Breath of the Dead

Chapter 242: A powerful hero with boss potential (78159)

Chapter 242 A powerful hero with leader potential (78159)

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 With two heroes, Gu Xi's interest in other undead is not that strong.

He just glanced at the number of undead and put aside the missing boss and warrior-level undead.

 Now is not the time to worry about this. Gu Xi's attention finally turned to the final battlefield.

 At this time, the battle over there has ended, and only one of the six knights is still fighting there.

Looking at the corpse of the knight lying on the ground, Gu Xi looked around, and with a twitch of his soul, five more white lights flew towards the battlefield and fell on the five knights who had just fallen to the ground.

 This is a small skill that Gu Xi’s spiritualism has mastered after reaching level 7.

Without this little trick, Gu Xi would not have been able to accurately hit the corpses of five knights among so many corpses.

After watching the white light fall on the knight's body, Gu Xi breathed a sigh of relief. If these five knights can fight to the end, there must be one or two with the best abilities.

If the soul summoning is successful, I don’t know if these abilities will be left behind.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement in the pile of corpses in the distance, and a large number of bones were pulled out from the bodies of the soldiers who died in the battle.

Also drawn out are the battle axes and shields used by zombie ax shield soldiers.

Such a situation surprised Gu Xi. He didn't know what was going on. Could it be that there was a second wave of enemies in the warrior's tomb.

At this moment, the bones, battle ax and shield were quickly spliced ​​together, forming a white bone war horse with a metal shell in front of Gu Xi.

Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head. He did not think that he had summoned a mount this time.

 But the next moment, he understood that this was not the case. Beside the five corpses, a knight also climbed up.

This knight was the one who fought the hardest with Gu Xi's men just now. He still has a spear stuck in his body and six arrows stuck in his forehead.

When he stood up, he relied on the spear stuck at his waist to support his body, as if he still had the idea of ​​​​desperate.

It's just that the direction of his efforts seems to be wrong, it is towards the last knight who is fighting.

 Looking at the knight who was affected by spiritualism and stood up again, a trace of madness flashed in the eyes of the knight who was still fighting at the end.

He ignored the attacks of others and rushed towards the one who had just gotten up, as if he wanted to destroy him.

 Such a situation made Gu Xi immediately shout: "Stop him."

 But everything was too slow. The knight rushed out very fast, knocking away all the undead blocking the way in almost a blink of an eye, and rushed in front of the undead who had just climbed up.

Seeing that the newly summoned undead was about to die under the knight's sword, the incarnation of death suddenly bumped over and knocked the knight away.

 Then some undead nearby rushed over and hacked at the knight.

But even so, the knight still ignored it and wanted to kill the one who had just been summoned.

This situation surprised Gu Xi. You must know that Gu Xi had also acted on the corpses of other knights before, and he had used spiritualism countless times. He had never seen such a violent reaction.

There must be something wrong with this newly summoned undead soul.

So Gu Xi quickly looked through the messages that had just popped up, and he quickly found the reason for the knight's madness.

  【You successfully used spiritualism and got an undead hero (level 0, leader potential), 1 point of spiritualism experience,】     leader potential?

 Seeing this line of text, Gu Xi knew why the last knight had such a crazy idea.

The man who was just summoned should be one of the most potential and even core heroes of Flower of the North.

 His existence is much stronger than those no-name heroes.

 It's just that now he belongs to Gu Xi.

[Amilcar (level 0, summoned object, undead hero): experience (0/1000), attack 0, defense 1, life 35, mana 20, talent: tactical expertise (natural mastery of leadership and formation skills) , Skills: Spiritualism, troop formation (the position of troops can be adjusted before the battle begins), natural leader (the number of troops that can be led +30%), leader (can command knights, black guards, black warriors and other troops), leadership Strength (can command 91 soldiers + 7 leader troops at the same time). 】

Looking at the information in front of him, Gu Xi understood why the knight came to kill people like crazy.

 It turns out that this hero not only has the potential to be a leader, but he is also a rare pure commanding hero.

 If nothing else, just look at his talent and skill selection and you will know that he is the kind of person who can command troops on the battlefield.

 Such a hero appearing on the battlefield is directly equivalent to four to five heroes.

But what left Gu Xi a little speechless was that, like Dimi, this Amilcar had limited types of troops.

 He can command troops of other types of troops through his bosses, but he can only command troops such as knights, black guards and black warriors.

If this is placed in the hands of other players, they may not care about it. There are knights of all races.

 But there is an awkward thing about the undead. Death knights cannot summon souls or recruit.

 Gu Xi was unable to provide Amilcar with death knights as his subordinates.

 In other words, Amilcar can only bring 7 leaders. As for his personal guards, he has to wait until Gu Xi can train the black guards or black warriors.

This somewhat made Gu Xi feel a little unhappy.

 And just when Gu Xi was complaining about this, the last knight finally died at the hands of those undead.

As the knight who was madly trying to kill Amilcar died in battle, there was a ding in Gu Xi's ear.

  【The battle at Warriors Tomb is over and the final settlement is in progress! 】

 【At this time, the battle rewards warrior treasure box*1, blue treasure*1, and 5000 negative energy. 】

 【The warrior treasure chest is opening...】

 【You get the Red Temple design drawing*1】

 【Scarlet Temple (Large): Use 6000 resources, 20 units of stone, 20 units of wood, and 20 units of metal to build a Scarlet Temple (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 2 **** knights can be trained every week.

 Before construction, you need to build a level 2 magic tower (core building), a level 2 blacksmith shop (core building), a mausoleum or mausoleum (large building), a level 2 armory (medium-sized building), and a level 2 library (medium-sized building). 】

                                   dedleg in blood knights, they are not death knights, but half-human, half-undead knights transformed through blood exchange and other magical means. They are rare elite soldiers. 】

Looking at the last note, Gu Xi understood that the pitfall of the Death Knight had been bypassed.

 (End of this chapter)

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