Breath of the Dead

Chapter 256: Princess Anna (please subscribe)

Chapter 256 Princess Anna (please subscribe)

 After entering the magic plant area, Gu Xi took a look at the surrounding situation. Just as Luna said, the magic plant area has changed again due to the strange sacrifice and an apple tree root.

The most eye-catching thing here is naturally the huge tree root tentacles stuck in the evil wood lake in the middle of the magic plant area.

But at this time, the tree root tentacles were already emitting a yellow-green atmosphere.

Although Gu Xi hasn't come into contact with it yet, he has a feeling that this kind of aura is beneficial to him and to Alidovi City.

 So he didn't care, but speeded up and rushed to the city gate.

Like the main city gate, a large number of soldiers gathered at the garrison gate in front of us.

 It's just that their morale doesn't seem to be high.

When Gu Xi came over, they only raised their heads and glanced at Gu Xi. They did not surround Gu Xi and ask questions like the soldiers at the main city gate did.

Gu Xi glanced at them, feeling somewhat unhappy.

 The reason why he released the city gate to rescue these people was because he wanted to have some contacts in Victoria City at the last moment.

 Now that they were like this, Gu Xi felt that he had saved them in vain.

"How's the situation? Are you okay?"

Although he felt unhappy, Gu Xi still had to do some work on the surface. He jumped off the evil coffin and asked seriously, "Don't worry, I will find a way to contact Victoria and send you there."

“My lord, forget it, there’s no need to send us there.”

 At this time, a paladin stood up and said.

This paladin is at least level 10, wearing golden armor and a white cloak behind him.

 Gu Xi noticed that on his armor, the shoulder pad on the left side had a lion head, and the shoulder pad on the right side had an eagle head.

Gu Xi had seen this outfit from a distance before, and he seemed to be one of Princess Anna's personal guards.

 But looking at his situation now, it seems that he no longer has the same sunshine as before.

"What happened?"

Gu Xi asked with a puzzled look on his face.

The paladin gave up a position. Gu Xi looked back and found the pale Princess Anna lying at the city gate. Her pierced chest was no longer bleeding, but it was obvious that she was no longer breathing. .


Gu Xi didn't expect that the final result would be like this, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

At this moment, the Paladin patted Gu Xi and said: "Thank you for giving us the last time to get along with the eldest princess. This is enough. Please open the city gate and send us back to Westminster Abbey. We hope I can fight again for the great lord.”

When he said this, the other soldiers also stood up, holding their weapons and looking at Gu Xi seriously.

Looking at them like this, Gu Xi hesitated and said, "Westminster Abbey may not still be there now."

 Speaking of this, Gu Xi suddenly thought of something, "By the way, have you seen the root of the tree?"

 Gu Xi pointed toward Xiemu Lake, "I knocked it down. It's the same root as the weird apple tree over at Westminster Abbey."

Upon hearing this, the Holy Knight reached out and grabbed Gu Xi's clothes, "What do you mean?"

“I want to say that maybe you have a better place to go than Westminster Abbey, but it is more dangerous. If you go there, you may not be able to come back.”

“We originally wanted to make one last dash for the eldest princess. What’s so scary about death?”

The paladin loosened his grip and Gu Xi quickly took two steps back.

“I’m not afraid to tell you that this is the Mirror Underground Palace, the city that was sacrificed by James I. The prince sealed in the Mirror Underground Palace has always been looking for opportunities to open the blockade.

Leave the city from here and head towards the mist, you can find the source of the roots of Apple Village, which is the mirrored Westminster Abbey. There lies the culprit behind this plot against Westminster Abbey. "

Listening to Gu Xi's words, the Paladin did not speak, but silently pondered the truth of Gu Xi's words.

 “I don’t remember there were woods before Victoria City.”

“If you plant the roots of such a big apple tree at home, your home will become a forest, and it will be the largest rainforest.”

 Gu Xi pointed in the direction of the city gate, "I've pointed out the way for you. Whether you want to try and die, or whether you want to guard the body of the princess here, please feel free to do it yourself.

 Of course, if you want to go back to Victoria City, I can take you back.

But once you go back, you may never come back. "

The paladin thought for a while, then turned to look at the white-robed priest next to him.

The priest took out a thick-covered book and said to the paladin seriously: "What he just said is the truth."

 Then the Paladin turned his head and looked at his other comrades.

 They all held onto their weapons with smiles on their faces.

 “Okay, we’re ready to go.”

Then the Paladin said to Gu Xi: "Please return the body of Princess Anna to Victoria City. Please do not turn her into an undead before she agrees, otherwise you will become Britain's mortal enemy."

 After saying this, the paladin walked to Princess Anna and knelt down on one knee.

"Princess, I will die on the charge. If you can stand up again, I will wait for your call in the underworld."

 After saying that, he picked up his weapon and headed out of the city gate.

 Then another knight made the same move.

 Looking at the way they knelt down and took the oath one by one beside Princess Anna, Gu Xi was somewhat moved.

At this time, the priest also walked up to Gu Xi and said, "Send Princess Anna out as she came in. No coffin or any other treatment is required."

After the priest finished speaking, he walked out of the city gate with his thick book in his arms.

Gu Xi had been watching the ceremony, waiting for all the knights to leave the city gate, and then Gu Xi came to the side of Princess Anna.

At this time, Princess Anna looked like she was asleep, but her face was a little pale.

 In her hand was an unknown little flower picked from who knows where.

 After looking at Princess Anna for a moment, Gu Xi was still not sure whether he wanted her to be sent back to Victoria City.

 Gu Xi is not too worried about sending the body back.

 What he was worried about was that if the body was sent back here, it would be funny if Princess Anna appeared again when the dungeon was restarted.

 He could be hacked to death by the British royal family.

But instead of sending it back, Gu Xi looked at the back of the paladin who had walked into the fog, and still felt a little hesitant in his heart.

 This is the last wish of these soldiers before their death, and Gu Xi has no reason not to fulfill it.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi stood up straight.

“Luna, take the body with you, we are going to Victoria City.”

 (End of this chapter)

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