Breath of the Dead

Chapter 250: Join the fighting force (82160)

 Chapter 250 Joining the Combat Force (82160)

  Hahahahaha, I have ordered 1,600 in total, and I have finally taken a step forward. I also ask for your support, including subscriptions, monthly passes, and recommendations. I will work hard to update and repay everyone's support.


“Sir, can I also participate in this battle?”

Seeing that the great knight was so angry, Gu Xi also put forward his own ideas.

The great knight glanced at Gu Xi and said helplessly: "With your strength, you can only join the miscellaneous soldiers."

 “No problem, it’s the same no matter where you go.”

 Gu Xi did not directly have the idea of ​​defeating the spore cultist Charlie.

 He came here this time just to collect the fighting style of the spore cultist Charlie and lay a good foundation for the subsequent battles.

 Humbling among the soldiers in the rear, there is no need to fight.

 Gu Xi can no longer bear any big losses.

Now that Princess Anna has the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative, Gu Xi can just use Princess Anna's troops to take a look at the situation of several bosses in this dungeon.

“Okay, just follow behind. Remember, don’t run around if you have nothing to do. Your current strength is not good enough. Even though the troops under your command are quite strong, you yourself are the biggest weakness.

 If you are targeted, no one can save you. "

 Gu Xi did not believe this. In his eyes, he was someone who had fought with the spore cultist Charlie.

Although he used a secret method, it took away his upper limit of 1,000 lives and a tree root.

 This shows that Gu Xi is actually capable of fighting.

 As long as he understands the enemy's weaknesses, he will know how to deal with them the next time he comes to play a copy.

 With the consent of the great knight, Gu Xi quickly followed the team.

When Gu Xi was approaching Princess Anna, he noticed that there were several masters following Anna.

Their strength is almost around level 10. Not to mention other things, their own combat power exceeds all the players Gu Xi has encountered before.

 It can be seen from their dress that they are masters from various forces.

Among them, Anna is not the strongest. The strongest one is a wizard whose staff lights up white for a moment, like holding a torch.

 Standing far away, Gu Xi could feel the burning sensation brought by the light, which showed that his strength was at least beginning to approach level 15.

Recalling the location where the wizard was at the beginning, Gu Xi suspected that he was specially left in the dungeon to arrange plot kills when Gu Xi was fighting the BOSS.

It’s just that before the plot has even started, they are already preparing to kill.

In addition to the wizard, there were two paladins wearing heavy armor and an archer with long ears beside Anna. Together with the wizard and Anna, there were exactly five people in the group.

Looking at them, Gu Xi always had the feeling that they were the ones here to fight the dungeon.

 Behind them were five different troops.

 From the flags displayed by these troops, it can be seen that the leaders are all heroic beings.

Each troop has about 300 people, and its strength starts at level 7.

 One of the troops can even reach level 8 with all members.

Following behind were the civil organizations who came for Westminster Abbey.

 Gu Xi was mixed in with this group of soldiers and went to watch the show with them.

But with this small amount of troops, in Gu Xi's eyes, there were several troops that were stronger than Gu Xi.

Not to mention other things, Gu Xi has noticed that among the various soldiers organized by the civil society, there are at least three troops whose strength starts at level 6. If Gu Xi had just arrived at Sanxian Garden, his troop level might have been able to withstand it.

 But now, after several battles, Gu Xi's troops are getting stronger and weaker. In addition, troops are needed in Aridovi City, Victoria City, and various places.

 The troops Gu Xi had in hand were not very impressive.

With his level and the strength of his troops, it is no wonder that the Great Sir placed him in the mixed soldier area.

 To put it bluntly, it’s the child’s table.

Gu Xi didn't care about this. He followed behind with his troops and began to inquire about the leaders of these teams.

 After all, only one of Gu Xi's five internal tasks has been completed, and the remaining four tasks are unknown.

Now that most of the NPCs in the dungeon are here, Gu Xi can just communicate with them to see if there are any clues about other tasks.

 You have to know that the first mission he entered into the dungeon was a big benefit.

 The level of a skill is directly +1. If several other tasks have such rewards, then Gu Xi will be well developed.

 So when Gu Xi chatted with them, he naturally headed towards the task.

 The leaders of these troops are all around level 7 or 8.

Like Anna, they did not come here to protect Westminster Abbey. They saw that there was an advantage to be taken in Westminster Abbey and came to take advantage.

 For the players who came here like Gu Xi, they naturally thought that Gu Xi was with them.

“I said brother, you did a really good job this time.

You don’t know, but the ones at the forefront today are the Church’s Holy Anointing Knights and the royal family’s Royal Holy Light Knights.

It won't be certain tomorrow. If you hadn't come over, tomorrow the Holy Oil Knights and the Royal Holy Light Knights would launch an attack on Westminster Abbey. They would only focus on one point and rush across the square in the shortest time. , enter the interior of Westminster Abbey.

 Then hit the apple tree in the backyard.

They will only consider their next move after they have established a foothold there.

They only hit one point, and we have to hit the remaining points.

 At that time, we will face those strange things head-on.

 You are not watching from the front line today, so you don’t know how troublesome those weird things are.

 There are not many of them, and their level is not very high, but they have endless troublesome methods. "

“Yes, this guy is the most troublesome to fight.”

 The leader of another team also looked over at this time, "But there are some benefits to killing them.

I saw that the Royal Knights of Holy Light seemed to have taken out something from the strange people and fed it to their gryphons. "

 “Really? Why didn’t I see it?”

“What does your army do? What does my army do? How can your eyesight be compared with ours?”

 “Okay, what happens next.”

Hearing the news, the man stopped boasting to Gu Xi about what he had seen in Westminster Abbey. He quickly asked.

“Then I discovered that the griffins’ eyes changed from blue to red, and even the armor on their bodies was affected, with blood-red lines appearing.”

“The red lines indicate that these are fighting gryphons, but according to rumors, aren’t fighting gryphons eating beef and apples?

 Could it be that the apple mentioned here refers to the one behind Westminster Abbey? "

 (End of this chapter)

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