Breath of the Dead

Chapter 27: Activate other buildings (seeking for reading)

Chapter 27 Activating other buildings (please read)

As the situation in the church changed, Gu Xi discovered that the skeleton soldiers he had arranged to come in actually walked towards the cemetery behind the church.

Gu Xi was a little confused about their behavior, so he walked over and took a look.

When he followed him, he thought these skeleton soldiers would be wandering in the cemetery behind the church. Unexpectedly, these skeleton soldiers inserted their weapons into the grave, dug out the coffin, and buried themselves.

This situation made Gu Xi a little embarrassed. In this situation, it was clear that the twenty skeleton soldiers no longer belonged to Gu Xi.

 They were placed in the cult church to act like soldiers.

 Even if the cult church is destroyed, they will not come out to fight for Gu Xi again.

This caused Gu Xi, who was already short of troops, to suffer heavy losses all at once.

 Fortunately, the evil church did not deny Gu a chance to rest.

The 20 skeletons that should be produced this week are sitting on the benches of the cult church. These skeletons can be recruited as long as Gu Xi gives an order.

It’s just that Gu Xi’s funds are insufficient now, and he has more important things to do, so he can only say: “Combat team, take out the sneaky beads in your hands and upgrade the skeletons in the team.

 Other troops are waiting for me to come back to replenish them. "

As soon as the three skeleton leaders heard this, they took action immediately.

 Because the skeletons they had before had enough experience, and the combat team had been allocated a lot of devious energy beads, it would not be a problem for them to support the consumption of transformed skeleton soldiers.

 After a while, all the skeletons completed their transformation into skeleton soldiers.

At the same time, all combat teams were also reorganized. Combat Team 1, which had been completely wiped out, was removed from the group, and Combat Team 2 was promoted to Combat Team 1.

[Combat Team 1 (Level 1, unnamed, characteristics: attack +5, defense +1, experience 64/200): Captain (1/1) Level 2 skeleton leader, team members (3/43) Level 3 skeleton soldiers (3 name)】

[Combat Team 2 (Level 2, unnamed, characteristics: attack +4, life +4, experience 19/500): Captain (1/1) Level 2 skeleton leader, team members (11/38) Level 3 skeleton soldiers (11 name)】

【Combat Team 3 (Level 1, unnamed, characteristics: defense +6, experience 124/200): Captain (1/1) Level 2 skeleton leader, team members (9/49) Level 3 skeleton soldiers (9 people)】

Looking at the total of twenty-two skeleton soldiers, Gu Xi also sighed. It was becoming increasingly difficult to complete these combat teams.

But Gu Xi is not idle either, he still has a lot of things to do.

 Not to mention that he still has to build a city gate, there are still two unactivated buildings in the city that require his special attention.

He glanced at the three combat teams and said, "Follow me, let's go to the candle factory."

 Luna, who left the cult church with Gu Xi, also explained the situation of the candle factory to Gu Xi.

“Sir, I don’t know why the candle factory became a functional building, but as far as I can see, only when the candle factory is built can street lights be built on the roadside.

 With the addition of street lights, the training speed of ghosts in Lidovi City will be improved to a certain extent. "

“You mean the candle factory is prepared for the later training of ghosts?”

“Probably, apart from that, I don’t see the role of the candle factory.”

 Gu Xi didn't know what to say after hearing this, but the candle factory has already been built. He just needs to go over and activate it. It's free of charge. Gu Xi doesn't need to spend anything to build a new building. Gu Xi also took back some of his thoughts.

When they arrived at the door of the candle factory, Gu Xi realized that this was not a candle factory at all. It was clearly a handicraft workshop.

The two-story building is the same as the council hall, but it is a little smaller than the church. All the walls facing the street on the first floor have been demolished, and there are several animal skins hanging on the roadside on the first floor. The waxy yellow grease has not yet been removed.

 There is a big pot in the small building, and something is boiling in the pot.

 There were various types of wood piled up beside the cauldron, and there were also many dried herbs placed far away.

 Gu Xi was a little confused. Wasn't it the candle factory we agreed on? The place in front of us looked more like a slaughterhouse.

 In fact, Gu Xi did not understand that except for a few candles in the Western world, which are made of beeswax, a large part of them are made of animal fat.

This is exactly why, if you want to activate the candle factory in front of you, you need twenty weird corpses to activate it.

But now Gu Xi has an even more helpless problem. Not to mention twenty corpses of strange creatures, he doesn't even have a corpse.

 “Luna, do you know where we are going to fight weird?”

"I don't know either." Luna also looked helpless. "How about we build the city gate first and go to Victoria City to find it?"

 Gu Xi recalled the situation in Victoria City.

Cultists shouldn’t be considered weird beings, right?

With no choice but to do so, Gu Xi could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​activating the candle factory and prepare to go back and build the city gate.

Just when Gu Xi walked to the street and was about to walk back, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Luna, come and see, that's pretty weird."

Luna came to where Gu Xi was standing and found that Gu Xi was pointing at the sewer under the street through the ice on the street and asked.

 In the sewer, a huge rat was running quickly.

Even though they were separated by a thick layer of ice, Gu Xi and the others could definitely see that the fur on this mouse was rotten.

Gu Xi and Luna looked at each other. They both thought of something at the same time. Without any dialogue, they turned around and ran towards the well.

 Looking down from the ice layer, everything below is part of the sewer.

 In the three existing buildings in Alidovi City, the water wells are the entrances and exits connected to the sewers, and activating the water wells requires opening up the sewers in the first block.

When Gu Xi was running towards the well, Luna followed and mobilized Gu Xi's combat team.

When Gu Xi and the others arrived at the well, he found that his remaining three combat teams were already in position, just waiting for Gu Xi's order.

“You are all here, so I won’t say anything more. Wait for combat team 4. Oh, now combat team 3 will go down first. After entering the sewer, ignore the others and set up defenses.

 Two skeleton soldiers from Combat Team 2 go down to see if the height under the sewer is enough. If not, the skeleton soldiers from Combat Team 1 will take the lead.

Okay, what are you still waiting for? Take action. This time the goal is to open the entire sewer. "

 (End of this chapter)

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