Breath of the Dead

Chapter 241: Soul Conjuring has recruited two heroes (please subscribe)

Chapter 241 The Soul Recruitment Recruits Two Heroes (Please subscribe)

 The incarnation of death, the skeleton spearman, the skeleton two-handed swordsman of the bone-cutting battalion, the wither and the ghost.

 Under Gu Xi’s order, all the undead crowded towards the last six knights.

The six knights were very strong, but they always had a limit. When Gu Xi attacked regardless of losses, they only supported for five or six minutes, and then they all died in the hands of Gu Xi's undead men. .

Even so, they finally killed nearly three hundred undead, and even the incarnation of death was almost destroyed by them.

 During these five minutes, Gu Xi paid no attention to the fighting over there. He directly focused all his attention on the bodies of those who died in the battle.

Although it has been determined that the corpse powder after the ghost's death cannot summon spirits, there are still many skeletons, zombies and strange corpses here. Gu Xi did not let go of any of them, and used a wave of spiritualism on them all.

 Gu Xi was competing for time with his subordinates.

Gu Xi didn't know whether the water curtain that had been pushed aside would flow in again after the last few knights were killed.

 So these corpses cannot be wasted.

 Gu Xi’s current success rate for summoning souls is 55%, which is more than half the success rate.

More than three hundred undead of various kinds are considered a harvest for Gu Xi. You must know that the undead here this time are all warriors or bosses.

As long as one person is successful, interest will be earned.

 And Gu Xi's idea was naturally successful. More than 300 rounds of spiritualism flew out randomly, and he actually attracted 164 new undead.

There are 89 warriors, 25 elites, 18 bosses, and two heroes among these undead. The remaining 119 undead are all ordinary undead.

 Such a situation shocked Gu Xi.

 If nothing else, where is the hero?

 Two heroes, this is a lot of money.

 You must know that under Gu Xi’s men, no heroes have appeared yet. The reason why Dimi can run around in Alidovi City and even make various demands is not because she has leader-level potential.

Now the two heroes are placed directly in front of Gu Xi, and I will ask you if you are afraid.

These two summoned heroes were actually not very good in quality and talent, but Gu Xi was quite happy to see them.

The first one is a skeleton soldier. He is holding a pure steel two-handed heavy sword in his hand. He is wearing a set of Paladin armor. The helmet is positioned just right to reveal his face. There is not even a bit of will-o'-the-wisp in his empty eye sockets. .

 There is a sword mark between his eyebrows. It is obvious that this is the trace left from his previous life.

[Robbie (level 0, summoned object, undead hero): experience (0/1000), attack 2, defense 0, life 35, mana 15, talent: Execution (all soldiers under his command have +1 decapitation skills), skills: Spiritualism, two-handed sword proficiency (all soldiers under his command, two-handed sword attack +1), fighting to the death, leadership (can command 70 soldiers + 7 boss troops at the same time). 】

Robbie seems to have a lot of abilities, but in fact, Gu Xi has long known that he is not good at this.

There are only three skills in total, all of which are passive skills, not to mention leadership. All heroes can command a group of personal guards and seven bosses at the same time.

 This is considered standard equipment.

 Fighting to the death without retreating means fighting head-on with the enemy without being affected by morale when combat morale has dropped significantly.

 This is definitely a good skill for players like orcs and humans.

 But the problem is that you may not wake up from talking about morale with the undead.

So among Robby's three skills, only Two-Handed Sword Mastery is useful, but the two-handed sword attack of all soldiers under his command +1, if coupled with Robby's own attack blessing. In other words, when Robbie leads the team, he can add 3 points of attack power to his soldiers at most.

 At best, let your subordinates automatically master the killing ability.

 Such a hero really has no effect.

 But he is a hero no matter what. He has a name and a brain. When fighting, he can be directly assigned to a certain range. This is enough for Gu Xi.

As for the other hero, the situation is not much different from Robbie. He is a zombie. Like Robbie, he also wears a suit of armor and carries a long battle ax in his hand.

If he hadn't been without a helmet, no one would have been able to tell that he was a zombie.

His long battle ax was stained with black blood and dark green venom, making it difficult to deal with.

 At the same time, there is a pure green spider painted on the chest of his armor. It is obvious that it should be his logo.

  Gu Xi was a little confused about this, because he was not sure why a hero who obviously held a long battle ax and fought with one knife to kill the enemy would play with poison.

It wasn't until he saw this attribute that Gu Xi understood why this person looked so strange. His own attributes were weird.

[Arroyo (level 0, summon, undead hero): experience (0/1000), attack 1, defense 1, life 45, mana 10, talent: halberdier (for each level, he can have halberds or halberds) Soldier attack and defense +1), skills: spiritualism, poisonous body (under the influence of poison, the soldier turns into a zombie and his movement speed remains unchanged), poisonous bite (it has poison when attacking, and can cause 2 points of damage per second to the enemy), leadership Strength (can command 61 soldiers + 7 leader troops at the same time). 】

From this attribute, it can be seen that this Arroyo is poisonous, but part of this poison is produced to stimulate his body.

This also makes Arroyo look less like an ordinary zombie, but is stronger than other zombies in terms of movement.

As soon as these two heroes appeared, Gu Xi had already thought about where they would go.

Robbie first let him hang out with the Bone-cutting Battalion. He is proficient in two-handed swords and is most suitable for a unit like the Bone-cutting Battalion.

 At that time, a batch of skeleton two-handed swordsmen trained by the Bone Slashing Camp will be transferred to his hands, and the Bone Slashing Camp can train and transform them again.

 As a result, the number of skeleton two-handed swordsmen with the fighting style of Bone-cutting Battalion increased.

You should know that a hero can lead seven bosses, and these bosses can lead troops.

Even if all are calculated based on the minimum number of people, Robbie can arrange 210 skeleton soldiers.

 The Skeleton Battalion has 200 skeleton soldiers at its level and station. In addition to the original two skeleton leaders, they have a total of nearly 100 skeleton soldiers.

In this way, the number of skeleton two-handed swordsmen can reach 500. Although they are not counted as soldiers of the Bone-cutting Battalion, they can all act together with the Bone-cutting Battalion.

 When the level of the garrison reaches level 7 and heroes can be assigned, then Robbie can be assigned directly.

 In this way, the Bone-cutting Battalion is equivalent to seamlessly connecting a hero and a group of troops, which is beneficial no matter how you calculate it.

As for Arroyo, Gu Xi planned to use it to arrange skeleton spearmen. Anyway, Arroyo's characteristic is not to strengthen zombies, but to target spearmen and halberdiers.

Then letting him lead the skeleton soldiers actually doesn't mean anything.

As long as they can increase the combat effectiveness of the skeleton spearmen, that will be enough.

 As for how the spearmen cooperate in the battle, it depends on Arroyo's ideas.

 Gu Xi believed that Arroyo would be able to put the fine tradition of the Skeleton Lancers into full play.

 (End of this chapter)

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