Breath of the Dead

Chapter 240: The end of the battle (please subscribe)

Chapter 240 The end of the battle (please subscribe)

 The zombie warrior who stood up from the ground was transformed into a dead knight. When he stood up, the knight's armor with arrows was still on his body.

However, he did not deal with these arrows. Instead, he pulled out the long sword hanging beside the horse, and strode towards the knight who was killing the zombie ax and shield soldiers.

The movement speed of this zombie warrior is not that of a zombie at all. Even though he is wearing heavy armor, he can still trot.

 When facing a knight head-on, he just squatted down.

 The knight who rushed over saw this situation and did not show mercy because the other party was his former companion.

These knights are followed by high-level necromancers. They know very well that the undead summoned by the spirit are no longer their companions.

Facing the crouching zombie warrior, the knight raised the spear in his hand to the ground, ready to kill the new enemy.

But he never expected that the reason why the zombie warrior squatted down was because he was prepared to fight for his life.

When the knight's spear was pointed out, he kicked back with both feet, jumped up high, and hit the knight hard, dragging the knight off his horse.

 Then the long sword he was holding pierced the knight's chest.

With this stab, a large amount of liquid spurted out from the knight's chest.

This is not blood, but a liquid similar to mercury.

The Zombie Warrior knew very well what these were. He had been transformed by such a liquid before. Although he had now become an undead under Gu Xi, he knew the weaknesses of the knights very well.

 The attack was stuck at the most critical position of the knight. With this blow, the knight fell to the ground unable to move.

It can be said that this zombie warrior has achieved a pretty impressive record. A level 0 zombie killed an unknown knight above level 11.

 Although there is suspicion of trickery in this, the system admits it.

The zombie warrior stuck the knight's body. No matter how much the knight hit himself with his fists, he remained motionless.

Since the knight's wound is stuck, blood will continue to flow.

 Although the knight's attacks on him also caused injuries, they only deducted a little blood at a time.

Now is the time to compete for lives to see whether the knight dies sooner or the zombie warrior dies sooner.

At this time, a knight also saw the situation here, but the knights had their own pride. In a one-on-one battle like this, as long as both parties are not dead, no one else can take action.

 So the knight only glanced at it and immediately went to other places.

There are many zombie axe-shielders nearby, squeezing their space with shields, just to hit them with an axe.

 Now they are still dealing with these zombie axe-shield soldiers, so they have no time to pay attention to their fallen comrades.

At this time, the suppressed knight had no power, and the zombie warrior thrust the long sword down harder.

There was a ding sound from Gu Xi's side.

  【Zombie Warrior (summon) kills the Mercury Transformation Knight (level 12), you get 1 experience point (overflow storage 1 point), and the summons gets 11213 experience points. 】

  【Zombie Warrior (summon) level increased to level 7. 】


However, all this information was mixed in with the information about a large number of kills, and Gu Xi didn't notice it at all.

 At this time, he had given up the idea of ​​summoning spirits and was using the Bone Storm to deal with the enemy's ghosts.

 Because with Luna's participation, the enemy's ghosts eventually became chaotic. Gu Xi also took this opportunity to control the Bone Storm to perform micro-management and attack the enemy's ghosts from all angles.

 So now the enemy ghosts are almost dead. Only the ghost hero and a few ghosts around him are left.

 Beside Luna, there were 45 ghosts. They surrounded these ghosts and attacked them constantly. As long as they were slightly injured, Luna would ask them to step aside.

 Gu Xixian will take the time to release some skeleton priests to replenish the lives of his undead.

 In this way, Gu Xi's troops gradually gained the upper hand.

 After about seven or eight minutes, Luna finally killed the ghost hero.

When the ghost hero died in battle, the battle flag behind him fell to the ground. Luna was a little confused and came to Gu Xi with the battle flag.

 At this time, Gu Xi had also turned his attention to the other two battlefields.

 The other two battlefields are now almost in the final stage.

 On the enemy's miscellaneous undead side, the cooperation between the skeleton spearmen and the incarnation of death is quite good.

Death Incarnate fought a large number of skeleton soldiers alone, and just held back the skeleton soldiers who were the most restrained by the skeleton spearmen. This gave the skeleton spearmen a chance to use their tide-like assassination skills.

 No matter what the enemy's undead state is, they will just move forward and assassinate them.

 So these undead zombies and other types of soldiers were almost killed soon.

 When Gu Xi saw this situation, he simply sent out the bone-cutting battalion at the last moment.

At the same time, Gu Xi's last remaining combat team rushed out together.

When they rushed out, it happened to be when the skeleton spearmen killed the last non-skeleton undead. At this time, the skeleton soldiers also wanted to fight the skeleton spearmen.

It’s just that the Incarnation of Death didn’t let them go, and they couldn’t leave the Incarnation of Death. The Skeleton Battalion and the combat team caught up at the last moment and successfully carried out a beheading attack on the enemy skeleton soldiers.

 For a time, the pressure of the incarnation of death was greatly reduced, and it began to attack crazily.

The attack methods of this incarnation of death are very simple, including bites, claws, and tail sweeps.

  Every blow will kill a lot of skeleton soldiers.

If that doesn't work, the incarnation of death will roll on the ground and use its metal body to crush the skeleton soldiers.

 After a few times, the number of skeleton soldiers here became less and less. Finally, three minutes after the death of the ghost, all the undead in this batch also died.

At this time, there were only 6 knights left on the cavalry side still fighting.

At this time, Gu Xi had to admit that these knights were powerful.

Of the one thousand zombie ax and shield soldiers, more than five hundred were killed by the knights' back-and-forth attacks.

Skeleton Archer and Skeleton Mage may also be affected if they are not standing far apart.

However, the situation of these six knights is not very good now. All of them have been seriously injured, and their horses have been broken in the charge again and again, and they can only move by their own footsteps.

 The weapons in their hands have all been replaced by long swords. Now these six knights are back to back, and their combat effectiveness can only be used at 30%.

 As other undead were killed, Gu Xi had more power to call upon.

 He pointed towards the knight who was still preparing to fight.

 “Come on, bite them to death!”

 (End of this chapter)

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