Breath of the Dead

Chapter 257: The burning city of Victoria (please subscribe)

Chapter 257 The burning city of Victoria (please subscribe)

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Carrying the body of Princess Anna, Gu Xi and Luna rushed back to the main city.

At this time, the soldiers near the city gate of the main city were still thinking about how to return to Victoria City, and what to say about the incident at Westminster Abbey after they returned.

This is a big event. Westminster Abbey is usually used as the main church where the British royal family ascends the throne.

Losing Westminster Abbey is equivalent to losing the Chinese Emperor and losing the Temple of Heaven. Even if you ascend the throne, no one will recognize you as orthodox.

 Unless you build another one.

 How can a church like Westminster Abbey be built in a short time=.

 Some of the situations here are both opportunities and challenges for the big guys behind these soldiers.

If they weren't still in Alidovi City now, they would even want to spread the news now.

 But when they saw Gu Xi rushing back carrying the body of Princess Anna, they were all stunned.

All the soldiers who were eager to send the news back knelt on one knee by the roadside to greet the body of Princess Anna.

“Come with me, we are going to Victoria City, but there is one thing that we may need your help with.”

 “Sir, please speak.”

"Something happened in Victoria City now, and you have seen it. I was entrusted by others to return the body of Princess Anna to the royal family. I don't know the way now, so I need you to clear the way for me. Protect Princess Anna’s return.”

Gu Xi looked at these soldiers and said.

“Sir, please rest assured and protect the eldest princess. This is the wish of all of us. Even if you don’t say it, we will move forward together.”

 “Okay, come with me.”

Gu Xi waved to them and led these people towards the hut connected to Victoria City.

 Because Gu Xi has not yet withdrawn from the copy of the major event in Westminster Abbey. Although the copy has been destroyed, the connection with Westminster Abbey has not been broken yet.

 According to the causal relationship, he is now the closest to Victoria City.

 As long as he exits the instance, he can go to Victoria City.

Then his hearthstone will not be blocked by people due to the changes in Victoria City.

“This is it. When the fire is lit, you can send someone over first. I have a small building over there in Victoria.

After you go out, please help clear away the enemies around you and protect the safety of the road. "

 Some of these soldiers are well-informed about things like hearthstones.

 One of them asked right there: "Where is your small building?"

“Camden, at the junction of Northumberland Avenue.”

 When Gu Xi said this, these soldiers immediately understood where they were.

"It's quite far away from Windsor Griffin Castle. If we leave from you, we have to cross the river, leave the city, and travel a certain distance in the wild. I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"No matter how difficult it is, we must send the eldest princess back. In addition, we will definitely be blocked on the way to send eldest princess Anna back this time, so please help us."

 Gu Xi glanced at them again. He was not sure what was going on in Victoria City now.

But one thing is certain, Victoria City is definitely still in a state of zombie siege.

 It would be difficult to run such a long distance as those people said.

It is not known whether these soldiers who were finally rescued will die in the battle in Victoria City.

While Gu Xi was still sighing at this point, these soldiers were already getting anxious.

"Don't worry, isn't this what we should do?" "That is, whoever wants to block our way will die."

“My dad needs to know that I can **** the eldest princess all the way to Windsor Griffin Castle. Even if I die in battle, he will be happy.”


 Under the discussion among the soldiers in twos and threes, Gu Xi issued the order.

 “Okay, now who is the first to set off?”

 “Here I go, I’ve used this kind of hearthstone before and I know how to deal with it.”

 One of the soldiers jumped out upon hearing this.

 “Then I’ll be the second one…”

 “I am third…”

The soldiers didn’t need to worry about their rest arrangements, they arranged their lines by themselves.

 The bodies of Gu Xi and Princess Anna will be the last to pass.

As for the soldiers under Gu Xi, there is no need to bring them with him. As long as he arrives in Victoria City, Gu Xi can release the soldiers through the city gate at any time.

 After all the soldiers here had passed by the hearthstone, Gu Xi turned to Luna and said.

“After I pass, you send Princess Anna’s body over, then prepare your troops and wait at the city gate. I’m afraid there will be a big battle next.”


Luna didn’t say much and decisively agreed to Gu Xi’s request.

In order to prevent Princess Anna's body from being lost in the void, Gu Xi specially held Princess Anna's hand and led Princess Anna into the hearthstone.

When he stepped into the area of ​​influence of the hearthstone, Gu Xi felt his eyes go dark. He seemed to have entered a dark passage, with only a little light shining in front of him.

Gu Xi wanted to move forward, but found that he couldn't move.

This situation made Gu Xi quite uncomfortable. Just as he was about to struggle a little longer, he felt a strong push coming from behind him, pushing him out of the dark space.

When Gu Xi's eyes became bright, Gu Xi felt the smell of unheated sulfur coming to his nostrils.

 He looked up and found that he had entered Victoria City from Alidovi.

 In the original Victoria City, the sky was covered with thick dark clouds at most.

Victoria City is different now. The clouds in the sky have been dyed blood red.

Black powder fell from the sky like snowflakes. Gu Xi just stretched out his hand, and his hand was already covered with a lot of black powder.

Looking carefully at the ground, there is already a thin layer of such powder on the ground.

However, Gu Xi was a little confused about where he was now.

He remembered that he had placed the hearthstone in the fireplace on the first floor of the small building. If he wanted to appear, he should have appeared in the small building.

 What is this situation? Why does it look like we are in a wilderness? What about the buildings around us?

Is it possible that something weird happened and he ended up teleporting in the wrong direction?

 It can’t be so unlucky.

Just when Gu Xi was about to complain, Sha Ya's voice came from not far ahead.

 “Sir, here, we are over here.”

Gu Xi saw Donghaiya waving to him at the entrance of the sewer. Behind Shaya, there were several soldiers who had just left Alidovi City.

When the soldiers saw the body of Princess Anna brought by Gu Xi, they all crawled out of the sewer, carried the body and headed towards the sewer.

 (End of this chapter)

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