Breath of the Dead

Chapter 254: There is a 20 chance that the tail king will use his ultimate move (84160)

Chapter 254: 20% chance, the tail king will use his ultimate move (84160)

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The fighting method of the sludge monster is different from that of the previous mobs and small trees. They are like tanks, ignoring other people's attacks and pushing forward.

 The troops on the miscellaneous side could not stop their advance at all.

  Even if all kinds of attacks fall on them, they don't care.

 When they rush to the designated location, or when they are almost beaten, these sludge monsters will self-destruct. The range of their self-explosion is quite large, and sometimes they can even explode more than ten meters away.

Those trees and weapons that are ejected in the explosion can directly kill a large number of miscellaneous soldiers.

 Such a situation shocked Gu Xi.

 He turned back and overturned the defense map he had drawn before.

 Judging from the current situation, if there is not a strong enough defense line, it may not be possible to stop it.

 He really never thought that even the mobs on the tail king's side would have three transformations and then bring one that self-destructs.

If this was the first time Gu Xi faced such an enemy, even if he had exhausted all his troops, he might not be able to block such an attack.

 “Fortunately, I’m not in a hurry to take action this time.”

 Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If he really rushed in without knowing anything, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to withstand such an attack even if he was extremely capable.

 At this moment, something happened again with Anna's elite troops.

Although these elite troops have been guarding against the spore cultist Charlie, this BOSS's methods are difficult to guard against.

 Whether he was attacking or defending, or even when he was pressed down and beaten by the old wizard, his red thread never stopped affecting the elite soldiers below.

 Now some of the elite soldiers have been controlled by the red threads and have begun to attack their comrades around them.

 The most important thing is that there are two elite soldiers standing beside the old wizard, and they are ready to disrupt the old wizard's current actions.

 At this time, the old wizard had actually consumed all his mana.

If he hadn't been supporting the beam of light now, even the staff in his hand might have dimmed.

Two elite soldiers suddenly appeared around him. The old wizard could not withdraw his attack to deal with these two men. He could only move his position.

 Just as he moved, there happened to be a gap in the light beam.

It was this little gap that allowed Charlie, the spore cultist, to seize the opportunity.

 The four tree roots quickly retracted, protecting the spore cultist Charlie inside.

At this point, Gu Xi could also see that everything the old wizard had prepared was useless. After being interrupted, it was no longer possible to use this trick to kill the spore cultist Charlie.

Just when Gu Xi was feeling pity and wanted to ask if he could let the incarnation of death go out to fight again, the archer fired another arrow.

Gu Xi hadn't paid much attention to the archer just now. He didn't expect that this archer had been holding back his ultimate move.

This arrow happened to bypass the four tree roots that Spore Cultist Charlie was blocking in front of him, and hit the Spore Cultist Charlie's face head-on.

From this point on, Gu Xi admired the archer's ability. With such a small head, Gu Xi couldn't see the opponent's face clearly even when he was standing a little behind. However, this archer could hit accurately. This had to be Acknowledge the power of archers.

When the arrow struck, the archer was preparing for another blow.

 But he suddenly felt something was wrong.

 At this time Anna also raised her head, as if she had discovered something.

 Gu Xi waited for those fighting below to stop fighting and look up at the spore cultist Charlie before he realized something was wrong. When he looked up, he found that all the roots of Charlie, the spore cultist, had turned blood red. It felt like the veins were filled with ten to fifteen times more blood, and the entire veins had swelled to the point of being transparent. status.

Even the black apple blossoms on the roots of the tree have turned dark red.

 This situation was obviously wrong. Gu Xi was startled and suddenly thought of a possibility.

 “Be careful, he is sacrificing himself, everyone, be careful!”

 Gu Xi has read the information about the spore cultist Charlie.

  He knows that when the opponent is fighting, there is a 20% chance that he will sacrifice himself and destroy everything.

 The current situation is obviously self-sacrifice, but he doesn't know whether this self-sacrifice destroys the space in front of him or destroys the entire copy.

 Anna's reaction was quick. As soon as she heard Gu Xi's words, she made a judgment immediately.

 “Withdraw to the underground mausoleum, I ask my aunt and grandma for help.”

 So all the troops quickly put down the enemies they were fighting and ran towards the crack behind.

 Gu Xi was almost pushed out of the crack because he happened to be blocked here.

Fortunately, Gu Xi dodges faster, but the troops led by Gu Xi did not receive such treatment. His undead troops were immediately dispersed.

 Gu Xi was also quite unhappy with this situation.

He was about to step forward and say something, but found that the spore cultist Charlie was more than twice as big.

 Gu Xi knew that time was running out.

Without thinking, he opened the city gate on the spot and sent all his men in.

As for Gu Xi himself, he was still standing in front of the city gate and wanted to take a look at the situation outside.

If it were just for the destruction of the underground river space occupied by the spore cultist Charlie, then it would be fine. If the entire dungeon was destroyed, then Gu Xi would probably have to escape through Alidovi City.

 So he took this opportunity to poke his head out, trying to see the final situation clearly.

At this time, Anna had already rushed to Svirtana's sarcophagus as soon as possible.

 “Auntie, we met...”

Before Anna could finish her words, a blood-red tree root poked out from behind her.

 At the roots of this tree, there is a dark black halo.

It can be seen that this tree root is no longer the apple tree root controlled by the spore cultist Charlie. Behind it is a level 20 boss.

The tree roots appeared quite suddenly.

As the first tree root penetrated Princess Anna's body, many similar tree roots began to pierce down from above the underground mausoleum, piercing all the living people here.

 Gu Xi knew something was wrong as soon as he saw the situation. He didn't think much about it and immediately retreated to Alidovi City.

When Gu Xi retreated, there was even a tree root that pierced into the city gate.

Looking at the tree roots chasing in, Gu Xi didn't even consider the fact that he now had enough mana, and released the incarnation of death on the spot, putting him at the front.

The released Death Incarnation was directly entangled by this tree root, but the Death Incarnation was not afraid. He just turned his head, and the melting light that had been unsealed and reinstalled cooperated with the Death Dragon Breath, and the front was formed. above the tree roots.

At this time, Gu Xi looked towards Anna and the others. He bit his teeth and the city gate in the magic plant area was placed in front of Anna and the others.


 (End of this chapter)

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