Breath of the Dead

Chapter 210: Blightcaller Troops (62155)

 Chapter 210 The Wither Troops (62155)

 The average order is 1558, the average order increases every day, the best products are in front of you, work hard!


“Please wait here, 100 ghost speed types, 50 witherers, a little faster.”

Dire Weasel asked Gu Xi to wait aside, and he quickly made arrangements and asked his colleagues to call in a hundred ghosts and fifty withered ones.

 The ghosts don’t have any special characteristics. Even if they are finally divided into the Yinfeng camp and the ghost camp, their appearance does not change much.

On the contrary, it was the Withered One that surprised Gu Xi.

 He knew before that these Blighters were transformed from druids after their death.

 But he never expected that the Withered One in front of him would look like this.

These are clearly a group of special tree demons. They have human heads, arms and bodies, but their lower body is that of a deer.

A kind of spear and staff made of tree vines are in their hands.

But what Gu Xi noticed was not this, but that there were some mushrooms growing on their deer skins.

 As you run forward, the mushroom spores will fly in all directions.

[Wither (level 4, summoned object): experience (0/750), attack 8+3 (vine spear), defense 8, life 45, ammunition 8, skills: undead creature, marching continuously (immune to all slowdowns Skills), poison poison, spore recovery. 】

Looking at the attributes of the withered one in front of him, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh. He was worthy of being an elite undead. With such strength and ability, he was stronger than ordinary undead in every way.

This kind of wither has both melee and long-range abilities, and can also use spells to attack and even replenish blood.

This is a versatile unit on the battlefield, and it is more suitable no matter where it is placed.

 With such a unit joining, Gu Xi has more tactics to choose from in battle.

 This is a good thing for Gu Xi.

Although he didn't know what happened in Victoria City, the fact that Luna and the others didn't come back meant that something was wrong there.

 Gu Xi must now station troops to ensure that he has enough strength to take care of the affairs of Victoria City.

Even if you cannot take advantage of this incident in Victoria City, you must ensure that your interests will not be robbed by others.

These troops are exactly what Gu Xi needs most now.

 With the current strength of Gu Xi's troops, they may be able to protect themselves in Victoria City.

"These soldiers are here. Do you want to help you take them to the designated place?"

 When all the soldiers were mobilized, the Dire Weasel looked at Gu Xi.

 “No, I’ll take them away directly.”

As Gu Xi spoke, a city gate appeared behind him.

 Because it is now located in the barracks, the city gate is not opened too wide, but it is enough to allow the ghosts and withered ones to enter.

Facing this situation, all the ferocious weasels in the barracks were stunned. They had seen various ways of leading troops, but they had never seen anything like this before.

 After collecting all the troops, Gu Xi made another special trip to the guild store.

 This time he is no longer a trainee member, so he also has certain purchasing rights in the guild store.

 Gu Xi chose the magic potion as soon as he came over. This time he got a large bottle of magic potion, which can directly replenish 2,000 points of mana at a time.

 In fact, for Gu Xi, he really wanted to buy a giant bottle of magic potion that can directly replenish 5,000 points of mana.

But the problem is that his current mana has not yet reached that level, so the amount he bought is a bit wasteful. At the same time, his authority in the guild store has not yet reached this standard. He can only buy large bottles of magic potions.

With helplessness, Gu Xi had no choice but to admit it, but at this time, Gu Xi was already planning to build an alchemy laboratory in Aridovi to produce various magic potions after he returned.

 Lest you end up needing mana but no potions available. After buying all the supplies he needed, Gu Xi did not return to the apartment building assigned to him by the guild. Instead, he came to the place where he had agreed to enter and exit Alidovi City from the beginning.

Here, Gu Xi opened the door leading to Aridovi, holding the cold wind staff, and strode in.

 When Gu Xi appeared again, he naturally appeared in front of the assembly hall of Alidovi City.

 At this time, Dimi was still sitting on the steps, waiting to rest.

  It’s just that with the entry of a large number of undead, Alidovi is obviously more viable.

 “Is there no news from Luna yet?”

Looking at Dimi who had his feet crossed, Gu Xi asked with some concern.

“Four owls have been refreshed, and one has not returned yet.”

 Gu Xi understood the situation as soon as he heard it. The owls in the owl building will not be refreshed unless they die.

 Now that four of them have been refreshed, it means that four of them died on the road.

 The one that didn’t come back, I don’t know if it was looking for Luna or if it couldn’t fly back to report the news.

This made Gu Xi feel helpless. There was nothing he could do because of the lack of information.

But now that he has exited the last game world, he wants to try again and see the hearthstone leading to Victoria City. He should know the situation.

"I understand. Please keep an eye on me for a while. I have something to take care of first."

 After taking only two steps, Gu Xi remembered the ghost and the withered one who had just come in.

He pointed at these ghosts and said: "The ghosts will find their own team and return to the team. The withered ones will go to the magic plant area."

After arranging them all, Gu Xi rushed to the hut entering Victoria City.

At this time, the fire in the hut was still burning, and the wood in the fire was not affected much. The situation was no different from when Gu Xi came before.

Gu Xi walked to the fireplace, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the hearth stone.

 In the next moment, Gu Xi's hand was bounced away.

But this time the force of the bounce was no longer as strong as before.

This made Gu Xi's eyes happy. Although there was still a rebound, the force was obviously not as strong as before, which showed that Gu Xi's idea was right.

 He had the opportunity to enter the city of Victoria.

So Gu Xi put some force on his hand and prepared to forcefully activate the power of the hearth stone.

At this moment, Gu Xi heard Sha Ya's voice coming from the fire.

 “Look, we’ve determined the coordinates.”

Then before Gu Xi could react, the fire in the fireplace suddenly rose, and Shaya jumped out of the flames with several people.

Before Gu Xi could see clearly what was going on, a gust of wind blew by, and Luna also jumped out of the flames with a large number of ghosts.

As soon as they stood firm, they saw Gu Xi standing by the hearth stone.

 Luna and Shaya quickly lowered their heads, "Sir, why are you here?"

"The battle in Sanxian Garden is over. Seeing that you haven't come back, I don't know what happened in Victoria City. I'm a little worried."

 At this point, Gu Xi did not explain any more, but asked directly.

 “What happened in Victoria City, and why were your contacts interrupted?”

 (End of this chapter)

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