Breath of the Dead

Chapter 213: Blood cellar area (please subscribe)

Chapter 213 Blood Cellar Area (Please subscribe)

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After passing the empty Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery area, Gu Xizai came to the edge of the Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery area.

 The ground here is sinking rapidly, and there are dark red marks on the broken steps and moss-covered blue bricks.

Standing in the edge corridor and looking down, you will find that there is a thick mist of blood filling the sunken plot.

 As soon as Gu Xi’s evil coffin stopped, Shaya and Dimi quickly appeared.

Dimi sniffed, a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes.

 “Poisoned blood is boring.”

Even though Dimi said this, her eyes kept falling on the blood cellar area in front of her.

Looking from top to bottom, all the buildings in the Blood Cellar area are built around a cross-shaped building in the center of the area.

The cross-shaped building looks like a European-style manor building. The entire building is made of bluestone. Under the blood mist, the building looks quite dark.

Outside the building, there are a large number of vines, which give people a sense of disrepair from a distance.

On the left and right sides of the manor, there is an outdoor swimming pool full of black blood and a garden full of **** fruits. When the wind blows through the garden, the fruits in the garden will actually smile. Voice.

 “Let’s go down and have a look.”

As soon as Gu Xi patted the evil coffin, the evil coffin rushed downwards with Gu Xi. Several of Gu Xi's men also jumped down quickly and followed Gu Xi.

  When Gu Xi fell into the blood cellar, he first saw the vampire statue built on the roadside.

It is not so much a statue as it is an anatomical doll of a vampire, directly displaying the skin, muscles, internal organs and bones of the vampire.

At the same time, Gu Xi noticed that there were many corpses of vampires hanging on the roadside. All vampires had iron awls made of peach wood or silver nailed to their bodies.

When Gu Xi came over, these apparently dead vampires actually opened their eyes, and their gazes followed Gu Xi's movement.

Facing this situation, Gu Xi was speechless.

What do these count for?

background? Or is it a built-in auxiliary building?

 Fortunately, there were not many vampires nailed to the roadside like this, and soon Gu Xi saw the road leading to the vampire mansion.

 The roads on the ground are also paved with bluestone slabs, and the weapons used by vampires and vampire hunters are engraved on the slabs.

 Obviously, this was explaining to Gu Xi that the vampires trained in the vampire mansion in front of him were the kind of vampires who knew how to fight.

When Gu Xi and the others arrived at the vampire mansion, Gu Xi found that the door of the mansion had been opened. Several men wearing mail armor and black cloaks, holding long swords in their hands, were standing at the gate, waiting for Gu Xi. The arrival of news.

However, Gu Xi noticed that at the fountain in front of the vampire mansion, there was a throne made of countless bats. The water from the fountain was pouring on the throne, turning into blood and flowing into the pool.

Without waiting for Gu Xi to say anything, Dimi took a step forward, stepped into the fountain, and reached out to touch the throne.

 Gu Xi turned his head and glanced at Dimi, "What, you want it?"

 “Ah, no, no, no.”

Dimi is also a little embarrassed. The Blood Throne has a certain attraction for Dimi, but it is not necessary for Dimi.

She didn’t know why she walked up to the Blood Throne as soon as she saw it.

Dimi looked at Gu Xi awkwardly.

Gu Xi didn't care about this. He waved to Dimi and said, "It's okay. We will stay here for a while. You can continue."

Dimi blushed and lost the aura of the noble lady before. She pulled her head back and followed Gu Xi.

At this moment, Gu Xi turned his attention to the men standing at the door.

 Gu Xi found that in addition to the two-handed sword, there was also a silver medal in their hands. He was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what was going on, so Gu Xi took a medal and hung it on the man's chest.

 In the next moment, the man's aura obviously increased a lot.

 At the same time, green blood began to appear on the long sword in his hand.

 This shows that this man's strength has been improved to a certain extent when the medal was placed on it.

 “Thank you, sir.”

 The man lowered his head to Gu Xi.

This time, Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed.

This was the first time, the first time Gu Xi heard the soldier speak.

 “Vampire Sir?”

 Gu Xi asked.

“Yes, as long as you wear the medal, you will be a vampire knight. If you wear it before being recruited, the recruitment cost will increase. After recruitment, you need enough experience before you can wear it.”

 Sir Vampire answered seriously, his response was a bit rigid and not as flexible as Dimi.

 Gu Xi was not surprised by this. After all, he could only be regarded as a soldier, not even a leader.

“Then wear them all. Combat experience can be gained in battle, but level must take priority.”

Gu Xi didn’t want to drag these vampires with him, so he had to upgrade his level first. Wouldn’t it be easier to gain combat experience once he had the level?

 There is no need to keep dragging this matter for a little negative energy.

 Hearing Gu Xi's words, all the men standing at the door had smiles on their faces.

They didn't even need to take action, they just hung the medal on their chests.

 After all the vampires have been promoted to vampire knights, Gu Xi will recruit them all.

Then Gu Xi glanced at Dimi and found that Dimi was looking up at the sky. It was impossible for Dimi to lead the team into battle before the three large buildings were built.

"Shaya, take these vampires with you first. They should be agile."

When Gu Xi asked this question, he looked at the vampire knights, waiting for their answers.

"Yes." Dimi, who didn't want to stand aside, said, "Their movement method is somewhat similar to teleportation, but the range is smaller than the normal teleportation, and they can send themselves behind the enemy.

However, the weapons they used were not suitable for assassins to fight.

 After they teleport, it is most appropriate to kill them directly. "

Dimi, as a leader with great potential, has a clear grasp of the three arms he can control.

With just one glance, she could see how the vampire knights in front of her could be used.

Shaya was stunned for a moment, and then thanked Dimi.

Without Dimiti's words, she could actually control these vampires, but it would take her a lot of time to get familiar with them.

 With Dimi's reminder, she can control everything in the shortest time.

No matter what, Dimi’s words deserve Shaya’s thanks.

At this time, Gu Xi has also finished visiting the Blood Garden next to the vampire mansion. He has also looked at the Bat Crypt a little further back, near the edge of the blood cellar area, and has now returned to the main entrance of the vampire mansion.

 (End of this chapter)

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