Breath of the Dead

Chapter 232: Pea Treasure Box (please subscribe)

Chapter 232 Pea Treasure Box (Please subscribe)

 “Is there any way to dig up the roots of this tree?”

 After circling around the three apple tree roots, Gu Xi looked back at Luna.

 Luna also shook her head helplessly.

 Gu Xi is treating the undead as omnipotent.

Although the undead do not need money to work, their power is actually limited, and they cannot move mountains and reclaim seas in a short time.

Digging through the roots of these apple trees is no problem, but it will take time.

 Twelve hours is simply not enough, and the hidden map is nominally a maze, and the time to enter the battle must also be calculated.

This is really too tight.

Luna's shake of the head made Gu Xi think about another plan, how about finding the great knight over at the No. 19 bus station?

 Said that the roots of apple trees were found here?

 Ask them if they are interested?

Just thinking of this, Gu Xi shook his head.

 Let’s forget it.

 The Great Sir is studying how to deal with the apple tree, and there is no way to lure him over.

As for the ability of ghosts to penetrate walls, the limit is 15 meters. Zombies with the ability to escape from the ground, or other means of traveling on the ground, are almost at the same level.

  This is a restriction on the players' soldiers, restricting them from using their abilities to bypass the city wall or other means.

When he learned about this in class, Gu Xi thought this restriction was a good intention.

After all, no matter what kind of city lord, they don’t want the city wall they have worked so hard to build to be penetrated directly by ghosts, or that a group of miner zombies dig out of the ground under the floor of their home one day.

 But now Gu Xi desperately wants to have a unit that can bypass such long apple tree roots and open the passage to the underground mausoleum.

But the fact was that he was helpless. After hesitating for a moment, Gu Xi took out a blue pea seed from his pocket.

This is the [Assimilation Pea] that opened in the library this week. It is a special pea that can be grafted on other vines or roots such as tree roots to absorb nutrients, control the vines, and finally produce a treasure chest.

Gu Xi was originally waiting for the Xiemu Lake blood sacrifice to be completed and used [Assimilation Pea] to graft the huge tentacle tree root.

 Unexpectedly, I encountered such a thing just after entering Westminster Abbey.

Although he was a little reluctant to part with it, Gu Xi still took it out.

Press the blue peas on the broken roots of the apple tree, and the blue pea vines will grow automatically without any further movement.

As the pea vines grew, the roots of the apple tree shrank significantly, and the pea vines took this opportunity to prop up the passage.

After a while, a blue vine path appeared in front of Gu Xi.

Gu Xi glanced into the path and said, "The troops will return to the city and just leave the corpse flies behind."

 Luna knew Gu Xi’s plan as soon as she heard it.

This vine path can only allow one person to pass. If you move forward with these skeleton soldiers and zombies, the movement speed will definitely be slow.

Then it would be better to let them return to Alidovi City first, and then release them after Gu Xi finds the underground tomb.

So Luna quickly commanded the troops to retreat into the city gate.

 Gu Xi was already one step ahead, running towards the vine path with the corpse fly.

Because the vine path was relatively small, Gu Xi couldn't release the evil coffin, so he could only run forward on his own.

The bumpy progress was obviously much slower, but fortunately the roots of the apple tree had been absorbed by the assimilated peas, so the journey was smooth.

 After running for about ten minutes, Gu Xi reached the end of the vine path.

 A pea clip as tall as one person appeared on the vine at the front. Beneath the pea trap is a deep, bottomless pit.

Just lying on the big pit, Gu Xi could hear the howling wind coming from below.

He knew very well that the entrance to the underground mausoleum was below him, and at the same time, Gu Xi could also feel the faint water vapor below.

After thinking about it, Gu Xi pulled off the joints of the vine and threw it down.

 About seven or eight seconds later, the sound of something falling into the water came from below.

 This is the mausoleum filled with water.

As a necromancer, Gu Xi's judgment on the conditions of buildings such as tombs and mausoleums is still quite good.

It seems that the roots of the apple tree penetrated the sewer and also penetrated other people's tombs along the way.

Although he didn't know which big man in Britain belonged to the tomb below, Gu Xi still hoped that he would feel more comfortable soaking in the water.

After taking a look, Gu Xi reached out and grabbed the pea clip at the end of the vine.

  【You found a pea treasure chest (blue), please open it. 】

 “I’m lucky, I opened the treasure chest just after entering the dungeon.”

Gu Xi said with a smile, and with a push of his hands, he squeezed the pea clip away, and at the same time, a bunch of messages popped up in front of him.

  【You get Pea Grenade (green)*4. 】

  【You get fairy beans (green)*1. 】

  【䱱Get jade pea (blue, inlaid)*1. 】

  【Pea grenade (green): It will automatically explode three seconds after it hits the ground. The explosion will cause 300 points of damage to everyone nearby. 】

  【Fairy beans (green): Food, after taking it, it can quickly restore 1000 points of life and 1000 points of mana, and at the same time, it can keep one person from being hungry for a day. 】

  【Jade Pea (blue, inlaid): Inlaid in a weapon, it can specify a missile, long-range, and shooting skill level +2.

  Embedded in armor, you can specify a defense, counterattack, and recovery skill level +2.

 Inlaid in jewelry, you can specify a passive skill level +2. 】

 Looking at what came out of the pea treasure chest, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

Pea grenades and fairy beans are trivial matters, but the jade pea is the key.

 A skill level +2, and you can also specify which skill.

Gu Xi now wishes he had a ring with a hole or a necklace with a hole. Adding this thing to it would be the best solution.

But after Gu Xi rummaged for a long time, he only had two pieces of equipment with holes on him.

The Cold Wind Staff and the Reverse Lich, should they use this jade pea now or wait until they go back to look for suitable decorations? Gu Xi hesitated for a while.

 At this moment, Luna also floated in.

"grown ups."

"Oh." Gu Xi finally realized that now was not the time to think about this.

Without thinking much, Gu Xi stuffed everything into his bag, grabbed a loose vine, and headed towards the mausoleum below.

As Gu Xi held up the spiritual lamp with one hand, he held the vine hanging down with the other hand.

 There was another ding in his ear.

  【The underground mausoleum is discovered, the hidden map is temporarily opened. Please find the core of the underground mausoleum, the Crown of the Holy Tree, within 11 hours, 33 minutes and 29 seconds, otherwise the underground mausoleum will automatically close. 】

  【The next time you restart the dungeon after success, the hidden map will be automatically opened, and the passage into the hidden map will be at the feet of the slain Paladin. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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