies. ,

 A group of high-level rookies.

Just taking a look at them, Gu Xi made some judgments about them.

But no matter what, their number is finally guaranteed.

Gu Xi pointed at the undead who were busy moving things and said: "Follow them and take care of my loot first. Send them all to the dock warehouse. After everything is settled, wait for me at the city gate."

 After arranging the three thousand soldiers out, Gu Xi also stopped.

 He has arrived in front of the owl building.

Several owls were standing on the small owl building watching Gu Xi, but none of them would fly down.

Gu Xi did not enter the small building. He quickly wrote a letter and pointed at one of the owls.

The owl then fell into Gu Xi's hands.

 “Give this letter to Luna.”

 Gu Xi tied the letter to the owl's leg, and at the same time considered in his mind whether he would go to the guild to ask for some ravens to raise when he left this world.

 I saw Liu Kai and the others using ravens before, and those ravens were obviously smarter than this kind of owl.

  Sometimes just saying a few words will make the raven look for someone, unlike these owls in our house, which look a bit not very smart.

Gu Xi was still complaining secretly about the situation of the owls. Unexpectedly, several owls flew up at the same time. They followed the owl that brought the letter and flew in the same direction, disappearing in front of Gu Xi in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xi's heart tightened.

 He suddenly understood what was going on.

Something may really have happened in Victoria City.

At this time, Gu Xi could no longer care about anything else. He turned over and jumped onto the evil coffin that had been following him. He turned around and headed towards the contact hut built in Alidovi City. He planned to rush to Victoria through the hearthstone. city.

 (End of this chapter)

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