Breath of the Dead

Chapter 209: Be strong for a while and handsome forever (please subscribe)

Chapter 209: Strong for a while, handsome for a lifetime (please subscribe)

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  【Reverse Lich (blue, shoulder pads)】

  【Defense: 5】

  【After equipped: Constitution +3. Intelligence +3]

 【Equipment requirements: Physique 5, Intelligence 5】

  【Special 1: Ritual dagger, bone spurs, ghost strikes, poison gas bombs and other long-range single-target attack methods will be transformed into flying sword forms, with a 20% blood-sucking effect. 】

 【Special 2: Book of Lich, 5 magics or skills can be recorded in the book, and the level of the recorded magic or skills is +1 (the recorded skills are limited). 】

 【Mosaic position: empty, empty, empty, empty】

  【Explanation: This is a shoulder pad made of materials from the same lich, including the pair of bones. 】

Looking at the information about this set of shoulder pads, Gu Xi suddenly felt that being strong is temporary, but being handsome is lifelong.

 As long as he does not find a suitable replacement, he will never replace this set of [Reverse Lich].

Thinking of this, Gu Xi reached out to lift the box, then turned his hand over, and the [Reverse Lich] was draped on him.

 A pair of skulls holding iron chains in their teeth were placed a little above his left and right shoulders. When they were put on, a glimmering green flame flashed in the eyes of the skulls.

At the same time, six iron chains of the same color were wrapped around Gu Xi's shoulders, turning them into ribbons and other decorations on Gu Xi's body.

The thick red magic book floated on the left side of his waist, and the rusty dagger was stuck under his collarbone.

When he took two steps forward, Gu Xi suddenly discovered that the luminous green on the skull and the chain was not always there, but would light up once he took a few steps, last for a period of time, and then quickly disappear.

 Such a change made Gu Xi feel happy and he felt more handsome.

Then Gu Xi raised the Cold Wind Staff, but no movement was seen on his part, and a bone spur appeared on the tip of his staff.

It's just that the bone spur at this time is no longer just a broken pointed bone like before, but a flying sword made of white bones.

 Such a handsome action shocked all nearby players.

Everyone looked at the [Reverse Lich] on Gu Xi's shoulders, thinking how great it would be if they had such a set of shoulder pads.

 It’s just that there are still few such equipment, and blue equipment is not something you can have if you want it.

 The players working here could only watch Gu Xi spinning around in front of them, and then left triumphantly.

When walking outside, the iron chains without embedded objects will wave by themselves, seeming to challenge the players' inner bottom line.

 After leaving the blacksmith shop, Gu Xi asked Dire Weasel again.

“Where can we change the undead troops? What type of troops are our elite undead?”

“You can go to the barracks in front to change. There is a list of all the undead soldiers in the barracks. It just takes a while to mobilize the troops, but don’t worry, our guild will not have a problem with the strength of the troops.

 In addition to the guild garrison space, there is also the garrison world, which is a small space that can be used to train soldiers.

 So the number of soldiers is not a problem

 Ordinary soldiers mainly include skeletons, zombies and ghosts, all of which are level 3. If you have any needs for weapons, you can directly mention them when recruiting.     If you don't mention that they gave it to you randomly, you won't be able to change it later.

 Elite units There are only three elite units open to recruitment here.

The leopard-headed ghoul is an agile unit. It was transformed from a black panther after death. Unexpectedly, this just brought out the ghoul's talent. The average level is 4. It has the abilities of sneaking, galloping, and carrying. Ability like stabbing is an assassin on the battlefield.

 The Stitched Corpse is a fat green guy with an average level of 4. You should be familiar with this one, so I won’t introduce it in detail.

Finally, there is one kind that is really rare. If I were you, I must choose this kind. This is called the wither, which is transformed by the druid after his death. He did not turn into a lich or a corpse witch, but became such a kind. thing.

At first, I thought it was because of the lack of level. Later, I thought about it, and actually this kind of unit is acceptable, so I kept it. The average level is 4. As for the specifics, you can understand it by yourself. "

The Dire Weasel said this, and Gu Xi understood the situation. It seemed that ordinary undead were the more common undead troops.

 Elite undead are an undead unit that is rarely seen in ordinary times.

 These three types of elite undead can be recruited externally, which shows that this system has been formed. As for the undead that have not been taken out, they are either small in number or relatively expensive and not suitable for external sale.

 This point was not surprising to Gu Xi. After all, if it were him, he would not sell smaller or more expensive units for sale.

At this time, Gu Xi already had an idea in his mind. Under the leadership of Dire Weasel, he quickly arrived at the barracks of Chaoyang Guild.

 This was Gu Xi's first time entering the barracks. He thought the barracks were a large square where troops could be gathered.

 Unexpectedly, this barracks was not like this. Instead, it looked like a relatively large fortress. After entering, I found that there were many ferocious weasels inside that were busy non-stop.

After the ferocious weasel named Huang Jiu brought Gu Xi here, he didn't stay any longer. He spoke to Gu Xi and left quickly.

It can be seen that Huang Jiu is scared. He has his own things to do and can't keep helping Gu Xi run here and there.

 Fortunately, there were quite a few ferocious weasels here in the barracks, and they were doing pretty well. Gu Xi found one at random and took out his recruitment order.

Seeing the numbers on the recruitment order, the ferocious weasel said: "100 ordinary undead, plus 50 elite undead, right? No problem. Do you need to choose a unit?"

“For ordinary undead, I choose ghosts. For elite undead, I want the wither.”

“I asked about it when I came here. Well, a group of witherrs have just been trained. You have to come earlier, maybe the witherers are not in stock yet.”

As he spoke, he also called to his companions to mobilize troops.

Fortunately, the Withered One had no choice. Regarding ghosts, he also asked Gu Xi what he thought.

 Ask Gu Xi if he wants a more aggressive ghost or a ghost with other special attributes.

Gu Xi had his own ideas about these ghosts. Gu Xi had brought ghosts from Chaoyang Guild before, and he knew very well that the ghosts here actually moved forward in two routes.

Yinfeng camp and Ghost air camp are two different routes after the ghost levels are upgraded. One is faster in movement and the other is richer in health.

 Gu Xi has used these two kinds of ghosts on the road, and he has a better feel for the ghosts that move faster, as for life.

 For ghosts, they must either be immune to physical attacks or be killed directly. Is it useful to live longer?

 So as soon as Gu Xi heard what the ferocious weasel said, he immediately made a choice.

 (End of this chapter)

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