Breath of the Dead

Chapter 249: The mutations brought about by the roots of the apple tree (please subscribe)

Chapter 249 The mutation brought about by the roots of the apple tree (please subscribe)

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"Sir, I saw the power of the mirror underground palace there. Today is just the preliminary stage. If one night, the apple tree becomes brightly lit and the Westminster Abbey is dark, it means that their mirror image is successful."

 Gu Xi did not ask what would happen if the mirror image succeeded. It was that in the fog of Alidovi City, there was an extra building that was exactly the opposite of Westminster Abbey.

It's just that it's not a copy, so it doesn't have much impact on Gu Xi, and Gu Xi doesn't care much about it.

 At most, Alidovi will have a new development direction in the future, and there is no need to consider other things.

Just when Gu Xi was thinking about this matter, Luna said something at this time.

 “Sir, there is something you may want to know.”

Looking at Luna's serious look, Gu Xi's expression became nervous.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with Alidovi City? Or is there bad news coming from Shaya again?"

  Gu Xi knew Luna's thoughts quite well. The last time she showed such an expression was when Shaya left a note in the council hall, hoping to get help.

 Although he was not as anxious this time as last time, his eyes confirmed that something was obviously not right.

It won't happen on Shaya's side again. Luna will lead her troops to cross the clouds to help.

 Don’t have this kind of problem every time you’re halfway through a game.

“No, it has nothing to do with Shaya. It’s just that you still remember the roots of the apple tree that we blew up.”

"Remember, what's wrong?" Gu Xi nodded affirmatively. Speaking of this, Gu Xi still regretted why he didn't pick up the roots of the apple tree in the first place.

 What a great material this is.

"When I was swept away by the water, I caught the roots of the apple tree, so I took the roots back to Aridovi City and threw them into Lake Evilwood."

 “Oh, it’s very well done.”

Although it was a pity that the apple tree roots were not left to be made into other materials, Luna used them as much as she could, and he was not lacking in this.

But the next sentence almost frightened Gu Xi.

"Sir, when I threw the apple tree roots into Evil Wood Lake, I discovered that the tentacle tree roots in Evil Wood Lake are also apple tree roots. As soon as the apple tree roots we brought were thrown in, they immediately stimulated Evil Wood Lake. The tree root inside is now expanding outward from the lake.

The entire magic plant area is being flooded. "

"What did you say?"

 Gu Xi screamed immediately.

 “I put the roots of the apple tree…”

 Luna wanted to repeat it, but at this time Gu Xi waved his hand.

 He ​​has now realized that it seems that his estimation was wrong. In fact, in the fog, there is already a mirror image of Westminster Abbey and apple trees.

 Otherwise, the roots of the apple tree would not have reached the original Zhonggu District, and a lot of land in the Zhonggu District would have been destroyed.

“Can the magic plant area still suppress it now?”

"Yes, I haven't said it before, but it can be suppressed temporarily, but sir, if the mirror image of Westminster Abbey is really going to be successful, I'm afraid there will be problems."

 Gu Xi understood what Luna was worried about upon hearing this.

He thought about it seriously and said, "In this case, didn't I just get a fiefdom order? You can use it to expand the magic plant area. First, save the open space and wait until we have time to talk about the rest."


Luna actually also understood why Gu Xi wanted to leave the fiefdom order in the first place. It was to open up a few more plots of land for the main city.

I'm afraid it won't work now. If Xiemu Lake explodes like this, there will be problems in the magic plant area.

The current fiefdom order must still be used in the magic plant area. “Also and Dimi, wait, let Amilcar go too.

You told Dimi to guard the magic plant area, and Amilka launched an attack into the mist to speed up the activation of Evil Wood Lake.

If Xiemu Lake completely becomes ours, even if the territory is flooded by the lake, there will still be land that can be used to build buildings. At worst, I will change this magic plant area into a magic lake area and build some underwater buildings.

 Zombies can't be used, so use water ghosts. Undead are changeable, and I don't care about that. "

Luna didn’t give much advice on Gu Xi’s arrangements.

 After all, this is what heroes are here to do.

If you just put the undead troops into the fog, no one will be worried.

Even if there is a leader leading the team, it is useless.

 But if you arrange for a hero to lead the team, the situation is the same.

 Players still have more trust in heroes.

 As long as the heroes can complete the tasks assigned by the players, players generally don't care how they fight.

  Not to mention a hero with potential and talent like Amilcar.

 As long as they are given a task, they will take care of everything themselves.

“Call Amilka and I’ll talk to him. Also, ask Fugudo to keep an eye on the magic plant area.”

 Gu Xi made quite a decisive move.

 After making a decision, make arrangements quickly.

Amilka also didn't expect that less than a day after he joined Gu Xi's staff, he would immediately have an important task assigned to him.

 After listening to Gu Xi’s request, Amilcar said affirmatively.

"Sir, please don't worry, I will definitely bring back enough weird corpses."

“Be careful, the strange things in the fog are quite strange, don’t trap yourself.”

 “I understand, I will set up the formation before the battle begins.”

Amilcar said with certainty.

Without saying anything, Gu Xi watched Amilcar leave quickly with the seven leaders and troops assigned to him.

 After that, Luna flew out from the city gate again. She had finished Gu Xi's explanation and was about to discuss the next thing with Gu Xi.

At this moment, Gu Xi noticed that a group of troops were withdrawing from the defense line of Westminster Abbey in front.

 The battle at Westminster Abbey has clearly just begun.

  Their withdrawal was equivalent to taking away half of the strength of the defense line.

Now is the time when Westminster Abbey is undergoing changes. With so many troops withdrawn at this time, what if the weird people inside Westminster Abbey come out next?

Gu Xi held the Cold Wind Staff and quickly walked towards the great knight who was still nearby.

 “Sir, they are here.”

“With the troops mobilized, the king has agreed to the princess’s plan and prioritizes dealing with the enemies outside the underground mausoleum.

In the words of the king, the enemy cannot be allowed to show off his power outside the aunt's mausoleum. "

"But the situation there is obviously not right now. Will there be any problem if we withdraw our troops at this time?"

"It's okay. Britain's strongest defensive legion has gone up, along with the church's troops. The enemy can't be killed. Speaking of which, it's all thanks to you this time. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have known that that guy actually It’s already been done.”

 (End of this chapter)

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