Breath of the Dead

Chapter 219: Powerful magic in the magic tower (67158)

Chapter 219 Powerful magic in the magic tower (67158)

With the Bone Magic Tower built, Gu Xi also learned about the situation on the Skeleton Mage's side.

The Skeleton Mage here has a total of three skills. Undead creatures are common to all undead arms, so no one can escape.

Following the lightning bolt and fireball spells, the necromancer masters one of them at random. Once mastered, there is no way to change it. There is nothing to say about this.

The Skeleton Mage + the next three spells are different. They are all learned from the magic tower. You can only learn one spell at a time. You can choose what you want when you recruit it directly.

But if you want to learn more, it’s a shame. You can only take advantage of this once. If you want to learn more, you have to go to the magic tower to study.

Looking at the three spells that the magic arm can learn, Gu Xi became interested in the situation in the magic tower.

 In order to build the Bone Magic Tower first, Gu Xi did not enter the magic tower.

It's different now. Gu Xi has dealt with everything clearly. He also plans to enter the magic tower to see what he can learn.

 When the Bone Magic Tower was built, Anthony was already waiting for Gu Xi outside the magic tower.

Seeing Gu Xi return, Anthony immediately came out and took Gu Xi into the first floor of the magic tower.

After entering the magic tower, Gu Xi noticed that this place was not quite what he imagined.

 In the magic tower is a hall. The hall is surrounded by eight doors of different colors, with different words written on the doors.

“Sir, this is the inside of the magic tower. There is a room behind each door. As long as you open the door, you can learn the corresponding magic and skills in the back.

This kind of gold-rimmed door is specially used for players to learn skills.

 The silver-sided door is a place where players and heroes can come and learn magic.

 The wooden door with no sides is where the magic soldiers come to learn spells.

Due to the linkage of the Bone Magic Tower, there has just been one more room with silver edges and one more room with wooden doors. "

 Gu Xi understood it after thinking about it, so he walked to one of the doors and took a look.

 He found that everything was written clearly on the door.

  【Dark Knowledge (Player Learning): Passive skill that allows players to learn high-level dark magic and enhance the effect of magic. 】

 Hands-on skills can be researched: Master of Torment, Master of Curses, and Master of Mind.

[Master of Torment (Level 1 Magic Tower can be researched, progress 0%): Adds a group form to the 'Curse of Rot' and 'Armor Weakening' magics, and the casting cost is twice that of single magic. 】

  【Master of Curse (level 1 magic tower can be researched, progress 0%): Adds a group form to the 'Curse of Weakness' and 'Painful Torment' magics, and the casting cost is twice that of single magic. 】

  【Master of Mind (Level 1 Magic Tower can be researched, progress 0%): Adds a group form to the 'Delay Magic' and 'Confuse the Mind' magic, and the casting cost is twice that of a single magic. 】

Looking at the information on this door, Gu Xi knew that everything was clearly arranged. Not only could dark magic be mastered here, but also some subsequent derivative skills and methods could be studied.

 With a magic tower like this, why are you afraid that you won't be able to master more advanced skills?

With this thought in mind, Gu Xi walked around in front of several other doors.

Three silver-lined doors, where are the magics that players and heroes can use. Gu Xi is lucky, and the magics produced by the magic tower are pretty good. [Death Ripple (learned by players and heroes): Consumes 10 mana points and causes a total of 50+intelligence*3 undead breath damage to all non-undead creatures within a diameter of 50 meters. 】

 Hands-on skills can be researched: ripple expansion, death and despair.

 【Ripple expansion (level 1 magic tower can be researched, progress 0%): The area of ​​effect of the death ripple is expanded to a diameter of 100 meters. 】

[Death Despair (level 1 magic tower can be researched, progress 0%): Enemies who die in death ripples will have a 20% chance of triggering new death ripples, with power equivalent to 1/3 of the total vitality of the deceased (this skill does not consume corpses) 】

As soon as he saw the skill in front of him, Gu Xi understood that it was a big killing move. The attack range and attack power were clearly written. With 10 points of mana, he could just cast a big move. Even a necromancer would do it correctly. choose.


  【Magic Arrow (learned by players and heroes): Consumes 2 mana points to shoot magic missiles at the enemy, causing damage without attributes. The power of the magic missiles is 24+intelligence*5 points of damage. 】

 Hands-on skills can be researched: scattering, element injection.

 【Scattering (can be researched by level 1 magic tower, progress 0%): With the same mana consumption, 3 magic missiles can be fired, and the power of each magic missile is not reduced. 】

 Elemental injection (can be researched in level 1 magic tower, progress 0%): You can inject an element into the magic missile to enhance the power and effect of the magic missile. 】

 Gu Xi fell in love with this magic at first sight. What kind of magic missile was this? To Gu Xi, it was a magic flying sword.

This is a kind of magic similar to bone spurs, but in terms of power and magnificence, it exceeds the level of bone spurs. As long as you learn this, Gu Xi can go out and pretend to be a normal mage.

 So you have to learn this too.

  【Fire Trap (Learned by players and heroes): Spend 8 mana points and place 8 fire traps on the battlefield. Each trap can cause 50+intelligence*10 damage. 】

 Hands-on skills can be researched: designated explosion, trap overlap.

 【Designated explosion (level 1 magic tower can be researched, progress 0%): When no enemy steps on the trap, the arranged flame trap will be detonated in advance. 】

【Trap Overlap (Level 1 Magic Tower can be researched, progress 0%): Place another trap at the existing trap location, and the explosion power can be superimposed. 】

  This is the best way to use it to trick someone on the battlefield, but it may not be of much use when actively attacking.

 But in a defensive battle, this is a big killer.

 You have to learn this too.

Thinking of this, the magic book floating around Gu Xi's waist floated into his hands. He planned to record the magic here in this magic book.

At this moment Anthony came over and said, "Sir, this magic book of yours looks like a lich's magic book."

“Oh, this is ripped from the Lich. The level of the magic written in this magic book can be +1 directly.”

“Then my lord, you have to do some research and record the magic in this magic book.”

 Anthony came over, looking like he wanted to study together.

This made Gu Xi react. It seemed that he needed to think about his combat system and methods.

 You can't copy everything from this magic book. There are only five positions in total. If you want to, you have to directly improve them in one step.

 (End of this chapter)

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