Breath of the Dead

Chapter 253: The hard-to-beat tail king (please subscribe)

 Chapter 253 The Difficult Tail King (please subscribe)

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Amidst the chaos, a monster that fell into the mud climbed out of the fruit, with pink skin and white bone fragments on its body, and a wooden weapon in its hand.

This kind of monster uses leaves as hair on its head and white bone fragments as armor. After it appears, no one needs to organize it. It immediately rushes towards the enemies that can move around it.

More and more fruits are falling from the roots of the tree. After a while, the number of these fruits has exceeded the number of troops present.

Faced with this situation, Princess Anna said disdainfully: "The main force should ignore these things and hit the tree roots directly. Be careful not to be controlled by the red thread."

 Princess Anna's orders are for elite troops.

As for the soldiers who followed them on the battlefield, Princess Anna had no idea of ​​ordering them.

The miscellaneous soldiers knew their role from the beginning. When they cleared the river, they had already set up defense lines according to their respective situations.

 Now when this little monster composed of fruit and bone fragments appeared, they quickly stepped forward to fight it.

The strength of this kind of fruit monster is not that great, but there are more of them.

Gu Xi, who had been watching the battle from the rear, quickly drew a map of the defense lines deployed by these mixed troops with a pen and paper.

These are all real experiences and the most ready-made answers.

 The next time you restart the dungeon, just copy the homework.

Gu Xi quickly drew the battles on the front, recording the areas where he could choose, where it was difficult to copy, and where he couldn't.

While the soldiers were fighting the fruit monster, Gu Xi noticed that after the killed fruit monster fell to the ground, it would turn into a sapling growing on the ground.

Then it absorbs the nutrients in the mud and quickly turns into a small tree as tall as a person.

These small trees also have attack capabilities.

  It's just that they changed from melee combat to stance-style long-range combat.

These small trees will constantly pop up thorn-like vines to attack the soldiers.

If you pay more attention, you can dodge the spikes popping up from the ground.

  But as the number of such small trees increases, the soldiers cannot get out of the way.

At the defense line of the miscellaneous soldiers, some miscellaneous soldiers have begun to get injured.

At this time, on Anna's side, they were still attacking the eight tree roots hanging from the ceiling.

Compared to the one apple tree root that Gu Xi faced before, this time Anna and the others faced eight tree roots at the same time, which was a thrill.

These tree roots also cooperate with each other. When each one falls down, another root will be lifted up to prepare for the next wave of attacks.

The force of the tree roots being knocked down from top to bottom is quite strong. At first, Gu Xi relied on a flame trap to blow up the tree roots.

Princess Anna simply disdained to use this method.

 She arranged two different Paladin troops, as the main and auxiliary tanks, to attract the attention of the tree root.

 At the same time provide cover for the attacks of wizards and archers.

 It is different from Gu Xi's previous use of Skeleton Archer and Skeleton Mage, which could only deal a few 1 point of damage.

  The attack power of the men brought by the old wizard and the archer successfully broke through the defense of the spore cultist Charlie.

 Even if Gu Xi was watching from behind, he could see that every time the spore cultist Charlie had a lot of data like -10, there would be a lot of data like -10.

Especially the life bar of Charlie, the spore cultist, has been directly reduced by half.

This made Gu Xi feel helpless.

If he could bring in five level 10 necromancers, this battle would be easier. Unfortunately, Gu Xi only wanted to come in alone.

With his current strength, when facing the spore cultist Charlie, he can only be defeated by the incarnation of death.

 After that, Gu Xi should consider whether Shaya can come to fight. Her ability should also be able to break the defense of the spore cultist Charlie.

 While Gu Xi was thinking about a plan to deal with the spore cultist Charlie.

The old wizard who had never done anything yet also prepared his own spell at this time.

This old wizard is someone that Gu Xi has always paid special attention to.

 The reason why I noticed him was not because the old wizard held a particularly conspicuous lightbulb-like staff.

 It’s because from the time Charlie, the spore cultist, started to attack, he never took action. He just held the staff and didn’t know what to do there.

There were several attacks from tree roots that almost hit the old wizard's head, but they were blocked by several other strong men and even Princess Anna.

 So Gu Xi guessed that this person must be preparing for a big move.

It's just that Gu Xi has been observing for a long time, but the old wizard didn't move. Gu Xi thought he was just here to act as a light bulb.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the old wizard moved, raised his staff with both hands, and struck a ray of white light at the spore cultist Charlie among the roots of the tree.

Gu Xi noticed that this white light felt a bit like the death dragon's breath of the incarnation of death.

 The power may be smaller, but it is obviously more durable.

 Because it was in the state of a beam of light, and the spore cultist Charlie could not dodge, the blow hit the spore cultist Charlie on the spot.

As this beam of light struck down, the tree roots that were striking down quickly retracted, as if they wanted to protect the spore cultist Charlie.

At the same time, Gu Xi could clearly see that the health bar above the head of Charlie, the spore cultist, was rapidly shrinking.

  It can be seen that this attack has grasped the key point.

 This is possible.

 The following thoughts flashed through Gu Xi's mind.

 The next time you come to kill the Tail King, send out the Incarnation of Death as soon as possible.

 No, the incarnation of death needs to be strengthened.

 The current Death Dragon Breath, the incarnation of death, is still a bit weak. We need to see if there is a way to strengthen it again.

With this thought in mind, Gu Xi quickly recorded this discovery in his notebook.

 At the same time, he was still calculating the strength of the old wizard and the difference between the power of this move and the death dragon's breath.

 10,000 lives require at least two Death Dragon Breaths. It is not known whether the Death Incarnation and the Spore Cultist Charlie can fight.

 Looking at the battle below, Gu Xi was already calculating in his mind how to make better use of the incarnation of death.

If he didn't have the authority to take action now, he would want to release the incarnation of death and let him try to see how much damage the death dragon's breath can bring to the spore cultist Charlie.

  After all, only real data can allow Gu Xi to understand the gap between his enemies.

 At this moment, the mob below changed again.

The soldiers managed to cut down all the small trees that had been transformed from the mobs. As a result, after the small trees fell to the ground, they mutated again.

This time, the corpses of the small trees were combined and turned into a huge mud monster made up of trees, corpses and mud.

 (End of this chapter)

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