Breath of the Dead

Chapter 230: Explore a copy (72159)

 Chapter 230 Exploration Copy (72159)

 The average order is 1593. Seeing the average order increase every day, I feel much better. Please give me your support!


“Ignore the vampire just now, there are five hundred soldiers here, plus a skeleton leader and a zombie leader, which can provide the undead soldiers with supplies for ten days.

 Shaya, be careful. "

Handing the troops that had just come out of Aridovi City into the hands of Shaya, Gu Xi gave Shaya one last word.

 “Don’t worry, sir, I will take care of everything.”

Sha Ya confidently said to Gu Xi, then turned around and entered the No. 19 bus station with five hundred undead soldiers.

 Looking at Gu Xi recruiting a large number of troops and then sending them all away, the nearby soldiers were also very surprised.

 They didn’t quite understand what Gu Xi wanted to do.

At this time, Gu Xi stood up straight with the cold wind staff, and undead troops began to walk out of the city gate one after another.

Because the open space in front of the No. 19 station was not big, Gu Xi did not release a large number of taxi queens. He only mobilized 500 skeleton spearmen, 200 skeleton two-handed swordsmen from the Bone-cutting Battalion, and 200 zombie axes. shield.

In addition, there are 50 ghosts and 15 gargoyles hovering in the sky, and 30 freshly baked skeleton mages are following Gu Xi.

 All the remaining troops are staying in the city of Aridovi, waiting for Gu Xi's order.

 At the same time, Luna had made it clear to Fugu when she came out. When encountering a battle in Alidovi City, the gathered troops could be called upon, but the number called could not exceed half of the troops.

 After all, Gu Xi could mobilize troops to attack at any time.

Seeing another batch of new undead come out from behind the gate, the soldiers guarding here were numb. They were looking at Gu Xi speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

 They never thought that there was such a necromancer in Victoria City.

 Gu Xi did not communicate with these soldiers. After all the undead were standing, Gu Xi glanced at the person in the direction of Westminster Abbey and then looked away.

 “The alley over the target, let’s go!”

Under Gu Xi's order, the undead army walked out of the defense line of ordinary soldiers in neat steps and began to enter the streets and alleys outside Westminster Abbey.

 These streets and alleys are still in the same situation as when the Westminster Abbey incident broke out.

 There were blood stains all over the ground, and traces of destruction were still left as roots burrowed out of the ground.

 Some houses have even collapsed and no one paid attention to them.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Gu Xi said with a cold face, "Luna!"

Luna understood what Gu Xi meant as soon as she heard it. When Gu Xi released the gate of Alidovi City, she began to mobilize the skeletons that had survived the avalanche and had not reached level 3 from inside.

As soon as these skeletons came out, they quickly headed towards the collapsed house and began to rummage for useful things.

Gu Xi led the undead troops and began to march around, looking for the black apple blossoms.

In Gu Xi's mind, there are so many streets and alleys near Westminster Abbey. If one place doesn't work, then find another place. It is impossible for all places to be cleaned, and there will always be some missing places. .

As for spending time searching, Gu Xi didn't care at all. Anyway, it was his first time to explore the dungeon, and Gu Xi had no intention of beating the BOSS. Instead, pathfinding became Gu Xi's first choice.

 It doesn’t matter if you spend a little more time, Gu Xi has plenty of time.

With this thought in mind, Gu Xi really managed to sweep across the streets.

The main force of the undead troops lined up neatly and strode forward. After making sure that there was no danger, the cannon fodder skeletons began to carry things, and Gu Xi led the troops to move to the next street. This progress was very fast, and in a short while, Gu Xi had cleared about ten streets nearby.

 I picked up a lot of gray garbage, but there was nothing really useful.

All the people affected by the tree roots and vines were dragged back to the apple tree and hung on the tree. Not even a body was found on the ground.

 Faced with this situation, Gu Xi was not so anxious and led his troops into the next street as before.

 But just as he entered the street, a white light suddenly hit him.

Gu Xi raised his hand, and a magic arrow flew out.

When this magical arrow first flew out, it looked like a blue ball of light, but after flying about one meter, it turned into a long blue sword. When it flew to the third meter, Frost has appeared on the long sword, and it looks like a flying frost sword.

After flying out, the magic arrow hit the white light head-on immediately.

With a bang, white light and magic arrows exploded in the air.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the skeleton swordsmen of the Bone-cutting Battalion rushed out and headed in the direction of the white light.

At this time, Gu Xi, who was kneeling on the evil coffin, also saw the direction of the white light. A paladin wearing red silk thread was holding up a two-handed heavy sword.

This paladin's face has been distorted out of shape, with veins exploding around his eyes, and the blood vessels seem to be about to explode.

 When he looked at Gu Xi, he opened his mouth wide and kept shouting something, but he couldn't make any sound.

Gu Xi could tell that he seemed to be asking Gu Xi to kill him.

Gu Xi didn't think much, pointed at the Holy Knight's Cold Wind Staff and shook it again.

 “Magic Arrow!”

 Under Gu Xi's spell, three magic arrows flew out.

As Gu Xi attacked, the paladin raised his two-handed heavy sword again.

However, there was an expression of resistance on his face, and he gritted his teeth and tried to push down his arm.

 As soon as he tried so hard, the magic arrow hit him.

 The power of ice froze his muscles, and at the same time, the damage effect of the magic arrow knocked him back several steps.

At this time, the skeleton two-handed swordsmen of the Bone-cutting Battalion rushed in front of the Paladin. They raised their swords and slashed hard at the Paladin.

Looking at the long sword that was slashed at him, the paladin not only did not dodge, but a look of relief flashed in his eyes. He stretched his head outwards, exposing his neck, and quite simply exposed his vitals to the skeleton. In front of the two-handed swordsman.

The skeleton two-handed swordsman had no idea what kind of situation he was encountering.

 He just instinctively kills the enemy when encountering him.

However, the paladin couldn't stand it and wanted to die. After the sword was cut, the paladin's head was cut off.

 When the head fell to the ground, the paladin also showed a smile on his face.

  【The Skeleton Two-Handed Swordsman (summon) kills the possessed Paladin (level 6), you get 1 experience point (overflow seals 1 point), and the summons gets 213 experience points. 】

  【The Skeleton Two-Handed Swordsman (summoned object) is grateful to the Paladin, promoted to a warrior, and masters the skill Holy Light Slash! 】

[Skeleton Two-Handed Sword Warrior (Level 5, Summoned): Experience (33/2500) Attack 9, Defense 7, Life 35, Skills: Combat Elite, Kill, Charge First, Holy Light Slash. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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