Breath of the Dead

Chapter 229: The hope of entering Victoria City (please subscribe)

Chapter 229 The hope of entering Victoria City (please subscribe)

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Looking at the exit information at the No. 19 bus stop in front of him, Gu Xi did not exit the dungeon directly. A city gate quickly appeared behind him.

Shaya, who had been waiting behind the city gate, quickly came out with the vampire knight troops.

 At the sudden appearance of the vampire knight, the nearby soldiers glanced this way.

 After discovering that these vampires were submissive under Gu Xi's control, they did not come over to inquire about the situation.

 They have all heard just now that Gu Xi is a necromancer and can summon some undead. This is a normal behavior.

But they didn't expect that Gu Xi did not immediately deal with the task he just received, but glanced at Sha Ya.

Shaya quickly took the vampire knight into the No. 19 bus stop.

Gu Xi stood in front of the bus stop and waited.

Although Gu Xi's behavior at this time seemed a bit inexplicable, most of the soldiers did not come to check on Gu Xi.

From their point of view, Gu Xi can directly open a city gate and bring in a group of undead. Maybe sending people out is also a way for Gu Xi to call in other undead.

About twenty minutes later, Shaya walked in alone from the No. 19 bus stop.

"How about it?"

“You can enter, but the time is different from the time of the copy.”

Gu Xi had already guessed about this situation. He had withdrawn from Victoria City for so long, and less than a day had passed in the dungeon. This meant that when the dungeon generated the dungeon crystal, it was no longer on the same line as Victoria City.

 This is normal because the time points are different. He is more concerned about the current situation in Victoria City.

“Victoria City is almost burning now.”

"You lead the troops over and protect our small building. Don't worry about anything else. The small building must be occupied. That is our territory. Even if Victoria City is burned to ashes, we must occupy this place for me."

 Gu Xi knew very well what he needed now. The first goal of his visit to the dungeon this time was to explore the situation of the dungeon, and the second was to open up the connection with Victoria City.

 “Yes, but sir, there is one thing I want to explain clearly.”

"you say."

Seeing Sha Ya's troubled look, Gu Xi said encouragingly.

“I can lead the team out of the dungeon and enter Victoria City, and I can also return to the dungeon from Victoria City, but the undead I brought out of the dungeon cannot return to the dungeon.”

As soon as he heard this, Gu Xi understood the meaning of Sha Ya's words.

 The undead she took away will not be able to give Gu Xi enough help in the next dungeon battle.

"It's okay. I won't force myself to clear the dungeon this time. Just use as few troops as possible. Victoria City is the most critical right now."

Gu Xi said decisively: "Now we have to calculate the available troops, Shaya. We may not be able to give you a lot of troops this time, but your mission in Victoria City is quite heavy."

“Don’t worry, sir, I will take care of everything in Victoria City.”

Shaya patted her chest and said.

 “Okay, I’ll contact Luna to count the available troops.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he opened the gate of the city of death.

 At this time, Luna drove out of the city gate with 100 ghosts and 50 withered ones.

Seeing Gu Xi starting to recruit troops, the soldiers who were paying attention to the situation also nodded in approval. It seems that Gu Xi really came to help the eldest princess. These batches of troops are all comrades-in-arms.

 At this time, Gu Xi began to explain the situation in Victoria City to Luna.

 At the same time, he also asked Luna how many troops could be mobilized in the city.

 Luna quickly gave a certain answer to Gu Xi's question.

"We can mobilize three thousand undead now. If there are more, the magic plant area and the barracks will be affected."

  When Luna said this, Gu Xi thought of the empty look in Alidovi during the last undead natural disaster ritual battle.

At the same time, I also think of the evil wood lake that is currently being activated.

If all the troops are really withdrawn, the city of Alidovi will not be safe either.

 Luna can mobilize three thousand troops, which is already the limit that Alidovi City can mobilize now.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi glanced at Sha Ya.

Shaya immediately said: "There can't be so many people hidden in the small building. I need elites. The number of people is about three hundred."

"Five hundred people. You choose the troops. You can't place them elsewhere in Victoria City. First ensure your safety and then consider other things. After all, except for the copy, we don't know when Victoria can be contacted."

 If you don’t have any troops, I’m afraid you won’t be able to sustain the situation. "

Shaya also knew the situation in Victoria City. She was not pretentious and started to mobilize troops on the spot.

“Then let’s bring 500 soldiers. The 9 vampires I brought out just now will be followed by 50 ghosts. Their characteristics can be used in many places.

 Zombies need to be defensive. There will definitely be an offensive and defensive battle later, and the defense must be sufficient. Let’s start with 100 zombies.

There are two hundred skeleton spearmen. I have heard about their fighting methods. In large-scale battles, they are the most powerful.

 In addition, I want ten Blighters, and I need health-replenishing troops.

 Add 30 skeleton mages and 20 corpse flies. With them, safety can be ensured whether fighting on the ground, entering the sewer, or other places.

 Just add ordinary undead to the rest, and ordinary skeleton soldiers can be used. "

Upon hearing this, Gu Xi knew that Shaya had really planned to bring about 300 elite people there from the beginning.

 Gu Xi forced her to have 500 soldiers before she considered other troops.

"Okay, I will give priority to those who have fought in this army, Luna."

Luna understood what Gu Xi meant as soon as she heard it, and quickly entered the city of Aridovi through the city gate.

 At the same time, Gu Xi also gave Sha Ya his final instructions.

“Shaya, please bring an owl over later. If there is any news, we will contact you through the owl. If the owl cannot contact us, then we will give priority to preserving our own life.

 Then we will preserve the connection between Aridovi City and Victoria City, which is our small building.

 If possible, take this opportunity to grab some land, even if it is burned land. "

Shaya understood the priorities as soon as she heard this. She nodded affirmatively, indicating that she would not mess around.

"By the way, when you are in Victoria City, see if there are any missions related to the Westminster Abbey incident. I'm afraid you can only accept the three external missions in Victoria City. I can't go there now. , this matter will be left to you.”

 “Don’t worry, sir!”

At this moment, Luna also came out of Alidovi City with the selected undead troops, and she also brought a large amount of supplies in the hands of all the undead.

 (End of this chapter)

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