Breath of the Dead

Chapter 259: Victoria Tower (87160)

Chapter 259 Victoria Tower (87160)

 Pushing open the rusty iron fence, Gu Xi climbed out of the sewer outlet.

He didn't feel much in the sewer, but after crawling out of the sewer, Gu Xi felt that his whole body was soaked in smell.

What he wants most right now is to change out of his clothes and wash them.

 It doesn’t matter if you can only wear wet clothes afterwards.

The soldiers who came out after him probably had the same idea. After they climbed out of the sewer, they smelled it on themselves immediately, with a look of disgust on their faces.

There was even one person who was carrying several freshly caught mice to bleed them, intending to use the smell of blood to suppress the smell on his body.

“Okay, that’s it. Is there anyone who can identify the road and see where this is and how far it is from Victoria Tower?”

After suppressing his unhappiness, Gu Xi said to the soldiers.

Hearing Gu Xi's words, several soldiers stood up. They looked around at the deserted streets, and finally one soldier pointed in one direction.

 “The Victoria Tower is right there.”

Gu Xi looked in the direction pointed by the soldier, and saw dark clouds in his eyes.

 “How do you know Victoria Tower is there?”

“There are only crows in the Victoria Tower, and griffons will not appear in the Victoria Tower. You can tell by looking at the flight path of the griffins in the sky.”

Looking at what the soldier said, Gu Xi found that this was indeed the case.

 Because the city of Victoria was burning, the troops in the city had been dispatching or suppressing something.

As the British flying force, griffons are naturally quite busy, but no matter how busy these griffins are, they have not flown to a certain location, and they have not even passed by.

 If no one wakes you up, you may not notice anything.

 But after being pointed out, Gu Xi naturally saw that there was a problem here.

 He was not stupid enough to ask the crows in Victoria City if there was something wrong.

 Instead, point in that direction.

 “Let’s go there first.”

When the soldiers who were still sitting on the ground resting heard this, they stood up one after another. They arranged their clothes and armor and took care of their weapons.

 After that, several of the strongest paladins did not go to the front as before. Instead, they removed the door panel from nearby and placed the body of Princess Anna on it.

 Six paladins carried the body and moved forward with solemn expressions.

 The remaining soldiers gathered around with weapons in advance, all protecting Princess Anna.

Seeing them like this, Gu Xi did not force these soldiers to charge. He stretched out his hand, and a city gate appeared behind him, and Gu Xi's undead soldiers quickly walked out.

This time, the troops led by the two heroes came out. As for Gu Xi's main force, he did not release it directly.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that the current situation in Victoria City is inappropriate.

"Arroyo, you lead the troops to open the way in front. Robbie, you lead the troops to follow the transport team to prevent anyone from approaching."

 After the two heroes came out, Gu Xi arranged corresponding positions for them.

Then Gu Xi turned over and jumped onto the evil coffin. After walking for such a long time, Gu Xi was a little tired. At this time, he had a mount and instead of riding, Gu Xi was walking on his legs, so Gu Xi was not so stupid.

 Instead, it was Gu Xi's two heroes who were not of high level and had no mounts to ride.

 They also walked with their troops as they advanced.

 After releasing his troops, Gu Xi didn't care about anything anymore and led the team in rampage mode. Anyway, Victoria City is almost empty now, so there is no need to think too much about it.

 As Gu Xi's troops accelerated, the soldiers who followed also increased their speed.

 And their actions soon attracted the attention of some people nearby.

Several griffins appeared in the sky. These griffins had yellow feathers, and when they flew up, they looked like knives slicing through the wind.

 When they flew in front of Gu Xi's team, they were still planning to attack Gu Xi's team, but when they saw the body of Princess Anna who was protecting Gu Xi's team, all the griffins fell down.

 The situation in which they fell immediately attracted the attention of other griffons.

These griffins can become an important air force in Britain. In addition to their extremely strong combat effectiveness, their greatest feature is intelligence.

 Adult griffins have the IQ of normal people and they can judge the battlefield situation by themselves.

If you meet one or two talented heroes, you can even have simple communication with the griffon.

Now that I saw my companion falling down, the other griffons were naturally curious about what happened here.

You must know that even if a griffon normally lands, it will not land on flat ground.

 Because that would prevent them from flying in time.

 So a large number of griffons flew towards this side.

 Afterwards, they also saw Princess Anna being carried away.

These griffins that flew over fell down quickly. It was not until Princess Anna's body was carried in front of them that they flew up and followed far behind.

At this time, Gu Xi finally understood how high the reputation of Princess Anna or the British royal family was among the people and soldiers.

At this time, Gu Xi felt that he had not run away in vain this time, and that he had done the right thing by sending Princess Anna's body back.

 The gathering of a large number of griffons naturally attracted the attention of others.

 In an apartment building not far away, a man whose skin had turned coal-gray and with several fiery red cracks on his face was looking at the gathering of griffins.

“With so many griffons gathered together, they must be escorting the demon leaders to Victoria Tower. They are all brainless. They have already had troubles several times, and they are still like this.

But that’s okay, as long as I kill one more member of the royal family, I can collect the blood and lives of six members of the royal family.

 Although it is not the identity required by the Mirror Underground Palace, it is enough.

 At that time, I can enter the mirror underground palace and enter the mirror city.

 That city will be mine. "

 The man laughed heartily.

 After laughing, he took out a tin whistle that looked like it had just been taken out of the stove, put it to his mouth and blew it hard.

This kind of iron whistle is usually used when chasing people on the streets of Scotland Yard.

 But under the blow of this man, it turned into an attractive way.

 A large amount of black and gray gathered together during the whistle, and finally turned into a human figure made of black and gray.

This kind of figure walks unsteadily, as if it would be blown away by the wind if it walked faster.

 But they themselves didn't care about this. Under the orders of the whistle, more and more such figures were slowly but surely heading towards the location where the griffins gathered.

 (End of this chapter)

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