Breath of the Dead

Chapter 26: Changes in the Church (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 26 Changes in the Church (please follow up)

 When Luna said this, Gu Xi smiled instead.

 “Change, change immediately, replace the part that belongs to me first.”

 After saying this, Gu Xi looked at Luna. Luna also understood what Gu Xi meant, and she pointed at the door of the meeting hall.

 “Just put it inside, and it will automatically transform after you put it in.”

Gu Xi looked in the direction Luna was pointing and found that there was a large wooden box there.

 The blue metal edging makes it obvious at first glance that it is a treasure chest.

With a place to store the strange energy beads, the skeletons themselves put Gu Xi’s share of the strange energy beads into the wooden box without the need for Gu Xi’s command.

 Gu Xi stood in front of the wooden box and took a look, and found that he could actually see the information in the box.

[Small treasure chest: negative energy points (317/10000), wood (9/100), stone (8/100), metal (3/100), gem (0/20), sulfur (0/20), crystal ( 0/20), mercury (0/20)]

While Gu Xi was checking the supplies in the treasure box, Luna was still talking to the side.

“We can only use it now. When we have enough resources and build a warehouse, there will be more things that can be stored.”

 Gu Xi didn’t say much. He was a little curious as to where the wood, stone and metal in the treasure box came from.

At this time, Gu Xi discovered that when the skeletons were cleaning the battlefield, they also threw the roadblocks damaged by the black shadow into the treasure chest. These were the sources of materials such as wood and stone.

Thinking about it, this is actually a good thing. At least Gu Xi has the materials and won't be confused about where to get them.

  After putting all the things collected on the battlefield into the treasure box, Gu Xi waved his hand and led the skeletons towards the church.

While heading in that direction, Luna also explained the different situations of the church to Gu Xi.

“The churches in Victoria City are actually in the shape of a former church and a cemetery behind it, especially the church we went to, which is one of the earliest churches in Victoria.

I think there is a certain reason why the church became alienated in the first place. "

 Gu Xi thought for a while and then said: "Are you trying to say that when you copied the church, the copy was not comprehensive enough?"

“Yes, even if those people copied it one to one, they would not be able to copy everything in the church clearly. Not to mention other things, even the tombs in the cemetery behind the church are all empty.”

 Luna explained.

And Gu Xi also thought the same thing about what he just said.

But what Luna said next was something Gu Xi didn't expect.

“At the same time, in the middle of the church, there is also the sarcophagus of a knight. This knight was also unable to be copied by James I.”

 Gu Xi nodded after hearing this, "Don't talk about a knight. Even if it is the body of an ordinary person, he cannot replicate it one to one."

 “No, this knight is Bos.”

"Oh, it's Baos." Gu Xi actually didn't know who this Baos was, but Luna said so, and Gu Xi had to give him some respect.

But Gu Xi took two steps and then stopped. He turned to look at Luna.

"The knight who can make you explain so seriously cannot be a Knight of the Round Table, right?"

 “Yeah, I thought you knew.”

 Gu Xi had heard the story of the Knights of the Round Table, but among these Knights of the Round Table, only three or four had obvious places to go after their deaths, and the others did not know where they were buried. Gu Xi was a little surprised that a Knight of the Round Table was buried in this church.

“Tell me first, what happened to this church in the end?”

"I don't know what happened. From the information I saw, it seems that the church was demolished in that year and the Knights of Bowes were moved to Westminster Abbey."

"Luna, I suddenly had an idea. If, I said if, I would go to Westminster Abbey in Victoria, bring the body of the Knight of Bowes in, and put it in our chapel. You said What will happen?”

 Luna had not thought about Gu Xi’s question.

 The reason why she asked Gu Xi to leave an anchor in Victoria City before was because she wanted to get information and opportunities to enter other mirror cities.

 But she really never thought about smuggling in things that had not been copied before.

 Now that Gu Xi said this, Luna also reacted.

“Sir, this is a good idea. Not only can we transport the body of Knight Boss, but we can also find the bodies that were originally buried behind the church.

 When the church was demolished before, the whereabouts of these corpses were actually recorded. As long as we can find the corpses, we can transport them in. "

 Neither Gu Xi nor Luna thought about the fact that the body could not be brought in.

Gu Xi has mastered the skill of Death City. As long as the gate of Alidovi City is built, Gu Xi can open the door at any time. Whether it is to release the undead or transport things in, it is quite convenient.

 Now they are more concerned about whether bringing these corpses in will bring any different changes to the church.

 While they were thinking about this matter, they happened to walk to the front of the church.

When he saw this church, Gu Xi understood the level of the church in front of him. This was clearly a country church.

This church is not too big. When you open the door and go in, there are four rows of benches inside. There is also a sarcophagus parked in the center of the church.

There is a long sword and a shield placed on the sarcophagus, which means that a knight is buried inside.

Going out of the side door of the church, you can go around to the cemetery behind the church, where the tombstones and everything are replicated one-to-one, and even the coffins are there, but the bodies inside cannot be replicated, and the entire cemetery is empty.

Others may not be able to tell, but as a necromancer, Gu Xi can tell at a glance whether there is a corpse in the grave.

Seeing this situation, Gu Xi had to shake his head. It seemed that there was a reason why Alidovi City would become a city of death.

After walking around the church, Gu Xi waved to the skeletons behind him.

On the way here, Gu Xi had already asked the surviving skeletons to digest the strange energy beads and pieced together twenty level 3 skeleton soldiers.

  When Gu Xi entered the church, they were all waiting outside.

Now Gu Xi waved, and these skeleton soldiers walked into the church.

As they entered the church, some skeletons began to appear on the church benches.

At the same time, a string of messages popped up in front of Gu Xi's eyes.

  【The church was upgraded to a cult church! 】

  【Building name: Evil Church

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)

 Trainable troops:

  Skeleton (level 0), automatically trains 20 people every week, consuming 0 points of negative energy

Skeleton soldier (level 3), consumes 30 points of negative energy (skeletons with experience level can reduce the negative energy consumption), can transform a skeleton into a skeleton soldier (the direction of the weapon is optional)]

 (End of this chapter)

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