Breath of the Dead

Chapter 226: Gu Xi’s battle flag (70158)

Chapter 226 Gu Xi’s Battle Flag (70158)

 The update is a little late, please forgive me, today’s update is in place!


"Comrade, do you have any requirements for patterns? As a necromancer, I personally recommend skull and rose. This is a very classic necromancer combination. In addition, if you major in spiritualism, the arm extending from the ground is also more suitable. pattern."

 “Isn’t there any current painting?”

“Of course, they are all real paintings, but the direction needs to be chosen.

  This is the first time for Comrades to make a battle flag, and there is no previous background battle flag.

 So I need to ask you in advance what direction you want to set so that I can draw easily.

  After all, even if it is a ceiling painting for teaching, it must have a theme, right? "

At this point, the old tailor added: "So comrades, let's see, what kind of idea do you choose? I think..."

“Don’t think so. I control the city of death among the three divine skills. Is there any way to represent the city of death?”

The old tailor was interrupted and felt a little helpless, but he still had to say: "Yes, the most classic idea of ​​​​a death city is to draw a castle in the middle of the battle flag, and there is a city gate stacked with skulls.

A long shot and a close shot, these two are the most classic. At a glance, people know that the owner of the battle flag has mastered the magical skill of the death city. "

 “What about the magical skill of Death Incarnation?”

 Gu Xi asked again.

"The incarnation of death depends on what the incarnation looks like. If it is a bone dragon, you can draw a bone dragon on the battle flag. If it is the God of Death, you can draw a sickle. Some people also draw black and white impermanence."

This time the old tailor became honest. Before, he only wanted to make the first order for free and do it casually. Anyway, he was a newcomer who came to make the battle flag, so he didn't have that many ideas at all.

If they want to draw some thoughtful patterns, he can also argue that new players, who have not reached this level, cannot add random things to the battle flag.

 But Gu Xi suddenly used two of his three magical skills, which left the old tailor speechless.

He can't say that Gu Xi can't use these three magical skills to design the battle flag. If he really says that, he will definitely be sprayed to death.

 So at this time, the old tailor showed his skills quite honestly and explained several of his design directions to Gu Xi.

"Comrade, if these two magical skills are combined to make a battle flag pattern, which of the two designs would you like? One is the bone dragon circling the distant view of the castle, and the other is the pattern of the city gate. The bone The dragon poked his head down from the city gate."

As he spoke, the old tailor also drew the general pattern on the battle flag.

 Gu Xi compared them carefully, while also thinking about his own thoughts.

Both battle flag designs have good aspects, but there are also aspects that he doesn't like.

The castle in the distant view looks like Sleeping Beauty Castle, and the dragon incarnated by death is too small.

In the close shot, there is only one head of the Bone Dragon, and there is only one door in the Death City. Instead, the stacked skeletons in front of the door are more conspicuous.

 In addition, the pattern occupies a relatively large space, blocking the background color that Gu Xi had chosen.

So Gu Xi was not satisfied with these two ways of expression. Even if the old tailor said that this was just the design direction and needed to be adjusted later, Gu Xi would not agree.

  After all, the direction is wrong, and there is no point in adjusting it.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Xi asked, "Can I give you some advice and you do the painting?"

 “Of course.” The old tailor said quite directly.

"In that case, let's draw the castle first. Wait, Chaoyang Guild has special colors. Do the three divine skills of death have special colors?" Gu Xi suddenly thought of a question at this time.

The old tailor hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Yes, the exclusive color of the city of death is night black, and the exclusive color of the incarnation of death is this pale white."

Gu Xi started to think deeply at this time. Various different plans flashed through his mind, but none of them were very satisfactory.

 Sometimes he even thought about letting the old tailor go in a few more directions, and just forget about it if there was no big problem. But as soon as this thought came up, Gu Xi felt a little unwilling.

This is Gu Xi's battle flag, and he doesn't want to do it casually.

Looking at Gu Xi's expression, the old tailor also had a smile on his face.

It seems that Gu Xi has fallen into confusion, and now is a good opportunity for him to take action against Gu Xi.

The old tailor said slowly: "Comrade, I see..."

Before he could finish his words, he was directly interrupted by Gu Xi, "I told you to paint."

 “Huh?!” The old tailor did not expect Gu Xi to be so decisive.

He wanted to say something else, but Gu Xi said directly.

 “Ah what, just paint as I say.”

The old tailor just picked up the pen, and Gu Xi said directly: "Take the night black and let me see the contrast effect."

In desperation, the old tailor could only use Night Black. Compared with pure black, this kind of black has an obvious layering effect. It feels like the difference between a mobile phone and a SLR.

This kind of black looks more comfortable than the pure black before. Gu Xi pointed to the sunset-red flag and said, "Help me draw a bone dragon here."

When the old tailor heard this, he pointed his paintbrush at a point on the flag, and a bone dragon appeared on the flag.

At this time, Gu Xi began to adjust the angle of the bone dragon, freely enlarging or reducing the size of the bone dragon, and finally a black bone dragon occupying half of the flag was drawn.

This bone dragon spreads its wings and flies up vertically. Its movements are like those of a two-headed eagle, except that it is not holding anything in its talons.

At the chest of the bone dragon, you can not see the ribs in the color of the flag behind, but a pale white city gate pattern.

 There were no skulls or anything like that painted under the city gate as the old tailor said.

That means nothing to Gu Xi. You are already a bone dragon. Is there anyone who doesn’t know that you are a necromancer?

So Gu Xi simply didn’t add anything.

However, Gu Xi did not forget his own achievements. The chief's logo, as well as the Undead Natural Disaster Ritual Badge, were all requested by Gu Xi to be added to the battle flag, and he requested that it not affect the overall picture.

 The old tailor was speechless about this situation. He never thought that Gu Xi, who had no battle flag, could come up with so much material.

 This time he made a huge loss by designing a battle flag for Gu Xi.

However, he still completed the final design honestly. He drew a circle on the edge of the bone dragon with its wings spread out, and drew two victory symbols inside the circle.

 After completing the design of the battle flag, the old tailor waved the painted battle flag, and three prepared battle flags appeared in his hand.

“Take it. After the battle flags are designed, we will give you a total of three battle flags. If there are not enough, you can make them yourself, or you can buy them here. The price for sale here is 10 yuan each.

In addition, if you want to adjust the battle flag again, it will be 200 yuan per time next time. "

After saying this, the old tailor said helplessly: "All patterns and colors are open!"

 (End of this chapter)

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