Breath of the Dead

Chapter 231: Hidden map (73159)

Chapter 231 Hidden Map (73159)

 A skeleton learned Holy Light Slash?

 What is happening to this world?

However, Gu Xi got used to this situation immediately. In Chaoyang Guild, Gu Xi saw many necromancers and death knights who played with light spells or skills.

Now it seems that there is a skeleton who has learned Holy Light Slash, but this is actually nothing.

 Gu Xi was actually a little curious about the situation of this paladin.


 Under Gu Xi’s order, all the undead troops rushed out towards this street.

This time Gu Xi’s exploration finally paid off.

On this street, Gu Xi found more than ten corpses of Paladins who died in battle, as well as three cut vines.

On the top of one of the vines, the black apple blossoms have not been scattered.

Looking at the way these paladins held their vines until they died in battle, Gu Xi sighed.

“Bring a few skeletons and take the corpses of these Paladins to the No. 19 bus stop.”

After hearing Gu Xi's order, Luna did not persuade him to say anything. Even if each of these corpses had exceeded level 6 during their lifetime, and even if these corpses could be used to create stronger and better undead, she did not stop Gu Xi's idea. .

 After sending away the body of the paladin, Gu Xi walked to the three vines.

 Hand out his hand to pull up the vine with black apple blossoms, Gu Xi heard a message in his ear.

  【You get 1 black apple blossom, and the task progress changes (1/20). 】

However, Gu Xi's attention was not focused on this. When he pulled up the vine, Gu Xi noticed that there was dried green liquid on the cut end of the vine.

Following the traces left by the liquid, Gu Xi could see where the vines popped out of the ground.

There are three potholes in total on this street, which shows that there were only three vines attacking this street in the first place.

If all three vines were cut down by the Paladin, then what possessed the Paladin just now and why did the other Paladins die?

 An idea appeared in Gu Xi's mind.

Before Gu Xi could think this through clearly, Luna floated over.

 “My lord, everything has been cleaned up.”

 Gu Xi was about to give an order to go to the next block, but just as he was giving the order, Gu Xi's eyes fell on the hole drilled by the vines.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Luna, call the ghost and corpse fly over and look down these three potholes."

After receiving Gu Xi’s order, Luna quickly returned to Alidovi City without asking why, and began to mobilize the troops Gu Xi needed.

Ghost Gu Xi still has many men, but the number of corpse flies is obviously not many anymore.

  In the previous expedition to the sewers, a lot of corpse flies were taken away, and then another batch was distributed to Shaya.

  There are actually not many corpse flies left in Alidovi City that can be used.

 Gu Xi has no source of corpse flies. These things really only kill a group of them.

 But now is not the time to think about this at all. After releasing the corpse flies and ghosts, they took the initiative to enter the pit.

Gu Xi stood on top of a pothole and waited. After a while, several ghosts flew up from under the pothole. They pointed at Luna and said something.

 Unlike Gu Xi, as a ghost, Luna can talk directly with ghosts.

After listening, she turned to Gu Xi and said, "Sir, they found another section of the vine roots below." Hearing this, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

 “Go down and have a look.”

After saying this, Gu Xi jumped down into the pit, and then Gu Xi's soldiers quickly jumped in, almost filling the pit.

 Fortunately, Luna realized something was wrong immediately and asked the undead who wanted to jump down from behind to divide their forces. The slow-moving zombies guarded outside the pit, and the skeleton spearmen who needed to cooperate in the battle simply did not come down.

The ones who came down were the skeleton two-handed swordsmen and skeleton mages from the Bone-cutting Battalion.

These undead were divided into three pits and moved forward at the same time, and Gu Xi had already led Luna to the front.

The pothole is not very high from the ground, and is located about three meters underground.

After entering the passage from the pit, Gu Xi reached out and touched the soil in the pit, and then said with disdain, "The smell of blood is disgusting."

Then Gu Xi pressed his arm heavily on the edge of the hole, and the traces of manual excavation appeared in front of Gu Xi.

Without looking too far, you can see that the vine roots from the apple tree were led here.

In order to accurately attack every street outside Westminster Abbey, they even deployed at least one node in every street and alley.

 And use blood mixed with special energy to attract the roots of the apple tree.

Finally, the cultists on the ground activated the ritual, angered the tree roots and vines, and used pedestrians on the nearby street as sacrifices to induce the apple tree to mutate.

 And what they did was quite successful. Judging from the apple tree that covered half of Westminster Abbey with its shade, this operation was quite perfect.

They have even calculated their final retreat. As the apple tree mutates, the retracted apple tree roots will destroy the passage that guides the roots underground.

Even if someone found that the apple tree roots popped out of the ground, they would not be able to follow the passage to find the location of the apple tree roots.

All they could find was a collapsed tunnel. If they wanted to dig out along the tunnel, it would be better to fight directly in front of Westminster Abbey Square.

 But the cultists never expected that they would encounter an unexpected situation.

A dozen paladins gathered on this street. They risked their lives and cut off the roots of the apple tree.

 The severely injured apple tree root did not return to its original position, but got stuck in the tunnel.

 Let these three tunnels become tunnels that have not collapsed.

The reason why Gu Xi was so sure of all this was because when he walked through the three tunnels, a message popped up in front of him.

  【Discover the hidden map of the dungeon, the underground mausoleum, please find the core location of the underground mausoleum, the Crown of the Holy Tree, within twelve hours! 】

  【Note: This is the first time that the hidden map in the dungeon has been discovered. If the exploration mission is not completed within twelve hours, the hidden map here will be erased in the dungeon in the future. 】

Looking at the information in front of him, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

 Let me just say that the exploration of the first round of dungeons is important.

If you go directly to Westminster Abbey in the first round, this hidden map will be gone.

 Now that there is one more hidden map, it is equivalent to one more place where you can fight.

 Gu Xi didn’t pay attention to why the core location of the underground mausoleum was called the Crown of the Holy Tree.

At this time, he was thinking about how to remove the apple tree roots without causing the tunnel to collapse.

 (End of this chapter)

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