Breath of the Dead

Chapter 246: The heroic princess (80159)

Chapter 246 The heroic princess (80159)

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 When Gu Xi was deploying his troops, the Great Sir also invited Anastasia over.

At this time, she was still in her original appearance, wearing a white robe with gold trim, but the golden griffon was moved to her chest.

 Gu Xi just glanced at it and felt that the gryphon's eyes were staring at him.

 When she saw Gu Xi, the eldest princess Anna was obviously stunned.

For Gu Xi, a long time has passed since she met Princess Anna. He has gone through many battles, and his strength has reached the upper limit of level 4, and he is ready to hit level 5 at any time.

But for Anna, she had only met Gu Xi yesterday. At that time, Gu Xi was still a weakling who escaped from Westminster Abbey.

In less than a day, the strength has become like this.

Whose child is this, so desperate for his life?

  Joking about one's own future.

With this thought in mind, Anna's aura was dignified when she walked in front of Gu Xi.

"Do you know how much impact this will have on your future development? Don't think that you necromancers are just cannon fodder necromancers because you have no foundation laid before."

After being yelled at by Princess Anna, Gu Xi didn't know what happened.

 He looked at Princess Anna with a puzzled face, thinking seriously about where he had offended her.

After talking for a while, Princess Anna changed the subject: "Don't be so impulsive in the future. Fortunately, you can still be saved. If the foundation is really not laid, it will be completely ruined. This is for you."

After speaking, Princess Anna took out a golden page and put it into Gu Xi's hand.

Gu Xi took the page and was about to say something, but he couldn't help but froze.

  【You get the Griffin Book of the Dead (blue treasure). 】

[Gryphon Book of the Dead (blue treasure): After equipped, it occupies a decorative position and can convert excess experience into skill experience. The experience loss during conversion is 10%, and can only be converted into undead professional skills or passive skills. Experience and skill levels cannot exceed level 6. 】

Looking at the Griffin Book of the Dead in front of him, Gu Xi was immediately speechless. He raised his head and looked at Princess Anna.

 In the end, Princess Anna said directly to him: "Look at it, this is not given to you, it is borrowed from you.

 The most important thing for you now is to lay a good foundation. Knowledge of the Undead, Contract of the Undead, and Domination of the Undead, which one of you can take the stage now?

 What about the enhancement of undead? What about the study of the undead? If you don’t lay the most important foundation well, you will want to fly.

 What about soul knowledge? Necromancer, you don’t know soul magic, how dare you say that you are a necromancer?

 You haven’t learned so many things. How did your instructor guide you?

You still dare to rush to level 4 all at once. Are you just killing all the domestic enemies to get to the level by force?

 Now, immediately, transform the overflowing experience into me, and then study honestly.

 If you dare to be distracted again, see how I deal with you. "

 Gu Xi finally realized what was going on, but he still wanted to tell Princess Anna what happened in the underground mausoleum.

But before he could speak, Princess Anna glared over and suppressed all his words.

At this time, the great knight on the side also pulled Gu Xi's clothes.

"Don't argue with Princess Anna, come here." As he said that, the great knight dragged Gu Xi aside, and without seeing any movement from him, he took out a pile of books.

“As I promised you before, I won’t give you the reward of adding one to your skill level. Now you have such a good opportunity. Learn it quickly and improve your skills. After you finish learning, you can come to me again.”

Gu Xi understood what the great knight meant as soon as he heard it.

 This is clearly a benefit to oneself secretly.

 Skill level 6 +1 and skill level 0 +1, what are the advantages? As long as you are not a fool, you will make the right choice.

Looking up at the nearby books in front of him, Gu Xi took a deep breath, hung the Griffin Book of the Dead that was temporarily lent to him on his waist, reached out and picked up one of the books and started reading.

This time is different from the last time I learned dark knowledge in the magic tower.

This time Gu Xi sat directly in front of the No. 19 bus stop.

  Surrounded by people coming and going, sitting on the marble floor, there is no atmosphere for reading or studying.

 But this time Gu Xi read very quickly.

On the one hand, when Gu Xi was reading, a golden flame was burning in his body. Every time he read a sentence, the Griffin Book of the Dead around his waist would shine, transforming what he read into corresponding experiences, adding into his skills.

On the other hand, the books that the great knight took out are undead classics that cannot be read in the Wind of Bones Academy.

Like the "Bone Strengthening Manual" Gu Xi is holding in front of him, in addition to gaining experience in undead knowledge, you can also gain experience in undead control, and you can even learn undead enhancement, a new skill that Gu Xi has not mastered.

 And this is just a book that Gu Xi picked up casually. This kind of book is not eye-catching in this pile of books. Almost all other books are of this level.

 This is equivalent to opening up a new way of thinking for Gu Xi's path as a necromancer.

 Gu Xi no longer cares about the fact that he is in the dungeon, nor does he care about the underground tomb.

 All his attention was devoted to these books.

 It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand some of the content. Read these books first and memorize the necessary content.

 You need to know these things first, and then slowly understand them later.

 The combat experience Gu Xi accumulated over the past few days played a considerable role at this time.

 He is now burning his own experience like crazy, and at the same time, one or two new pieces of information pop up in front of him from time to time.

  【You have read the "Bone Strengthening Manual", your knowledge of the undead has been increased to a certain extent, your control of the undead has been improved to a certain extent, and you have slowly understood the ability to strengthen the undead. The undead enhancement level is level 1. 】

 【Undead Strengthening Level 1: Passive skill, can be upgraded. Once mastered, all undead contracted, summoned, and created by the necromancer can be strengthened. The undead level is level 1 when summoning souls. 】

  【You have read "The Choice and Case of Suture", your knowledge of the undead has been increased to a certain extent, your ability to control the undead has been improved to a certain extent, and you are learning the ability to research the undead. 】

  【You have read "Which is the real spirit among ghosts, undead and undead", your knowledge of the undead has been increased to a certain extent, and the knowledge level of the undead has reached level 5. Your undead...]

  【You have read the "Bone Dragon Structure Atlas", your knowledge of the undead...】

 【You read "The Evolution of the Phylactery", you...】


 (End of this chapter)

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