Breath of the Dead

Chapter 216: Attacked on the edge of the city (please subscribe)

Chapter 216 Attack on the edge of the city (please subscribe)

  After Luna explained this, Gu Xi realized that his Aridovi was not absolutely safe.

 His troops are still a little short.

However, Gu Xi immediately changed the topic.

“Luna, I plan to place the wither and corpse flies in the magic plant area. Is there enough land here now?”

“Maybe not. When the magic plant area was attacked last time, there was only one large plot left. We couldn’t build two military training camps here at the same time.”

 “That’s a problem.”

 Gu Xi sighed. The territory was still too small. It seemed that he had to find some new sources of land somewhere.

  After all, in addition to the lack of land in the magic plant area, there is also a lack of land in the Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery area.

 The cemetery, tomb and secluded house that Dimi needs require three large plots of land.

 There are only two places there now, and Gu Xi still needs to find a way to squeeze out another piece of land.

These are all things!

While thinking about this matter, Gu Xi and the others had already arrived at the edge of the magic plant area.

At this time, the city gate has been built. Because it was built in the magic plant area, the city gate naturally has the style of the magic plant area.

The city gate in front of me looks like a city gate that has been abandoned for a long time. Although the building is still there, it is hidden among the plants.

Looking at it from a distance, it doesn’t look like a city gate at all.

Outside the city gate, there is endless fog. Standing at the city gate, Gu Xi can see black figures flashing from time to time in the fog.

 “Shaya, go try it and see if the city gate can be used.”

Originally, Gu Xi just wanted to come over and take a look at the city gate before leaving, but seeing a city gate like this, Gu Xi had to think more about whether the city gate in front of him could be used.

Don't really start a fight then, the city gate cannot be closed, that would be ridiculous.

Shaya turned over and jumped to the city gate. She pushed lightly, and a large number of vines appeared at the city gate, sealing the city gate tightly.

Looking at this situation, Gu Xi knew that he didn't need to look any further. This city gate was stronger and obviously more spiritual than the city gate Gu Xi had been using.

As the city gate was opened again, Gu Xi knew that the city gate could be used. When he fought in the future, he could deploy troops from different angles at the same time.

While Gu Xi was studying the city gate, the construction of the moat outside the city gate had also been completed.

Compared to a city gate that doesn't even have a city wall, the moat in front of you is different. It directly separates the magic plant area from the fog.

If you want to cross the river, please go to the city gate.

Oh, that’s not right. There is no drawbridge at the city gate yet. Even if you see the city gate, you can’t cross the river.

 This moat is filled with green acid. As long as a person steps into it, he will lose 3 points of life every second.

 It can be said that this is the best defense.

As for the fact that moats and city walls can be summoned to the battlefield only at level 9 of Death City, Gu Xi also knows about it.

 But the problem is, just because it is needed at level 9, you can’t just stop building a moat.

Then the city does not need to be defended during normal times. What if Alidovi City is attacked?

 That's why Gu Xi would not be so stupid as not to build a moat and a city wall.

 Throwing the murderous water plants into the moat, Gu Xi nodded with satisfaction as he watched the water plants grow rapidly in the strong acid of the moat.

Then he said to Luna: "By the way, move the construction location of the lonely pedestrian square here later. If a city gate is built here, there will be a place to store troops.

 The troops cannot be left standing in the woods. "


 Luna said that she remembered this incident.

After that, Gu Xi took another look at the tree-root-shaped tentacles reaching the sky in the magic plant area, "Is it still in a state where it cannot be activated?" "Yes, I have never found out how to activate Evil Wood Lake."

 Luna was also helpless about this.

  If it is a general building, if it is not activated, there must be an activation condition.

But the evil tree in front of us, which is formed by the green liquid flowing out of its roots, has an inactive state directly written on it without giving an explanation.

 This made Luna speechless.

 She arranged for many people to come over to check, but no corresponding method was found.

“You still have to keep an eye on this matter, so as not to get into trouble if the magic plant area cannot be fully utilized.”

“Sir, please don’t worry, I will take care of it.”

While talking, Gu Xi jumped onto the evil coffin again, preparing to go to the magic tower to have a look.

At this moment, a roar came from the mist, and a new strange shadow flew out of the mist.

This was the first time Gu Xi saw the flying shadow troops.

There are not many of these ghosts, but they are quite large.

 They all have black heads the size of small cars, with eight or nine meters of hair trailing behind their heads, looking like hairtail fish flying in the sky.

  When flying out of the fog, these huge human heads screamed and rushed towards the city gate at the edge of the fog.

“Hell, let’s not let this go. Luna will mobilize her troops, gargoyles, corpse flies, and skeleton mages, and Shaya will come with her.”

Gu Xi took a look and decisively pointed at the cold wind staff.

 “Bone spur!”

 The bone spur that turned into a long sword was like a flying sword, piercing the nearest person's head.

The flying head did not expect that Gu Xi would take the initiative to attack him. Without checking for a moment, he was pierced in the eye by the flying sword. The ice power on the flying sword instantly froze the head, and the head that lost control rolled and fell on the spot. Go to the newly built moat.

Struggling in the moat that was full of corrosive acid, the man's head flew up again, but Gu Xi noticed that all the hair behind the man's head had disappeared.

At this time, these heads also saw Gu Xi taking the initiative to attack, and they all screamed and rushed towards Gu Xi.

 But what Gu Xi didn't expect was that Dimi, who had been following behind to watch the fun, would take the initiative.

Her body floated up like a ghost, and came to a human head lightly and gracefully. Then her hands popped out sharp claws, pressing and tearing the car-sized head.

 The huge human head was torn into two pieces.

 Black liquid fell all over the floor.

Before the other heads could rush towards her, Dimi turned around and turned back, and three roses of different colors were tied to the three black heads.

 The blood-red roses caused the black head to shrink quickly, turning into a mummy and hitting the ground heavily.

 The dark blue roses tore the black head into pieces. Before the body fell to the ground, it had turned into black light spots and disappeared into the air.

The gray-white roses tightly entangled the black heads, and finally used the black heads as nutrients to give birth to more and more gray-white roses.

 When Dimi took action, Shaya also took action.

She held a dagger in one hand and an elder stick in the other. She stood up and jumped on top of the black man's head. The two weapons crossed and hit the black man's head hard.

  【Dimi (the undead boss) kills the evil flying head (level 3), you get 19 experience points (19 points are stored in the overflow), and the undead boss gets 32 experience points. 】

  【Shaya (contracted undead) kills the evil flying head (level 4), you get 24 experience points (overflow and seal 24 points), and the contracted undead get 37 experience points. 】


 (End of this chapter)

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