Breath of the Dead

Chapter 207: Exit the world (61254)

Chapter 207 Exiting the World (61254)

The house leading to the small building in Victoria City is built not too far from the Assembly Hall.

That was a small house that was originally used as a background, but after being selected, it went through a certain amount of cleaning and cleaning.

When Gu Xi drove the evil coffin and arrived here, he was surprised to find that the hut in front of him felt incompatible with Alidovi.

 It was as if it had been forcibly blocked by some powerful force.

This situation made Gu Xi believe that something had really changed in Victoria City that he didn't know about, and now no one could enter or leave the city.

 This made Gu Xi couldn't help but worry. His two contracted undead were still there.

These are Gu Xi's most precious companions, and he cannot just let these two companions be lost in the city of Victoria.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi decisively held the cold wind staff and pushed open the door of the hut.

This small room has the same style layout as the meeting hall. There is a dining room at the entrance. Behind the long dining table is a burning fireplace.

The hearthstone of Gu Xi's small building in Victoria City was placed here.

As long as Gu Xi activates the hearthstone, he can quickly enter Victoria City.

It's just that Gu Xi is a little unsure whether he, who is currently in the world of ULYUHDDS04CC80, can cross-game and enter Victoria City.

After all, he is different from Luna and the others. He is a player, and he is born with the rules of the player. Moving across the world is not something that a level 4 rookie like him can do.

Now Gu Xi couldn't care about anything else. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the hearth stone. Now Gu Xi only thought about trying to contact Victoria City.

But the next moment, a surge of electricity flicked Gu Xi's hand away.

 Such a situation made Gu Xi's eyes tighten. He was not sure whether it was the impact of Victoria City or because he was in another world and wanted to sneak into another game world.

 At any rate, his request to enter Victoria City has been rejected.

This made Gu Xi immediately nervous. He immediately gave up some of his previous thoughts after entering Alidovi City and quickly came to the meeting hall not far away.

At this time, Dimi followed Gu Xi back. Although he was moving quickly, Dimi's movements were still so graceful.

 When she saw Gu Xi, she did not forget to say hello.

"Sir, why did you turn around and run here? I almost missed you."

Gu Xi had no time to pay attention to Dimi. He pushed open the door of the meeting hall, placed the [Blood Cellar Land Deed] he had just obtained on the table, and then the figure quickly disappeared into the air.

 He left the city of Alidovi.

 At this time, near the crystal forest, Liu Kai and Song Yumo had not left yet.

 As a result, there was a sudden fluctuation in the air around them, and Gu Xi, who had just left in front of them gracefully, was sent out.

 This made these two people stunned.

Seeing these two people, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, and finally said hello to Liu Kai.

“Liu Kai, where is the exit point of the garrison world? The invasion of the White Walkers is over. I’m going out.”

 The garrisoned world is different from the open world. The garrisoned world actually belongs to the guild or the players.

 In order to prevent outsiders from entering the garrisoned world, the entry and exit points are naturally unlike other game worlds where you can choose to exit the game anytime and anywhere.

 In the garrison world, you must go to several entry and exit points before you can choose to exit.

 When he entered this world, Gu Xi appeared in the Ice Valley where novices entered.

But now Gu Xi doesn’t want to run all the way back again.

Even if the evil coffin speeds up, he doesn't want to go to the ice field and suffer this fate.

Just as Gu Xi thought about Song Yumo's call for a death knight to deliver something.

 Gu Xi guessed that they must know the nearby nodes that can enter and exit the game.

Sure enough, upon hearing Gu Xi's question, Liu Kai smiled and said, "There's one nearby. Are you in a hurry to leave?" "Yes, the main reason is that the access point I know is too far, and I have to run to the ice." Go to the valley, I don’t want to be blown by the wind for two days on the ice sheet.”

 Gu Xi did not appear anxious, but found another reason.

This reason did not surprise Liu Kai and others.

Players in Sanxian Garden will inquire about the location of nearby access nodes.

 After all, most players stationed in Sanxian Garden only have about one week of vacation time every year.

 They don’t want to spend four days on the road during their vacation.

So Liu Kai quickly told Gu Xi the location of the entry and exit nodes, and even the key to entering and exiting this world.

Hearing such a detailed explanation, Gu Xi also had a smile on his face.

 “Thank you very much.”

 “What are we so polite about? If you have something good next time, be sure to remember me.”

 “Okay, I will remember it.”

 Gu Xi turned over and jumped onto the evil coffin. When he determined the target, Gu Xi couldn't help but look back at the Sanxian Garden. He had already told Du Wushuang when he came out.

 Leave directly now, I believe Du Wushuang won't care.

 He lowered his head.

 Gu Xi suppressed the thought of saying goodbye to Du Wushuang and stuffed the map into the gap of the evil coffin.

 Evil Coffin's ability is activated and it starts to find its way automatically.

After that, Gu Xi no longer looked back. He just lay on the evil coffin and stared at the situation around him.

When Gu Xi walked away, Song Yumo, who had been silent, suddenly said something.

 “He seems to be in a hurry.”

 “Did you use your ability again?”

 Liu Kai glanced at Song Yumo curiously.

  “No, but you can see it.”

Song Yumo shook his head. When he spoke, his hand did not even come close to the square-headed hammer placed on the ground.

 “Why can’t I see it?”

Liu Kai had a puzzled look on his face, "He has mastered two three divine skills, what else can be done to him?"

"I don't know either, but it must be a big deal to make someone like him anxious. Do you think it would be beneficial if I told my family to support him secretly?"

"No, I think Gu Xi has an idea. He can get two of the three magical skills. That's definitely a fight.

 Our communication with him in this way is a good start.

  But if you really make calculations in this regard, there will definitely be problems in the end.

 You have to know that he was selected in this year's draft.

In the guild, he belongs to the drafting faction and has no foundation in the guild. Our relationship with him is just right now.

  If you make too many calculations, it will push him to the side of the draft.

 At that point, the gains will outweigh the losses. "

Song Yumo was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then reached out and lifted the hammer that had been standing on the ground.

“It’s up to you, he’s not a death knight anyway, and he won’t join our Knights of the Burning Sun even if he’s won over. It’s up to you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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