Breath of the Dead

Chapter 221: Gu Xi who was forced to read fairy tales (please subscribe)

Chapter 221 Gu Xi was forced to read fairy tales (please subscribe)

In the library, Gu Xi was holding a fairy tale book and flipping through it unconsciously. Beside him was an angry Shaya.

At this time, Gu Xi had to lower his head, because his hands had turned pure black, and twisted eyes grew on the backs of his hands.

This is all the result of Gu Xi's over-reading in the magic tower.

If Sha Ya hadn't discovered that something was wrong with Gu Xi's situation and dragged him out forcefully, his situation might have been even worse.

However, this kind of over-reading is not without benefits for Gu Xi. Now his dark knowledge has reached level 3. At the same time, in order to reduce the impact of reading dark knowledge, he used his free time to study the other three magics. Finish.

 Now Gu Xi has mastered the three magics of Death Ripple, Magic Arrow and Fire Trap.

Because he took the time to study, Gu Xi only had a preliminary grasp of these three magics. He only reached level 1 and did not study them in depth.

But for Gu Xi, it is enough that he has learned these three magics. He can use them in subsequent battles. If he uses them a few more times, his level can be improved.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi was about to put down the fairy tale book in his hand, but Sha Ya who was standing by him pressed Gu Xi's hand and stared.


"I said Shaya, please let me go. I've read this book several times and I've almost memorized it."

"That won't work either. Before the vision in you disappears, you must stay here for me. Read quickly and don't lose your mind. Otherwise, I will make you read out the sound."

Facing Sha Ya’s momentum, Gu Xi could only accept it helplessly.

He lowered his head again and started to look through the fairy tale book in his hand that he had been looking at for an unknown amount of time. As he was looking through it, the abnormally changed parts of Gu Xi's hands slowly returned to normal.

Seeing that Gu Xi became more honest, Shaya relaxed a little. She was still standing next to Gu Xi, but her eyes were wandering around the library.

As soon as Shaya's eyes changed, Gu Xi secretly raised his head. As a result, before he could relax, Shaya pressed his head on the book.


"Really boring."

Gu Xi muttered something and then read carefully.

This time Gu Xi was not distracted anymore. He really read the fairy tale book in his hand back and forth, and the strange vision on his body slowly faded away. Now he only has a few fingertips with a little black, and the rest It's all back to normal.

At this time, Shaya saw that Gu Xi was recovering quickly, so she stopped pressing Gu Xi.

 Just watching Gu Xi from behind to prevent him from messing around.

At this moment, Luna floated into the library. As soon as Gu Xi saw her, she wanted to put down the fairy tale book.

 Unexpectedly, Shaya took a step forward and stood in front of Luna.

“Luna, wait a moment. Your Excellency will have to read for a few more minutes. Don’t leave any trouble when finishing.”

Luna glanced at Gu Xi's hands and took a step back.

Sha Ya then turned to look at Gu Xi. Gu Xi shrank his head and started reading again. He didn't want to care about the conflict between the two contracted undead under him at all.

 Gu Xi, who read carefully again, finally cleared away all the strange images on his body. He felt that his body was as relaxed as if it had been washed. Gu Xi sighed and stood up.

“Luna, do you have anything to eat? I’m almost starving. I need to add more books to the library next time. I feel uncomfortable reading fairy tale books like this all the time.”

"There is no librarian in the library, so you have to find a way to find books by yourself." Shaya complained at the side.

Facing Sha Ya’s complaints, Gu Xi was also a little helpless. Who told him to stop managing this magic library after he built it.

Although there is a reason why he is busy, there is also a reason why he does not pay attention to the library.

 But now it seems that the construction of the library cannot be stopped.

 After going out, we need to add some more books.

  If he doesn’t read these fairy tale books next time, he will really vomit.

At this time, Luna, who was blocked by Sha Ya, floated in again, carrying a roasted owl and a piece of food that Gu Xi was not sure about.

 “Is this new?”

 Gu Xi took the food and took a look and found that it was a roasted fruit. The shape of the fruit looked like an apple, but it was smaller than an apple. There was a dark red liquid flowing inside the cut fruit.

 The roasted fruit exudes a strange sweet aroma.

[Roasted blood fruit (white, food): Roasted blood fruit. Because the food comes from the blood garden of vampires, the fruit contains the smell of blood. There is no problem in eating it. After eating, you can increase your constitution by 1 point. Duration 2 hours. 】

Looking at the attributes in front of him, Gu Xi's eyes lit up. He had been tired for so long just now and needed to replenish his physical strength.

So Gu Xi grabbed half a piece of blood fruit and stuffed it into his mouth. As soon as he took a bite, Gu Xi felt a pungent sour taste burst out in his mouth.

At this time, Gu Xi almost vomited it out, and then Luna said slowly: "The wine lady said that the blood fruit is suitable for the taste of vampires, and ordinary people will feel sour after eating it."

"Is this sour? My mouth is numb."

“It’s better to be numb than to turn into a dark curse.”

Luna snorted heavily.

 Actually, she was also angry with Gu Xi, but she didn't show it like Shaya.

 “Okay, I get it, that’s enough this time, I won’t be so aggressive next time.”

 Gu Xi also knew that he had gone too far this time. He quickly found a topic and said: "How is the situation in the city? How is the progress of the construction project? How is the progress at the barracks?"

When it came to business, Luna put down some things and explained to Gu Xi.

"This time you spent a total of 31 hours reading and resting. Over in the magic plant area, an Eagle Eye Arrow Tower was completed. Over there in the Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery area, you said that the alchemy laboratory should be built first, so it's bloody. The alchemy laboratory has been completed.

 The energy lighthouse is currently being built, and the progress is about 50%, and it will take about seven hours to complete.

 The next thing is the Altar of Eternal Servitude, which is placed in the dock area, where there is also a medium-sized plot available.

As for the barracks, the team cleaning the sewers has been out three times, and the remaining two waves of teams are already halfway through their second expedition. All kinds of supplies have overflowed and are piled on the square in front of the barracks. "

“Overflowing? I just happened to go over and take a look. I’ve been reading this book for so long and my waist is about to break. I want to get up and move around.”

As he spoke, Gu Xi stood up, but when he was about to go out, Gu Xi also took away three special peas produced in the library this week.

 (End of this chapter)

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