Breath of the Dead

Chapter 227: Open the copy (71158)

Chapter 227 Open the copy (71158)

Hold the three war flags, Gu Xi walked out of the war flag design room, and he casually draped a war flag on the evil coffin.

 After all, the evil coffin, which is as smooth as a mirror, needs a cool cushion.

The other flag was sent back to Aridovi by Gu Xi. This battle flag will be hung on the ghost flagpole on top of the city gate.

 The last piece of Gu Xi will be carried with him. After all, there is no telling when there will be an opportunity to need a battle flag.

After leaving the War Flag Design Room, Gu Xi headed towards the big square. This time, Gu Xi was going to the other end of the big square, which is where the players entered the dungeon.

  Different from the portal into the game world, the area where you enter the dungeon is obviously more lively.

As soon as he entered the area in front of him, Gu Xi heard noisy sounds.

“Zombie siege, here comes a poisonous necromancer.”

“Black Tower Hell, elite mode, chopper team, death knights above level 5.”

 “The group has started, the group has started, the 20-person group Raiden Tenno Temple is the first progress this week, anyone who wants to get on board is here!”

“Level 7 Necromancer, natural magic power, Sandro’s standard equipment, please form a group!”

“Private copy, four people and a sponsor, quickly brush 3,000 yuan at a time, the output is all inclusive, the sponsor is here!”


Looking at the lively scene, Gu Xi also had a curious look in his eyes.

 He has never seen such a lively scene.

However, Gu Xi did not forget what he was here for. He walked up to the area administrator.

 “Hello, private copy application is open.”

 The person who manages this place is a necromancer of about level 7. He is wearing a yellow robe and has a yellow talisman between his eyebrows.

As Gu Xi spoke, he raised his head and said, "Take out the copy crystal and let me take a look."

 Gu Xi held the copy crystal in his hand.

When the necromancer saw him, he said, "A dungeon of level 5 to 10, what are you going to do now? Are you going to die?"

 “Go in and find a way.”

“No, you can’t get in. The level limit is from level 5 to 10. You are only at level 4 now. You should honestly activate your talents and get to level 5 before entering...”

 Before he finished speaking, Gu Xi put 100 yuan on the table.

“Well, it’s not impossible to enter in advance, but level 5 dungeons and dungeons below level 4 are completely different concepts. Level 5 dungeons are quite dangerous.”

As the Necromancer spoke, he signed his name on a piece of paper.

 After confirming again and again that Gu Xi knew the dangers of level 5 dungeons, he pushed the note forward.

“Have you seen the black portal over there? Just ask the gatekeeper to help you increase the activation energy by 23%. That’s it. Remember your own safety and don’t die in the dungeon.”

 Taking the note, Gu Xi said: "Thank you very much!"

Looking at Gu Xi's back as he left, the necromancer shook his head, "Today's young people are so frivolous that they dare to attack high-level dungeons when they are only level 4, and they don't know how to die. "

 Gu Xi didn’t care about the necromancer’s sigh.

After getting the note, Gu Xi came to the black portal as the necromancer said.

Here a black suture monster was standing in front of the door. When Gu Xi came over, he slowly said: "This is where the intermediate and high-level private dungeon is opened. Did you go to the wrong place?"

"No, this is the private copy I want to open. This is the entry agreement. The necromancer over there said that you should increase the activation energy by 23%."

"Energy increased by 23%? In this way, people can enter without being restricted by the level of the dungeon, but only one person can enter at a time, and they can no longer enter in the form of a team. Even the undead minions cannot be brought with them when entering, and they can only enter the dungeon. On-site soul summoning. Are you going to die as a Level 4 person?"

Hearing this, Gu Xi turned his head and glanced at Sha Ya.

Without saying a word, Shaya retreated behind Gu Xi with the vampire knight.

 A city gate phantom appeared, sending Shaya back to Alidovi City.

 Seeing the shadow of the city gate behind Gu Xi, the Stitch Monster understood Gu Xi's confidence.

 It turns out that if you have mastered the Death City skill, then there will be no problem.

 Three magical skills can be used anywhere. With the Death City, the dungeon battle can be turned into an offensive and defensive battle.

There is nothing more to say about this.

 Just send people in directly.

So the Stitch Monster turned the switch in front of the portal, and a platform rose from the ground.

"Put the dungeon crystal up. I've adjusted the energy. When the crystal glows, you can go in by yourself."

 After saying this, Suture Monster kept turning the handle near the platform, and lightning bolts fell on the dungeon crystal.

Gu Xi stood near the platform holding the Cold Wind Staff, staring at the dungeon crystal struck by lightning.

When the dungeon crystal completely lit up, Gu Xi quickly took a step forward and stepped directly into the light of the dungeon crystal.

  【Player 629SHD2S0FXC30, you are entering the dungeon: the Westminster Abbey event portal range. This range is level 5 to 10. Would you like to enter the dungeon? 】

Looking at the message that popped up in front of him, Gu Xi said decisively: "Enter!"

  【It was found that the activation energy has changed, and the conditions for entering the dungeon: Westminster Abbey Major Event have changed. The level of the dungeon remains unchanged, the entry range is not limited, and only one person is allowed to enter. 】

 【Copy: Big Event in Westminster Abbey (Level Required: Level 5-10)】

 【Dungeon missions: external 3 (0/3), internal 5 (0/5), exclusive mission 2 (0/2)】

 【Dungeon BOSS: Five (0/5)】

 【Dungeon rewards: purple equipment (1 piece must be produced), blue equipment (5 pieces must be produced), green equipment is random】

 As the information popped up in front of him, Gu Xi's eyes flashed.

Then the scene he saw when he came out of Westminster Abbey appeared before him again.

The huge apple tree that enveloped Westminster Abbey, the corpse hanging on the apple tree, the human troops who stepped into the dangerous area without hesitation, and Anna who led the troops to charge.

 Everything is as it was when Gu Xi left.

 It is as if time has not been affected in any way.

However, the screen finally scanned a few points.

 In front of the gate of Westminster Abbey, under the apple tree, inside Westminster Abbey, in the cemetery behind, and under the ground of Westminster Abbey.

 Gu Xi guessed that these five places should be the locations of the five BOSSs, but no matter how hard Gu Xi tried, he could not see clearly what the five BOSSs looked like.

Just when Gu Xi wanted to see more details of Westminster Abbey, the picture was suddenly interrupted.

 Gu Xi found that he was already standing at the No. 19 bus stop outside Westminster Abbey.

 Outside him were groups of formal soldiers equipped with weapons. With the appearance of Gu Xi, the adhesion reacted immediately.

 (End of this chapter)

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