Breath of the Dead

Chapter 243: Treasure chest reward (79159)

Chapter 243 Treasure Chest Reward (79159)

 In fact, it is not difficult for a necromancer to build a knighthood.

As long as you don’t use a death knight, and you don’t have to worry about troubles such as poor control, low morale, or rebellion among your men, you can recruit other knights by spending some money.

 Serious knights cannot be recruited, such as orc wolf cavalry, goblin boar cavalry, and elf pegasus cavalry can be recruited.

It's just that these troops are with the undead, and their morale is like a mountain torrent, which cannot be raised at all.

 Hence why few necromancers choose to do this kind of useless work.

Then some puppets that are not affected by morale have become the first choice for necromancers to establish knights.

This is like the group of gargoyles under Gu Xi, which belong to this type of army.

 But there is a new problem here, which is to control the mechanical puppet, which requires the necromancer to study mechanics or engineering.

Here the Necromancer is definitely not as good as the professional Puppet Master.

 So some half-lived and half-dead knights appeared in front of the necromancer.

 But the idea is good. There are relatively few necromancers who can study the art of half-life and half-death, and even fewer if they are specifically targeted at death knights.

 At that time, players who study the undead may have already played tricks.

The thing that holds a scythe and looks like a **** of death is no worse than a death knight, and sometimes it can kill with one hit.

 As a result, naturally no one is willing to build a temple to train knights.

 Over time, some players did not know that there was such a method.

It was only after seeing the Scarlet Temple that Gu Xi realized that he had encountered something good.

 Even if he exits the copy now, he will still make money.

 Put away the [Red Temple Design Plan], Gu Xi tried his best to calm down, and then looked at it seriously.

 In addition to this design drawing, the Warrior Treasure Box also contains two items.

 【You get the fiefdom order (green)*1】

 【You get soldier recruitment coupon (level 7)*3】

[Fiefdom order (green): You can occupy a fiefdom at a designated location. The size of the fiefdom is 1 large plot, 2 medium plots, and 2 small plots. 】

 【Soldier Recruitment Voucher (Level 7): You can qualify for soldier recruitment once in your own, neutral, or friendly towns, and directly recruit 10 level 7 soldiers in the current city. 】

Looking at the Warrior Treasure Box, Gu Xi burst out laughing. The appearance of the fiefdom order solved Gu Xi's current problem of insufficient open space in the territory.

The soldier recruitment coupons allow Gu Xi to quickly replenish high-level troops. If it weren't for the fact that the Scarlet Red Temple cannot be built now, Gu Xi would definitely want to build the Scarlet Temple and then spend all the soldier recruitment coupons on the **** temple. Go to the knight.

In addition to the treasure chest, Gu Xi also received a blue treasure as a reward during the battle in the Warriors Tomb.

 In this game, treasures and equipment are completely different things.

 Equipment is used to improve the player's strength, while treasures are used to improve the player's troops or the city's strength.

 Treasures have many effects that are usually inconspicuous, but can play a big role in combat or in the game.

 It can be said that good blue treasures are worth more than purple equipment in the eyes of some players.

While taking out the blue treasure, Gu Xi's hand couldn't help but feel heavy. A heavy bow made entirely of metal and with two strings appeared in Gu Xi's hand.

  【Bow of the Iron-Arm King (blue treasure): After equipped, it occupies the long-range weapon slot. The maximum damage of the long-range troops of the side is +5. It cannot be equipped by magic heroes. All creatures led by it can shoot one more time when shooting. 】

Just by looking at it, Gu Xi knew what this bow was for. It was meant for players like shooters. Not to mention other things, all long-range arms can shoot one more time, which is a huge change for the battlefield.

 A normal arrow rain will turn into a double arrow rain on the spot.

 The power of focused fire attacks is doubled.

Paired with a shooter-type hero, you can even overturn the enemy when they rush in front of you.

 It's a pity that among the three heroes that Gu Xi just got, none of them are shooters.

For the time being, I can only carry this bow with me.

Hunting the Iron Arm King's Bow behind his back with his backhand, Gu Xi put away another 5,000 points of negative energy.

 When everything was taken away, the water blocked by the water curtain began to pour into the empty space that had been drained out.

Gu Xi didn't care about anything else. He stood on top of the evil coffin and quickly commanded his undead men to retreat back to the city gate.

As the water level rose rapidly, Gu Xi noticed that the sarcophagus of Flower of the North seemed to move under the impact of the water flow.

This immediately attracted Gu Xi's attention. You must know that the sarcophagus was embedded in the ground.

Without thinking much, Gu Xi controlled the evil coffin and came to the sarcophagus.

At this time, the water was already up to his knees, but Gu Xi didn't pay attention to it at all. He quickly searched around the sarcophagus.

 Soon, Gu Xi read the name engraved on the sarcophagus.


As the name was pronounced, the sarcophagus in front of him suddenly moved a step back.

A passage leading downwards was exposed, and at the same time, there were many water outlets in the underground mausoleum. The river water that came in also flowed out through the water outlets and did not rise any further.

Looking at the passage in front of him, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, but finally knocked on the evil coffin and walked down the passage.

 Gu Xi guessed that the sarcophagus in the mausoleum might be a cover for the outside world. The flower of the North, oh no, it should be the mausoleum of the eldest princess Sveltana. It should be located underground in the sarcophagus.

Although I don’t know whether the sarcophagus was moved intentionally or unintentionally, it is always good to go down and have a look.

However, Gu Xi never expected that he had already reached the end after taking a few steps down.

Under the sarcophagus, there was an empty room that was not too big. Gu Xi held up his soul lamp and looked hard for a long time, and found that except for the damp walls, there was nothing else here.

That's not right. There is an apple sealed on each of the four walls of this room.

Gu Xi took a look and saw that the apples on the east wall were pure red, with smooth skin and relatively large size.

 The apple on the south wall is golden. Although it doesn’t look edible, it attracts attention.

 The apple on the west wall is half red and half green, and the green side seems to be poisonous.

 The apple on the north wall is the most special. The others are all embedded in the wall. Only this apple looks like it is floating among the wall tiles regardless of gravity.

 Gu Xi didn’t know what these four apples meant.

But think about the crazy apple tree on Westminster Abbey, think about the roots of Tail King's apple tree, Gu Xi feels that there seems to be some different connection here.

At this moment, a notification sound came from Gu Xi's ear.

  【You have found the core of the underground mausoleum, the Crown of the Holy Tree. The next time you restart the instance, the hidden map will automatically open, and the passage into the hidden map will be at the feet of the slain Paladin. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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