Breath of the Dead

Chapter 245: Redeploy troops (please subscribe)

Chapter 245 Redeploying Troops (Please subscribe)

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 For the new boss, Amilcar should be chosen first, and all the subordinates he needs should be replenished first.

As for who his subordinates want, Amilcar can choose by himself. Under the same conditions, Amilcar can also give priority to his leaders to replenish his troops.

Amilcar did not disappoint Gu Xi.

After getting Gu Xi's approval, Amilcar, who was riding a steel-shelled white-bone war horse and carrying a sunset red blank battle flag, quickly selected his men and explained to Gu Xi.

His attitude is much better than that of Dimi.

"Sir, you also know that I am a commanding hero. I am confident enough in large-scale battles, but troop strength is absolutely indispensable.

 And in order to prevent the battle rhythm from being controlled by others, my troops must be strong enough and able to cope with various battle situations.

 In fact, the most suitable one is to have some from various types of arms.

 But as far as the current situation is concerned, we have a huge shortage in military strength.

I have seen your current military strength. The main products produced in Alidovi City are mainly skeleton troops.

 The vampire's mansion does not produce vampire knights fast enough, and a battle may not be possible.

As for zombies, I'm afraid it depends on the spiritualism of the adults. I think the spiritualism of the three of us is not enough to recruit zombies now. "

“Yes, your spiritualism is used to temporarily replenish your troops on the battlefield. It’s up to me to replenish the zombie troops.”

 At first, Gu Xi didn't think that much, but now, after his hero appeared, Gu Xi couldn't help but feel a headache.

 The question of military strength is still a question of military strength.

Just as Amilcar said, Gu Xi’s current construction of Alidovi City has seriously slowed down Gu Xi’s growth.

 The cemetery used to produce zombies does not even have an architectural design.

 All zombie troops are obtained by completing tasks or summoning souls.

 The replenished troops cannot be replaced as quickly as they are consumed in battle.

Now that he can bring out so many zombie ax shield soldiers, they are mainly the troops retained from the last undead natural disaster array.

 But after that, all the zombie axe-shielders have been defeated, where can Gu Xi go to replenish them?

 Pressing his eyebrows, Gu Xi motioned for Amilka to continue speaking.

“So, sir, you say you give me a chance to choose now, but actually I don’t have a choice now.

 According to my normal needs, my requirements for the seven bosses under my command should be the seven troops of defense, attack, shooter, attack, flying, magic and treatment.

 Attack and siege units should be viewed separately. Archer units should play the main role when necessary.

 This is one defense, three attacks, and three combined battles.

 In this way, the battlefield can be controlled.

 Of course this is a starting requirement.

  If possible, I would prefer that I have troops that can charge and the main combat troops can be called upon.

 Just now…”

 Amilka didn't need to say anything else. Gu Xi knew that he didn't have that many suitable troops on hand.

 Even zombies cannot be fully arranged for Amilka. What we can do now is to help Amilcar fill up the troops. As for what kind of troops they are, Amilcar will make arrangements if they are available. If they are not available, they will have to be destroyed.

 Under Amilcar’s explanation, he finally picked out several leaders from the skeleton soldiers.

Two skeleton spearman leaders and one skeleton archer leader, these three were directly arranged from the undead leaders under Gu Xi.

There are three other ordinary skeleton bosses and one skeleton shield guard boss. These four were summoned by the spirits during the battle in the Warriors Tomb.

Such a force would not satisfy Amilcar at all, but he also understood that the current situation of Gu Xi's men was that they were completely impoverished and had nothing to ask for.

  When Gu Xi was on his way, he made a special trip to the city of Alidovi and even met with Dimi.

 After hearing Dimi’s request, Amilka shook his head.

I don’t know what people like Dimi think.

By the time the buildings she needs are built, Amilcar's level will have already been improved.

As long as his level reaches level 15, he can attack the leader level. As long as he succeeds, he will be the only leader level in Alidovi City. When the time comes, he can also command a battle on the battlefield.

As for Dimi, I'm afraid it will drag on for who knows how long.

 At that time, Amilcar can be on his own, and Dimi will still be an ordinary hero, having to compete with other heroes for strength.

At that time, Amilcar was the one watching the excitement.

 With such a comparison, no matter how dissatisfied he was with his leader, Amilcar did not say much.

After all, Gu Xi is providing him with experienced skeleton bosses this time, and even placed the skeleton archer unit in front of Amilka.

 This is already the best army Gu Xi can come up with.

 As for the skeleton mage army, Gu Xi has no plans to separate it.

 Compared with Amilcar, the other two heroes do not receive such good treatment. It will not work if they still want to choose their own troops.

All the skeleton spearmen on Arroyo's side were blocked, and Robbie acted as a supernumerary hero of the Bone-cutting Battalion according to the original plan.

 They don’t even have a choice.

However, Gu Xi finally gave them a guarantee. As long as they work hard, the next time they get a station, Gu Xi will immediately organize the skeleton spearmen's station and give Arroyo a chance first.

 At the same time, Robbie was also guaranteed.

Robbie can think of ways to develop and upgrade the Skeleton Sword Soldier Camp. Gu Xi guarantees that any resources obtained by Robbie will be invested in the Skeleton Sword Soldier Camp and will not be used for other purposes.

Only in this way can the station be quickly upgraded in the shortest time, and Robbie can become a hero stationed in the Bone-cutting Camp in the shortest time.

 After the three heroes are arranged, there will not be many troops left with Gu Xi.

More than 300 zombie axes and shields, the remaining combat team, the skeleton mage troops, the pitifully small ghost troops, corpse flies, and withered ones.

 There are more than ten gargoyles.

As for the newly joined warrior-level and elite-level undead, Gu Xi did not keep all of them by his side.

What these undead need now is not to show themselves on such a battlefield. Except for the zombie warrior who has been upgraded to level 8 at the beginning, all the others, whether they are warrior level or elite level, have been sent back to Alidovi. Go to town.

 They will participate in the barracks missions in Aridovi City. Through the barracks missions, they can gain enough experience and improve their level.

 When their level reaches level 4, they will be added to the various troops under Gu Xi. Only then will they exert their best combat effectiveness.

 (End of this chapter)

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