Breath of the Dead

Chapter 215: Expedition mission (65158)

Chapter 215 Mission (65158)

 “Yes, sir!”

 In response to Gu Xi's order, Fugu acted quickly.

 Gu Xi noticed that the small flags of various colors in the sand table changed again.

 In addition to the small flags of the Zhangu Camp, some of the small flags have additional numbers on them, numbered from 1 to 9.

 After that there are small flags of different colors with nothing on them.

However, Fu Gu can tell from the small flags what troops these small flags represent.

While Fu Gu was reorganizing his troops, Gu Xi came to the sand table. He noticed that there were three messages, one white and two green, above the sand table.

 【Task: Cleaning the sewer 1 (white)】

 【Enemies: 200 rats (level 0-5), Dr. rats (level 5, boss)】

 【Requirements: 100 undead troops, 1 undead leader, 10 units of food】

 【Departure time: 12 hours】

  【Success rate: 0%】

 【Return rewards: supplies (a large amount), soldier and boss experience (a large amount), treasure chests (possibly)】

  【Explanation: This is a cleaning operation for the sewers of Alidovi City. 】

While Gu Xi was looking at the sand table, Fu Gu also came over.

 “Sir, do you need to conduct a combat mission?”

 “I’ll do it, I’ve learned it.”

 Sending troops to go on an expedition was something Gu Xi had learned at the Nether Bone Wind Academy.

 He quickly picked up the small flag planted on the sand table and quickly placed it on the task in front of him.

While putting it in, Gu Xi was still mumbling.

"Put a zombie leader in the sewer and bring 50 zombies with axes and shields. Don't care about the other things. Put up the defense first. Then the sewer will be smaller. What was said in class at that time is that it is the most suitable place to release rats and insects. force.

This time we are going to fight mice, so arrange 50 groups of corpse flies, so the combat effectiveness is enough. Let me check the success rate, 87%, that’s it, send out troops! "

Following Gu Xi's order, a burst of horn sounds came from the sky above the barracks.

 Several small flags then disappeared in Gu Xi's hands, and at the same time, a picture of an army heading out for battle appeared on the sand table.

 Fu Gu has been watching Gu Xi's operation from the side. He didn't comment too much on Gu Xi's technique.

In Fu Gu's eyes, although the troops sent by Gu Xi are not the optimal solution, they will definitely not cause any major problems.

 As long as you can stay stable and don't take risks, that's enough in Fugu's opinion.

After dispatching a troop, Gu Xi immediately became interested and quickly made arrangements for the remaining two troop dispatching missions.

 【Mission: Mist and Shadow (Green)】

 【Enemies: 200 Shadows (Level 0-5), Shadow boss (Level 5, defensive type)】

 【Send: 1 skeleton leader (lancer), 100 skeleton spearmen, 20 units of food】

 【Departure time: 24 hours】

  【Success rate: 96%】

 【Return rewards: supplies (a large amount), soldier and boss experience (a large amount), treasure chests (possibly)】

  【Explanation: Cleaning up enemies around the city from time to time is a very important thing for the city. 】

 【Task: Border Patrol (Green)】

 【Enemies: 200 weird plants (level 0-5), weird piranha (level 5, sure-kill)】

 【Send: 1 skeleton archer leader, 100 skeleton archers, 20 units of food】

 【Departure time: 24 hours】

  【Success rate: 88%】

[Return rewards: supplies (a large amount), soldier and boss experience (a large amount), treasure chests (possibly)] ˆ ˆ [Explanation: An abnormal situation is found at the border of the magic plant area, please deal with it quickly. 】

 After all the tasks were arranged, Gu Xi looked at Fugu.

 “How often is this task?”

"Unless there are special circumstances, there are only three tasks for the time being. Complete one and refresh a new one."

“Next time if the white level tasks are refreshed, you will be the one to arrange them. I will come over and take a look at the green level tasks.”

 “Yes, sir!”

 Fu Gu responded decisively.

It’s not that Gu Xi doesn’t value the right to dispatch troops in the barracks, but the white level is just a battle for soldiers to practice.

As long as you send a boss to correspond to the opponent's boss, this task is basically over.

 Unlike green-level missions, you need to consider the attributes of the opponent's leader and select troops to restrain the opponent's leader.

For example, if the opponent has the ability to kill, Gu Xi will either use his subordinates to attack first or his long-range subordinates, and he will definitely not let the opponent get close to him.

  For example, if the opponent has the magic ability of group attack, then sending assassins at this time is definitely the most appropriate choice.

 The restraint methods contained in this must be memorized in full by Gu Xi in the Nether Bone Wind Academy.

 Now Gu Xi can be said to have chosen the corresponding manpower directly and instinctively. As a result, his selection was quite good, and the success rate was not lower than the 75% warning line.

 After arranging the troops to attack, Gu Xi walked around the barracks again.

 At this time, the barracks is still at level 1, and many of the unique functions of the barracks have not yet been enabled.

However, the corresponding location has been reserved in the barracks.

 Gu Xi walked around here and was quite satisfied.

“Fugu, I will leave the military camp to you next. I don’t need to tell you more about the importance of the military camp.

I want to guarantee that as long as you are here, the stability of the barracks and the mobilization of the troops must be done to the best of my ability. "

“Please rest assured, sir, as long as I am around, there will be no problems with the defense of the barracks and Alidovi City.”


Gu Xi patted Fugu on the shoulder, turned around and walked out.

 “Sir, where shall we go next?”

 At this time Luna floated in front of Gu Xi.

“The garrison gate is built first, right? Is this gate completed now?”

"It has been completed. At the same time, the moat and arrow tower are also under construction. Do we want to go over and take a look?"

 “Go and have a look, and then go to the magic tower after reading it.”

 Gu Xi thought about it for a while and finally made a decision.

After all, the Magic Tower still needs some time. At the same time, he also plans to build a building that can be transformed from the Bone Magic Lamp next to the Magic Tower. This will require some time for specialized processing.

 If you get busy, you won’t have time to go over and check on the city gate.

 So he planned to go to the door first.

  After all, the city gate is the key to his use of the city of death in battle.

 Luna had no objection to Gu Xi’s choice, she just led the way.

Just walking, Gu Xi found that they seemed to have left the earliest city area and were about to enter the magic plant area where the land was divided.

Looking at the twisted giant tree that had been planted on the roadside, Gu Xi couldn't help but ask.

 “Luna, why was the city gate built here this time?”

"Sir, the last time there was a big war here, a few pieces of fog were broken. From time to time in the fog, there would be strange shadows passing through and entering Alidovi City. Building the city gates, moats and arrow towers here can play a certain defensive role. ”

 (End of this chapter)

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