Breath of the Dead

Chapter 28: Cleaning up sewers (seeking further reading)

Chapter 28 Cleaning the sewers (please follow up)

At Gu Xi’s order, the three combat teams quickly entered the underwater channel through the well.

The sewer under the well is relatively large, and there are not so many branch roads and so on. It is just an underground passage one kilometer long and wide enough for four or five people to walk in a row.

On both sides of the channel, there are sewage outlets the size of a human head to connect all the buildings in the area.

As soon as he entered the sewer, Gu Xi understood why the sewer became part of the buildings that were transformed by Alidovi City.

 It turns out that this sewer is one of those parts that has been copied, but there is no way to completely copy it.

  The layout of the sewers can be copied, but the old filth in the sewers cannot be copied.

 In addition, after Aridovi was exiled, there was no one living in it for so many years, and there was no drainage.

When he came down to rest, he found that the sewer was actually quite clean, with not even a trace of water.

After coming down at the same time, the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 3 held up their shields and stood in front, guarding against enemies that might appear at any time.

 Gu Xi glanced forward and backward. The well was located in the middle of the sewer. It was almost five hundred meters long from front to back.

With Gu Xi's eyesight, he could clearly see that at the end of the sewer there was actually a sewer, but it was shrouded in a mysterious black mist, making it impossible to see clearly what was behind the black mist.

 This is the same characteristic of this world as the white mist that Gu Xi and the others encountered after entering Aridovi.

 Gu Xi doesn't need to know what the black mist is. He only needs to know that the part covered by the black mist is the area that he has not yet knocked down.

However, this situation made Gu Xi a little unclear about how to activate the well.

 What does it mean to lay the sewer in the first block?

There is nothing in the sewer in front of me.

 This is completely different from what we saw just now on the ground through the ice.

Gu Xi and Luna looked at each other, and Gu Xi pointed his hand forward.

 “Push forward, push to the black mist.”

 The skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 3 quickly raised their shields and moved forward with their long swords.

 Gu Xi followed with the rest of the fighting team, carefully guarding the surroundings.

They first moved in one direction, and when they reached the end, they touched the black mist to see. If the black mist did not change, they then turned back and took a look at the black mist at the other end.

However, Gu Xi actually thought too much. When the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 3 came into contact with the black mist, a group of rats rushed out of the black mist.

These mice come in different sizes. The big ones are about the size of a sow, and the small ones are as thick as a normal human arm.

 When they rushed out, all the rats immediately activated their collision skills and prepared to run from the sewer to the other side.

No need to worry about what to say, Luna reacted immediately, using the touch of ice to slow down the movement of these rats.

At the same time, the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 3 stepped forward with their shields raised, blocking the relatively large rat.

 Behind them, the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 2 also raised their spears and began to kill the small rats.

The spears are not very fast, and their melee effect will be reduced, but their attack power is strong. Small rats can kill one at a time. As long as they are stabbed, no one will survive.

 After a while, hundreds of little mice were all pricked into **** **** under the spears of the skeleton soldiers.

At this time, the big rats had not yet broken through the defense line set up by Combat Team 3.

Gu Xi has been standing behind and not taking much action. He is just watching the messages that keep popping up while extracting the soul of the mouse.

 【Skeleton soldiers (summons) kill rats (level 0), you get 0 experience points, the combat team gets 0 experience points, and the summons get 1 experience point. ]    【Skeleton soldiers (summons) kill rats (level 1), you get 1 experience point, the combat team gets 1 experience point, and the summons gets 3 experience points. 】

  【Skeleton soldiers (summons) kill giant rats (level 2), you get 1 experience point, the combat team gets 1 experience point, and the summons gets 11 experience points. 】


 【䱱get the strange energy bead (white)*3】

 【You get weird rat meat (white)*2】

  【Weird rat meat (white): Rat meat with a strange smell can be eaten by strange and demonic soldiers. 】

 【You get weird rat skin (white)*4】

  【Weird rat skin (white): Rat skin affected by strange power can be used for leather making. 】


As the battle progressed, Gu Xi slowly discovered that the [weird rat meat] picked up on the battlefield was the weird corpse needed to activate the candle factory.

However, judging from this quantity, it does not seem to be a lot. Killing five small strange rats will only produce a piece of strange rat meat. The large giant strange rats will not produce this kind of strange rat meat. After killing them, they will produce all kinds of strange rat meat. The guts of a strange rat.

Not only is it not included in the category of weird corpses, but its quality is also relatively high.

This made Gu Xi a little speechless. At first, he thought that the strange corpse was to be found from this giant giant rat.

 Unexpectedly, we need to look for it in smaller mice now.

With this patchwork, Gu Xi, who killed all the weird rats here, also collected fifteen weird corpses.

At this time, the black fog at the end of the sewer also turned into a white and transparent light curtain. Through the light curtain, you can see the situation of the next section of the sewer.

 Gu Xi understood that this was the decomposition line of the sewer, and the area behind it did not belong to Gu Xi's territory.

Of course Gu Xi can sneak past here and invade other areas of Aridovi through the sewers, but the other party can also do the same.

The situation in front of us is like this layer of light curtain. It is just such a layer of membrane, it depends on who breaks it first.

He glanced at the sewer behind the light curtain. Without saying anything, he pointed his hand towards the other end of the sewer.

 “Go over there and clear that area.”

As soon as the skeleton soldiers heard this, they immediately turned around and rushed towards the other end of the sewer.

 Luna also followed the skeleton soldiers. The battle just now showed that the impact and speed of these rats are quite good.

 Without Luna's ice touch, it might not be possible to kill these rats quickly, so Luna had to follow them and have a look.

As for Gu Xi, there was no need. He was holding a broken bone stick in one hand and a strange head in the other, and was walking slowly behind.

 Gu Xi estimated that if he walked over the distance of more than a thousand meters, the battle would be almost over.

Then what's there to be anxious about?

So Gu Xi secretly slowed down a little as he walked over.

 But just as Gu Xi was approaching the battlefield over there, Luna suddenly flew over.

 “My lord, my lord, I have made an unexpected discovery!”

 (End of this chapter)

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