Breath of the Dead

Chapter 222: Open the treasure chest in front of the barracks (68158)

Chapter 222: Open the treasure box in front of the barracks (68158)

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 【Dragon Breath Pea (green): After taking it, you can spit out a dragon's breath, causing 300+strength*5 damage to the enemy, lasting 20 seconds. 】

Rotten peas (green): After being buried in the soil, a large number of peas can quickly grow and fall to the ground to rot, forming a rotten area with a diameter of no less than five meters. 】

Assimilate peas (blue): peas that can be grafted onto other vines or roots and assimilate and control the vines or roots, absorb power and grow and mutate, and finally produce a pea treasure chest. 】

“Hey, there are also blue-quality peas, which is really interesting.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he put away the peas. The three peas last week played a big role in Gu Xi's hands.

Especially Peashooter and Babel Pea, one defeated the pirate ship, and the other became the cold wind staff in Gu Xi's hand.

It can be said that it has brought great convenience to Gu Xi.

 Although the attributes of these new peas are not very good, Gu Xi can always find a use for them.

  After putting away the peas, Gu Xi walked out of the library carrying the Cold Wind Staff.

 Looking back at the library, Gu Xi couldn't help but shudder.

 He must find more books and replace the fairy tale books inside.

Gu Xi would really not be able to bear it if he didn't read these fairy tale books again and again.

 It would be okay if they were just normal fairy tales. The fairy tale books he bought from Victoria City only had one short story each, and the stories were also weird and twisted. Gu Xi wanted to throw away these books after reading them again.

 As a result, in order to deal with the mutation in his body, he read ten books over and over again more than ten times.

Now Gu Xi feels scared when he sees these fairy tale books.

 He stopped looking at the library, turned over and climbed onto the evil coffin.

 “Go to the barracks.”

After Xie Coffin waited for Gu Xi to sit firmly, he quickly set off. When Gu Xi noticed that Xie Coffin was moving, he seemed to be very familiar with the nearby streets and alleys. He could find the most suitable and shortest route without Gu Xi's orders and instructions. distance route.

 In less than two minutes, Xie Coffin sent Gu Xi to the barracks.

 At this time, boxes of various sizes were piled up in front of the barracks.

 The top few boxes are the most conspicuous.

When Gu Xi came over this time, Fu Gu did not come out to greet him, or even introduce the situation at hand.

 Gu Xi jumped off the evil coffin and walked to these boxes. Some information quickly popped up in front of him.

  【Get supply box*717】

  【Get the body box*221】

 【Get expedition treasure chest (white)*2】

 【Get expedition treasure chest (green)*1】

[Supply box: a wooden box containing supplies, which contains gold coins (partly), energy of different properties (partly), ordinary supplies (wood, stone and metal, a small amount), rare supplies (mercury, gems, crystals, sulfur, extremely few)】

  【Corpse box: a wooden box containing corpses, which contains corpses of different levels. 】

                                         ulation:The treasure chest obtained after the expedition mission contains the harvest from this expedition. Please open all the chests now. 】

 “Turn it on!”

With Gu Xi’s order, all the boxes disappeared, and all kinds of messy things were piled up in front of the barracks.

  【Get 417 gold coins. 】

  【Get 719 points of negative energy. 】

  【Obtain 33 units of wood. 】

  【Obtain 41 units of stone. 】

  【Get 28 units of metal. 】

  【Get 5 units of mercury. 】

  【Get 5 units of gems. 】

  【Get 8 units of crystal. ]     【Obtain 4 units of sulfur. 】

  【Obtained 47 level 1 corpses. 】

  【Obtained 36 level 2 corpses. 】

  【Get 55 level 3 corpses. 】

  【Get 56 level 4 corpses. 】

  【Obtain 20 level 5 corpses. 】

  【Obtained 7 corpses of bosses and warriors. 】

 【Get rat head totem (green)*1】

  [Rat Head Totem (green): Expedition equipment. When equipped by expedition troops, it can have its own plague effect. 】

 【Get a strange ammunition cart (white)*1】

[Weird Ammunition Truck (White): Player or hero equipment. After equipping it, you can bring a strange ammunition truck on the battlefield. The ammunition truck will not be attacked. Within the scope of the ammunition truck, all remote troops will not be affected by the amount of ammunition. limit. 】

  【Get scare trap (white)*1】

  【Scare Trap (White): Place items in front of the door or in a more important position. The trap will automatically scare all passers-by and scare them away. 】

As these messages popped up, Gu Xi saw a hanging skeleton standing in front of him.

 When he looked at the skeleton, the skeleton even smiled at him.

With just such a smile, Gu Xi felt a sense of fear in his heart and wanted to turn around and leave immediately.

This situation made Gu Xi understand that the skeleton standing in front of him was obviously a scare trap.

But the effect of this thing doesn’t seem to be very good.

While Gu Xi was still checking the scare trap, Luna had already arranged for people to come over and transport all these supplies to the warehouse.

At the same time, Luna also said to Gu Xi: "Sir, another warehouse needs to be built here in the main city. We can't keep transporting things to the dock warehouse."

As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he immediately thought of one thing.

“Luna, is it true that as long as one core building is built, we can find a place to build another similar building in the city?”

 What Gu Xi was thinking about was Warehouse No. 9. Judging from the numbering, there were at least nine warehouses in Sanxian Garden.

There is no reason why Aridovi City can't have multiple warehouses.

“That’s the truth, and we also have the materials, but the land we occupy is insufficient. If we build more core buildings, we must occupy a large land. At the same time, there will be no staff to manage the additional core buildings.

 Just these two points are not suitable for a new city like ours.

 Unless we can get one or two more large plots. "

 Gu Xi also knew that land was the biggest problem in urban upgrading.

 It's just that the land in his territory has not yet been used, and the direction of construction has been decided. There is not enough space for large and medium-sized buildings.

 It is impossible to free up a large plot of land to build a warehouse.

 As for the next core building, it cannot be a warehouse.

Gu Xi has been thinking about the blacksmith shop for a long time. For others, the blacksmith shop may be a place where iron is forged to make weapons.

 But for people like Gu Xi who had a city, the blacksmith shop was a place used to build war machinery, such as ballistas, catapults, and ammunition carts.

For this purpose, Gu Xike specially studied war mechanics.

 As a result, the only war machine Gu Xi could take advantage of now was the strange ammunition truck he had just acquired.

This makes Gu Xi think about it, so the next core building must be the blacksmith shop.

 So regarding the warehouse, Gu Xi can only temporarily look at the loading volume at the dock warehouse.

 (End of this chapter)

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