Breath of the Dead

Chapter 217: Activate Evil Wood Lake (please subscribe)

Chapter 217 Activating Evil Wood Lake (please subscribe)

Dimi, who killed all the evil flying heads and went on a killing spree, elegantly took out a bottle of white wine, washed his hands, and then walked to stand behind Gu Xi, as if she was not the one who had taken action just now.

Dimi’s reaction surprised Gu Xi.

 “What are you doing?”

“I will not help you fight until the three buildings I requested are built, but if this city is attacked, I will definitely take action.”

Dimi spoke casually, with his tone and attitude as if he was saying that when an apple is ripe, it will fall off the tree.

Looking at Dimi's condition, Gu Xi couldn't say anything to her.

 After all, what Dimi said just now was considered a move.

 Gu Xi can only let people stare here to prevent the weird things that can rush into their city at any time.

 At this moment, Shaya also came over.

“Sir, there is something you might want to come over and take a look at.”

After hearing what Sha Ya said, Gu Xi didn't say anything more to Dimid, and followed Sha Ya to the battlefield just now.

At this time, Gu Xi discovered that there was some black liquid left at the place where Wei Fei's head died in battle.

Gu Xi stretched out the cold wind staff and tapped the drops, and a message popped up in front of him.

 【Discovered strange vomit (gray)*1】

  【Weird Evil Liquid (grey): The liquid turned into after the death of a killed strange creature. This strange liquid seems to contain a strange power. 】

  【Special materials found, please ask if you can unlock the activation effect of Evil Wood Lake. 】

Gu Xi was shocked, this was actually related to Xiemu Lake?

Thinking of this, Gu Xi quickly checked how to activate Xiemu Lake.

[Xiemu Lake (special building, not activated): Use Xiemu Lake as a guide to attract strange creatures to come to get water, and surround and kill the strange creatures. Kill and throw 1000 of the strange creatures left into the lake. Activate Evil Wood Lake. 】

【After Evil Wood Lake is activated, the vitality of all creatures in the city will be +10, and the attacks of all arrow towers in the city will automatically increase the poisonous attack effect. Poisonous clouds will automatically form over Evil Wood Lake, changing the territorial environment of nearby areas. 】

Looking at the activation method and the effect after activation, Gu Xi raised his head and glanced at the location of the tentacle roots.

It seems that these evil flying heads are attracted by this thing.

 And if you want to activate this thing, there will be another battle.

While Gu Xi was thinking about this problem, Luna had already arrived with her troops.

These troops were mobilized by Gu Xi when he discovered the problem.

 It just seems to be a little late now.

“Keep the corpse flies, Luna will send some skeleton archers over, the gargoyles will go back first, and the skeleton mages will come over to clean the battlefield and send the black liquid to the lake over there.”

Looking at the mobilized troops, Gu Xi simply asked them to get started.

By the time Luna came back with Skeleton Shooter again, the activation progress at Deadwood Lake had become (11/1000).

At this time, Gu Xi took Luna to the top of the city gate. He pointed at the fog in the distance and said.

“Do you still remember the design of the energy lighthouse? Look at the time schedule and build the energy lighthouse at this location to clear up the fog ahead.”

“Sir, we haven’t found out the effect of the energy beacon yet. Will it be a waste to use it like this?”

“It’s okay, let’s build it first. The magic plant area is more dangerous now. Even if it is not used to illuminate the fog, it can also be used to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the magic plant area.”

 Luna also noticed from the situation just now that the situation in the magic plant area was somewhat dangerous.

If there is no army stationed, if something happens, the magic plant area will become the attack range of strange and mysterious shadows.

“I understand, I will ask Fu Gu to keep an eye on this side.”

“Well, you handle the matter here. In addition, the activation of Evil Wood Lake has been turned on. After killing Weird, throw Weird’s corpse into the lake. If you accumulate one thousand, you can activate it.

 But I always feel that this is not the limit of Xiemu Lake. Keep an eye on me here, and if there is something strange, kill it and throw it in.     This is a long-term task, and when I'm away, it's all up to you. "

“Sir, please don’t worry, I will keep this in mind.”

“Okay, corpse flies are patrolling nearby. As many skeleton shooters as there are, we will arrange them here. Skeleton mages will follow us, just in time to take a look at the newly built magic tower.”

 Seeing that the matter was settled, Gu Xi finally let go of one thing in his mind.

He took his troops and diverted from the magic plant area to the upper city area.

 After leaving the magic plant area, the style of twisted trees everywhere disappeared.

  Instead, there is an architectural style unique to the upper town.

But Gu Xi noticed one thing. Dimi, who had been following him, disappeared.

“Hey, where is Dimi? Isn’t she idle? Why is she missing?”

“Dimi thought that the magic plant area was more interesting, so he stayed in the magic plant area.”

Sha Ya explained something to Gu Xi.

As soon as he heard it, Gu Xi understood what the magic plant area was more interesting. It was obvious that he had not had enough killing just now and planned to wait for the weird ones in the magic plant area to fall into a trap.

 Gu Xi would not object to such a thing, since Dimi was idle anyway.

And with her combat power, it would be beneficial to the war if she was stationed in the magic plant area.

 So Gu Xi didn’t care about this matter anymore.

 Just brought his men back to the location where they found the Rod of Nature.

 At this time, a magic tower has been built here.

This magic tower is only three meters high and covers an area of ​​700 square meters. It is full of undead style, with black walls and square foundations, and skull-shaped reliefs on the doors and windows as decorations.

Even a long distance in front of the Magic Tower was affected. The ground was covered with black stone slabs, and on both sides of the road were skull statues holding white candles.

 Only where the stick of nature is inserted can you still see a trace of life.

 Coming to the magic tower, before Gu Xi could check the situation of the magic tower, the door of the magic tower opened quickly.

 A ghost floated out from inside.

This ghost is wearing a black robe, only revealing the translucent skull face under the hood.

 When he saw Gu Xi, the ghost lowered his head.

 “Anthony has seen your lordship.”

As ghost Anthony lowered his head, information about the Magic Tower and Anthony also popped up in front of Gu Xi.

  【Building name: Magic Tower

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


It comes with 1 player who can learn skills, 2 players and heroes who can learn magic, and 3 magic soldiers who can learn magic.

 Heroes can purchase magic books in the magic tower and learn magic.

 All magic soldiers can learn magic in the magic tower.

 In the magic tower, you can study the derivative magic of the skills and magic on this floor. 】

 【Taling: Anthony (Level 1)

 Characteristic impact:

 Researcher: Derived magic research speed +20%.

 Manager: Ten soldiers can learn magic here at the same time.

 Scribe: Can transcribe magic or skills into magic scrolls. 】

【Explanation: Anthony's level is equal to the level of the Magic Tower. As the Magic Tower Spirit, he can control the operation of the Magic Tower and the buildings associated with the Magic Tower. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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