Breath of the Dead

Chapter 260: Cinder blocks the road (please subscribe)

Chapter 260 Cinder blocks the road (please subscribe)

 “Quack, quack, quack!”

The gryphon kept screaming in the sky.

Hearing those words, Gu Xi couldn't help but raise his head and asked, "What are they talking about?"

Sha Ya, who was following Gu Xi, shook her head.

 She is not omnipotent, so how can she know the gryphon language.

Fortunately, a paladin said at this time: "He seemed to be saying that there are a large number of enemies ahead that are surrounding us."

 “Surround us?”

Gu Xi smiled, really thinking that he was a weakling because he cleared the dungeon once and was knocked out.

 Anyone can come and step on it?

“Sir, do you want the troops to stop for a moment?”

 At this time the paladin asked again.

“No need to stop, just go forward. I want to see what kind of scum wants to surround me.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he opened the city gate.

 All the troops that could be mobilized began to walk out of the city gate.

The ones who were released this time were naturally Gu Xi's core troops. When the fifteen gargoyles were released, they immediately saw the griffons in the sky.

So these gargoyles immediately flew in front of the griffin, at least to the same height.

Looking at the movements of these gargoyles, Gu Xi actually laughed.

  Such a gargoyle made him quite satisfied.

 At least the gargoyles are not timid because of the high level and large number of griffins.

 “Go and check the situation.”

Gu Xi waved his hand, causing the gargoyles to scatter in all directions.

At the same time, the withered ones who just came out raised the spear staff in their hands and began to run around all the troops. Wherever they ran, some light green spots would always fall down.

 The British soldiers all felt that their physical strength was rapidly recovering.

"When the battle comes, don't stop. I will keep leading my troops to charge forward. I will not stop to save anyone except the body of Princess Anna."

Hearing Gu Xi’s words, these soldiers all looked at each other.

But they all understood that Gu Xi’s choice was the right one.

 If you really find yourself surrounded by enemies, rushing out is the best option.

 Defending in place will only concentrate all the enemy's troops, and eventually they will have to face attacks from all directions.

So these soldiers nodded and said that they had no problem. Even if an enemy hits them, they are not weak. Their level is still very high and they can participate in the battle.

 Gu Xi smiled and said, "Aren't you kidding yourself when you say you can join the battle in the Necromancer's team? Just follow behind."

While Gu Xi was talking, the gargoyles also flew back, and they quickly gestured in front of Gu Xi.

 The number of enemies and the speed of their advance are all clearly stated.

 Although it is not as convenient as a normal conversation, it is still clearer than a few griffin calls.

 A shadowy person who moves like a zombie?

After analyzing the description of the gargoyle, Gu Xi immediately thought of the cinders Sha Ya mentioned.

“Shaya, didn’t you say you should set fire to kill Cinder? Why does the situation look wrong?”

Shaya didn't know the meaning of the gargoyle's gestures, but she knew something was wrong as soon as she heard Gu Xi's words.

“I’m afraid they wouldn’t dare to burn this place even if they wanted to.”

 Gu Xi didn’t know whether it was true or not. If the Victoria Tower was here, it was possible that he would not dare to set it on fire.

 But if the whole city is really going to turn into cinders, then we still have to set fire to it.

How could nearly 10,000 cinders be allowed to wander here?

 So Gu Xi thought about it and guessed another possibility. Someone is smuggling cinders into this area.

Just like Gu Xi could follow Sha Ya through the sewers to avoid the fire, there were also helpers behind those cinders.

 Just no matter how they got here, they shouldn't have any thoughts about Gu Xi's team.

 If they had not come over, they could have lurked safely. But now that they jumped out, they would be seeking their own death.

While Gu Xi was clarifying his thoughts, the enemy also appeared directly in front of him.

At this time, Gu Xi looked at more than three thousand black figures walking towards this side step by step.

He raised his hand and said, "Arroyo, clear the road."

When Arroyo, who was walking at the front of the team, heard this, he also raised his long battle ax and stood directly at the front.

 Behind him were 15 warriors such as spearmen, and then came the skeleton spearmen led by the skull leader.

 Before the black figures surged up, Arroyo led the troops forward.

 Compared with the previous combat team's fighting style, Arroyo's tactics of the spearmen were more violent.

 He doesn't care about connectivity, attack is his goal.

If we talk about the previous combat squad-style spear attack, the spearmen were used as machines, raising the gun, stabbing, closing the gun, and moving forward. All steps were done according to the rhythm.

The spearmen brought by Arroyo used the spearmen as siege vehicles. They did not put back their guns. They only moved forward, stabbed straight, then moved forward, and stabbed straight again.

  The action of closing the gun is already hidden in the advance.

 Such an attack is naturally not easy to defend against.

 So in order to prevent the enemy from having a chance to attack, these spearmen must kill the enemy in one wave when attacking.

Arroyo's team will be more concentrated and obviously thicker than other spearmen teams.

 Looking at the black figures in front of him, Arroyo decisively raised his long battle ax.


 Before the black figure moved step by step to Gu Xi's team, Arroyo had already led the troops forward and rushed into the black figure.

In the first attack, Arroyo used all his strength, rows of spears thrusting forward.

Often the spear in front has pierced the enemy, and the spears in the row behind have also pierced.

 The skeleton spearmen in front were pushed forward by the skeleton spearmen behind.

In order to prevent themselves from being squeezed out by the skeleton spearmen behind them, those in the front row must also move forward, otherwise they will be squeezed to the ground by the skeleton spearmen behind them.

 Under such circumstances, the skeleton spearmen in front could only keep accelerating and accelerating again.

 The performance of their acceleration lies in the speed at which they draw their guns.

Those black figures never thought that they would be attacked by such troops.

 Just under the impact of the first wave, the black figure was beaten into powder.

Seeing that Gu Xi's troops were about to arrive, Gu Xi suddenly noticed that the black powder on the ground had a tendency to regroup.

This situation made Gu Xi stunned. He first pointed at the black powder on the ground.


  【You fail to use spiritualism, and you gain 1 spiritualism experience point. 】

 “Secondary corpse explosion!”


  【You use the secondary corpse explosion successfully, and you get 1 point of secondary explosion experience. 】

Then Gu Xi laughed.

 Powder is also a corpse. Without a corpse, you can't be resurrected, right?

 Then get up.

 “Bone shield, blessed with skeleton spearmen, stack it up for me!”

 (End of this chapter)

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