Breath of the Dead

Chapter 214: New construction barracks (64158)

Chapter 214 New Building-Barracks (64158)

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"Luna, please deal with the blood cellar area. Everything that should be there should be connected with the Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery area. Treat this as the periphery of the Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery area."

Looking at Shaya who was directing the vampire knight to move, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, and finally gave an order to Luna.

Hearing this order, Luna also glanced at Shaya.

She understood that Gu Xi’s order meant that the vampires produced in the blood cellar area in the future would be mainly allocated to Dimi in the hundred-armed giant cemetery area.

 At this time, Luna also had a question in her mind.

  Can Dimi do it?

"Let's arrange it this way first. The Blood Garden and Blood Pool are the prerequisites for the construction of the secluded house. Now we just need a level 3 alchemy laboratory. Let's see if we can join the team later and build the alchemy laboratory first. ”

Luna can answer this question.

“Sir, it’s okay to jump in line and build the alchemy laboratory first, but the alchemy laboratory needs to be upgraded to level 3, which needs to meet the standards. We don’t even have a level 1 alchemy laboratory now, so there’s no point in jumping in line.”

Hearing this, Gu Xi could only sigh in the end, "Even if we want to meet the standard, we must at least have a level 1 alchemy laboratory first. Let's do it first."

 “Okay, sir.”

Seeing Gu Xi’s insistence, Luna said nothing more.

  In any case, the alchemy laboratory is also in the team, it’s just that the construction time is moved forward.

A few people left the blood cellar area after saying this. At this time, Gu Xi still had many things to deal with.

 Before the battle against the Undead Natural Disaster Array began, Gu Xi was already building two core buildings.

 Barracks and Magic Tower.

Later, Gu Xi sent back Shifen’s architectural design drawings, but at that time Gu Xi asked Luna to give priority to the city gate and moat.

Because of the incident in Victoria City, Gu Xi never checked the construction status. Anyway, Gu Xi only knew that at the end of the battle of the Undead Natural Disaster Array, the city gate had not been built yet.

As for when he came back, he was so focused on Luna's absence that he really didn't notice whether there was a new gate in Aridovi.

Now that Luna has returned and the direction of things in Victoria City has been determined, Gu Xi also plans to go and see the changes that have taken place in Alidovi City during this time.

Luna and Shaya also knew what Gu Xi was thinking. When Gu Xi got into the evil coffin, they all followed him.

Luna wanted to follow Gu Xi. When Gu Xi had any needs, she would deal with them immediately.

Sha Ya positioned herself as Gu Xi’s bodyguard, following Gu Xi to protect him.

As for Dimi, she just wanted to follow him and watch the fun.

 The three of them quickly followed the evil coffin just like before. No matter how fast the evil coffin accelerated, they could not get rid of them.

 Soon they returned to the original city of Aridovi.

At this moment, Luna flew in front of Gu Xi and led the way.

They turned a corner and arrived at the position where Gu Xi and the others had entered the city from Alidovita.

 At this time, a new building has appeared between the houses.

The situation of this building is quite abrupt because its style and footprint are different from those of the nearby houses.

From the outside, the building made of bluestone is four stories high, about the size of a football field.

 In front of the tall gate, there were two skeleton soldiers standing with spears.

 Gu Xi's war flag fluttered on the top of this building.

 This building is one of the most important core buildings, the barracks. The barracks play the role of recruiting troops and dispatching troops.

 At the same time, the troops were reorganized and leaders and warriors were sent out of the city to complete the mission, and the barracks could not be bypassed.

  It can be said that without barracks, the fighting capacity of the troops in the city will be reduced by half.

Jumping off the evil coffin in front of the gate, Gu Xi strode towards the barracks.

Before he could say anything, the two skeleton soldiers guarding the barracks helped Gu Xi open the door.

  Then a zombie with heavy armor and a scar on his face walked out of the barracks.

As soon as he saw Gu Xi, he said with a serious face: "Fu Gu has seen you, sir."

 【Building name: Barracks

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


  Reorganize no more than 5,000 soldiers to ensure that all soldiers enjoy the special effects of the player (if a unit dies in battle after reorganization, other soldiers can be quickly replaced to replace its weapons and equipment)

 Send three troops at the same time to complete city tasks (task level 1-3).

 Can store 1,000 sets of weapons and equipment.

 Discover invasions and attacks on the city one day in advance. 】

  【Barracks Sergeant Major: Fu Gu (Level 1)

 Characteristic impact:

  Martial Arts: For combat missions outside the city, the success rate is increased by 10%.

Thoughtful: When returning from a combat mission, you can bring back supplies or treasure chests +1.

Eagle Eye: When the enemy invades, you can check the number of enemies in advance, and you can randomly discover level 1 spies sneaking into the city. 】

  【Explanation: Fu Gu's level is equal to that of the barracks, but he has extremely strong combat effectiveness. If there is no hero or leader level in the city and encounters an invasion, Fu Gu will direct the defensive battle. 】

 “Very good, I want to go to the barracks and have a look.”

 “This way, sir, please.”

 Fu Gu didn’t ask Gu Xi what he wanted to see, he just gave up a position.

After entering the barracks, Gu Xi saw weapons and equipment all over the wall. He found that among these weapons and equipment, there were actually the assassin-type skeleton soldiers from the beginning, as well as the weapons of the spear skeleton soldiers that had been wiped out.

 It seems that this is a record of all the undead troops that Gu Xi has come into contact with since he became a necromancer.

 In the middle of the barracks, there is a square table, with a sand table some distance away from Alidovi City and nearby placed on the table.

 There are many small flags of different colors on the sand table to represent Gu Xi’s troops stationed in the city.

Among these small flags, only the small flag representing the Bone-Zhanying Camp is the most obvious. The other small flags are small and have no patterns on them.

“Sir, there are eleven different undead leaders in the city now. Do we need to reorganize our troops?”


Gu Xi was stunned for a moment.

Except for Dimi, the undead leader with potential as a leader, the other undead leaders have no names. Gu Xi usually doesn't pay much attention to them. They are just undead leaders. The undead leader calls him this, but he doesn't know that the number of undead leaders now has reached Eleven.

Think about it, there are two members of the Bone-cutting Battalion, one skeleton leader, one skeleton mage leader, and one skeleton archer leader who finally formed the combat team, plus the six new bosses that have just been added.

 Isn’t this the eleventh person?

 It seems that Fu Gu has already counted all the skeleton leaders under Gu Xi.

“Forget it, there is no need to reorganize the team. Let all the undead leaders bring a full complement of undead, and you will organize all the other undead.”

 (End of this chapter)

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