Breath of the Dead

Chapter 258: All the way forward (86160)

Chapter 258 Moving forward (86160)

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In the sewer, Gu Xi endured the hot temperature and asked, "What's going on?"

Shaya said helplessly: "Who knows what those people were thinking, they actually chose to set fire to Victoria City, intending to burn the cinders together.

They didn’t even think about it, is Cinder afraid of this?

 When I came back with my people, Victoria City was already burning, and the only place to hide was under the sewer.

 Sir, I failed to guard the small building. "


 After Gu Xi knew what was happening in front of him, he said calmly.

“We did not come here alone this time, we have comrades behind us.”

 Gu Xi looked up at the soldiers hiding in the sewers, and had to admit that these guys were really letting go.

After discovering the anomaly in Victoria City, they chose to drill into the sewer without saying a word.

 There is no discomfort at all.

Even when they saw Gu Xi coming in with the body of Princess Anna, they were excitedly talking about their feelings after entering the sewer.

"Let's not talk about this for now. We have to go to Windsor Griffin Castle quickly. What happens in Victoria City has nothing to do with us. Do you understand?"

“Okay, we all know that with us, this journey is absolutely safe, but do we really want to go to Windsor Griffin Castle?

With such a big event happening in Victoria City, members of the royal family should not all go to Victoria Tower, which is the armed core of the entire Victoria City.

 Only when they enter there do they think they are safe.

 Windsor Griffin Castle is just a place for them to relax on weekends. The defense there is insufficient, so if we want to go, we should also go in the direction of Victoria Tower. "

Hearing Victoria Tower, Gu Xi thought of Alidovi Tower, which is not far from Alidovi City.

There is the castle that Gu Xi has always wanted to capture.

  When he entered Alidovi City from the Mirror Underground Palace, he also entered from this location.

 Gu Xi has seen the defense system of Aridovita, and he also knows that what these soldiers said is good.

 “Okay, let’s go there now.”

“Okay, let’s lead the way from the front. When we can go through the sewer later, we’ll go through the sewer.

 When you are almost there, come out again. "


Gu Xi asked curiously.

“All supplies in Victoria Tower are in an independent system, as are the sewers. No matter who they are, they can only enter and exit through the main entrance of the castle, which ensures the safety of the castle.”

Hearing this explanation, Gu Xi was also a little worried. He was considering whether the British royal family would attack him as an enemy if he rushed towards the Victoria Tower at this time.

“Don’t worry, we are all regular troops, and we are sending Princess Anna’s body there, who dares to stop us.”

 “Okay, let’s go.”

Gu Xi was not the kind of person who hesitated. After understanding the situation, he made a decisive decision.

 The group of them moved quickly through the sewer.

Shaya led the way all the way, while Gu Xi and other British soldiers took turns carrying the body of Princess Anna and followed behind.

The remaining people quickly followed, and finally a few stronger soldiers stopped behind to prevent anyone from getting lost in the maze-like sewer.

After all, the situation in the sewers is not very good. If you accidentally get lost, you will soon disappear into the sewers, and you will never be able to leave alive.

Shaya, who leads the way, has always chosen the right path to move forward.

 But Victoria City has turned into a huge furnace, and the sewers are relatively close to the ground, so they have been affected to some extent. In some places, the sewers have been burned or even collapsed. Even Shaya had to look for a way forward from time to time.

 The soldiers following behind also felt the increasing temperature.

 But they had no intention of urging Shaya.

They all know that they are familiar with Victoria City, but some people say that there is no sewer defense at all.

If they lose Shaya, they will not be able to get out of the sewer unless they climb up directly against the flames on the ground.

 So they cannot lose Shaya as the leader.

  Even if Shaya kept retreating to the position where she started, they didn't have any complaints.

 Walked in the sewer for about an hour and a half.

  The temperature in the sewer also slowly dropped.

Sha Ya, who was leading the way, touched the wall of the sewer and said: "We are almost out. If we walk forward for about half an hour, we can reach a safe place. It will be faster for us to walk on the ground."

Gu Xi also felt that the temperature above the sewer was not as high as the place he just passed by, so he also breathed a sigh of relief.

 “Would you like to take a break?”

 I don’t want all the soldiers to shake their heads.

 “There is no need to rest, this little journey is nothing to us.”

“That’s right, we are paladins, there is nothing to be afraid of.”

“That’s right, if it weren’t for the difficulty of running through the sewer, I could show it to you immediately.”


Looking at the excitement of these soldiers, Gu Xi naturally would not make it difficult for them.

"Okay, let's go forward for another half hour and wait until we get to the ground to rest."

Hearing this, all the soldiers cheered excitedly.

 Gu Xi could even feel that a golden eagle spreading its wings appeared above them.

  This is a sign of morale improvement.

  As a player, Gu Xi encountered this situation for the first time while leading a team.

 This made him look at it a few more times.

These soldiers have no objections, and Shaya, who is responsible for leading the team, has no objections.

As an undead, Shaya didn't need to rest at all. Under Gu Xi's order, she led the way again.

But the next section of the road is not that easy.

  The previous sewers had been roasted by fire, and the temperature was a little too high. All the strange things, water ghosts, rats and the like in the sewers had escaped.

 But the sewer section in front of them was different. Gu Xi and the others encountered several waves of rats.

 There were even water ghosts and some weird and weird creatures trying to lure Gu Xi and the others into the sewer water.

For example, the red hat Gu Xi just killed was a strange existence. If Gu Xi hadn't reacted quickly, this guy would have almost jumped out of the sewage, grabbed Gu Xi's calf, and dragged him into the sewage. Went there.

Even though he knew that he would not drown in the sewage, looking at the sewage with dirt floating on it, Gu Xi's scalp felt numb for a while.

If he was dragged into the water and given two more mouthfuls of water, Gu Xi would really not want to live.

 So the angry Gu Xi dealt a burst of damage to the sewage, and the Bone Storm directly pushed two of them out.

Had it not been for the ordinary British soldiers following behind, he would have even planned to use the Death Ripple.

Fortunately, this journey eventually comes to an end. Shaya pushed open a rusty iron fence in front and said happily: "We are here!"

 (End of this chapter)

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