Breath of the Dead

Chapter 220: Learn dark knowledge (please subscribe)

Chapter 220 Learning Dark Knowledge (Please subscribe)

Putting down the thick-covered magic book, Gu Xi turned his eyes to the remaining four wooden doors, where the soldiers could learn spells.

  【Mana extraction (soldier learning): Before the battle begins, extract 3 mana points from the enemy. 】

 Hands-on skills can be researched: mana accumulation.

  【Mana accumulation (level 1 magic tower can be researched, progress 0%): The mana drained by soldiers can be retained, and finally turned into a magic potion that can replenish 100 points of mana for players to use. 】

  【Blood Loss Curse (soldier learning): Cursed enemies will automatically lose 3 points of life every second. 】

 Can research derivative skills: Curse Deepening.

 【Curse deepens (level 1 magic tower can be researched, progress is 0%): Cursed soldiers automatically deduct and double their life every second. 】

  【Slowness (soldier learning): Reduces the enemy's movement speed to only 50% of its original speed. 】

 A derivative skill that can be researched: overall slowness.

 【Comprehensive Slowness (Level 1 Magic Tower can be researched, progress 0%): Reduces the enemy's reaction speed and reduces the enemy's attack speed. 】

  【Illusion Technique (soldier learning): Release an illusion that is exactly like yourself next to you. The illusion cannot attack and has 1 life point, but it can perform the same actions as the main body. 】

 Hands-on skills can be researched: Multiple Illusions.

  【Multiple Illusions (level 1 magic tower can be researched, progress 0%): Release three phantoms around you to attract enemy firepower. 】

  After taking a look at the skills that the legal soldiers here could learn, he made a decision in his mind.

 No matter who comes, they will definitely choose mana extraction at the beginning.

In addition, Gu Xi also plans to develop the derivative skill of mana accumulation first.

This is a free blue bottle. Although it can only replenish 100 mana points at a time, the problem is that Gu Xi's death incarnation can be used as long as he has mana.

This is equivalent to Gu Xi carrying hundreds of them around him.

As for other spells, it depends on the situation. Those more expensive legal troops can learn an illusion spell to protect themselves.

If you are a Skeleton Mage, just use Slowness.

 As for the blood loss curse, it is for fighting BOSS.

 At that time, won’t the Skeleton Mage’s spells be more effective, and he must use the Blood Loss Curse?

“Anthony, do you need manpower to research derivative spells?”

“No need, the Magic Tower can do its own research now.”

 Anthony said confidently.

 “That’s right, study mana accumulation first, and then study scattering, death despair, and multiple illusions.”

 Gu Xi pointed out what he wanted one by one.

 Gu Xi has thought clearly about the three magics that players and heroes can learn. Death Ripple and Magic Arrow have higher priority, followed by Fire Trap.

As for passive skills, Dark Knowledge Gu Xi actually encountered it once. When he upgraded to level 2, he was given a choice of three including Dark Knowledge.

It’s just that Gu Xi chose Undead Dominance at that time, which is more suitable for the Necromancer skill.

 Now it has reappeared, and you can learn it for free, so Gu Xi will not miss it.

To know the curse line in Necromancer, it is equivalent to dark knowledge.

When they get to the end, they can even use an ability called You and the Curse of Hades, which will cause great damage to all non-undead creatures on the scene, and transform the lives damaged by this curse into new undead.

 This is almost equivalent to a weakened version of the Undead Scourge. Even if Gu Xi doesn’t take the curse series route, it’s reasonable to learn about it.

As for the three derivative skills of dark knowledge, Gu Xi doesn’t like them for the time being.

 After all, there are relatively few curses in his magic, so now he still has to focus on city construction and undead control.

So just know the dark knowledge and don’t deal with it in a hurry.

On the contrary, the effects of several other magic derivatives are quite good. If you start researching them now, there will be no loss at all.

 When Anthony heard that there was something to do, he didn't say anything and quickly arranged it.

At this time, Gu Xi opened the door of the room with gold rim.

After entering the small door of dark knowledge, Gu Xi saw darkness behind the door. Many books were floating in the darkness and would fly out from the darkness from time to time.

Standing at the door, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, but finally stepped in.

When Gu Xi stepped through the small door, the darkness behind it completely disappeared, and the place turned into an ordinary study room again. There was a desk, a crystal ball as a desk lamp, and a thick black leather wall. Book.

When Gu Xi sat down at the desk, a string of text suddenly popped up in front of him.

  【Read ten dark books, and the dark knowledge level can reach level 1. After mastering the dark knowledge, you can improve the dark knowledge level through reading and other means. 】

Looking at the pop-up message, Gu Xi took another look at the wall full of books, and he knew that this time he had made a lot of money.

 At the beginning, when he was in the Netherbone Wind Academy, he took classes and endorsed books. He spent a lot of effort to pile up the knowledge of the undead and magic.

As long as you read all the books here, the level of dark knowledge will rise as fast as if it were flying.

So without further delay, Gu Xi reached out and took out a thick black book. Before he even opened the book, he felt his fingers go numb, and a black breath spread from the book along his fingers. Enter Gu Xi's body.

 “Damn it! Why does this book come with a curse?”

Gu Xi turned his hand over, and mana was poured into his palm, forcing the black aura out.

 After that, he didn’t care about this and opened the thick black book and started reading.

 The book records all the basic knowledge of the dark series. When Gu Xi learned the knowledge of the undead before, he started learning from the basics in this way.

These are the most basic things, and Gu Xi quickly understood some of the information.

 Read the contents of this book.

However, Gu Xi also noticed that while he was reading, his skin began to undergo some changes.

This is the influence of magic books, so every thirty minutes of reading, Gu Xi must stand up and relax, and sit down to read again after five or six minutes.

 Otherwise, the reader will be swallowed up by the darkness and never be able to return from it.

These are the lessons learned with blood and tears in the Wind of Bones Academy.

 At the beginning, Gu Xi had a classmate who was brave and diligent in reading.

 I read the Book of the Dead for three days, hoping to improve my knowledge of the undead in one fell swoop.

As a result, one morning, Gu Xi and his classmates discovered that this man had turned into a zombie holding the Book of the Dead, and could only keep flipping the Book of the Dead in his hands.

That classmate is still chained to the big tree under the teaching building.

Gu Xi didn’t want to be like this, so even if he knew that time was tight, he had no intention of reading like crazy.

Every time he reads for a period of time, he will get up and relax, and sometimes he will even walk out of the room and go to other rooms.

 (End of this chapter)

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