Breath of the Dead

Chapter 262: Cinder’s killer move (88160)

Chapter 262 Cinder’s killer move (88160)

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Looking at Gu Xi's team moving forward, the man who had been observing secretly had another blazing red crack on his face.

 “No, I can’t lose, and I won’t lose.”

So the man took the whistle and blew it again.

At this time, Gu Xi, who was in a hurry, was also checking the message that had just popped up.

  【Arroyo leads the troops to comprehend a special ability. Please ensure the survival of this unit within 30 days and find a suitable location for it, otherwise this special ability will automatically dissipate. 】

  【The incarnation of death swallowed a large amount of soot, and the black mist it carried mutated again. It needs to be returned for stabilization. Please allow it to be returned. 】

 “Death incarnate retreats, Arroyo advances.”

At Gu Xi’s command, the incarnation of death turned around in the sky and was about to be taken back. At this moment, Gu Xi heard a sharp whistle.

He looked in the direction from which the whistle came, and found that on the top of a building not far away, a man with a black body and red cracks on his skin was whistling.

Amidst the whistle, the black figures gathered behind suddenly moved. Just like they had gathered before, they quickly turned into black powder.

This situation shocked Gu Xi. Just when Gu Xi was wondering what they were planning to do, the black powder combined again and turned into a huge firebird made of black ash.

This firebird jumped up from the ground with black smoke, and pounced directly on Gu Xi's team.

No need to pay attention to Xi's orders, the incarnation of death rushed forward in no time.

But faster than the incarnation of death were the griffins flying behind the master. These griffins turned their heads and pounced into the body of the black firebird.

These griffins tore the body of the firebird apart with one impact, but as the firebird spun in the air, the flames ignited the feathers of the griffins.

The gryphons in the sky kept twisting their bodies, trying to clean off the flames on their bodies, but no matter how hard they struggled, the flames could not be dissipated. At the same time, a large amount of black ash surrounded them from all directions, covering them. The gryphon that dared to take the initiative was dragged into the black ashes.

 At this time, the incarnation of death has also rushed in front of the fire bird.

 The incarnation of death at this time was obviously much smaller than the firebird.

But the momentum was obviously stronger than that of the Firebird. The incarnation of death used the same attack method as the previous gryphon, and crashed into the body of the Firebird.

With this collision, the Firebird's body was torn into two pieces.

The firebird shook its body and turned into black ash powder again, trying to wrap up the incarnation of death.

 At this moment, the body of the incarnation of death flashed with blue powder.

His body collided back and forth among the black ash powder transformed by the firebird. Every collision would take away a large amount of black ash.

The more times I went, the black and gray in the sky was obviously much less.

At this time, the whistle blown by the man on the top of the building was much sharper.

At this time, the firebird no longer maintained the appearance of a firebird, but turned into a large net, covering the incarnation of death layer by layer.

 Gu Xi raised his head and glanced at the man, then turned to look at Sha Ya.

Sha Ya immediately understood what Gu Xi meant, turned around and walked towards where the man was standing. Behind Sha Ya, there were nine vampire knights who came out with her.

They were carrying big swords with both hands, but they followed Shaya like thieves. Every time they moved, they only appeared for a second and then disappeared quickly.

If you weren't staring at them specifically, no one would notice that there was such a group of guys following Shaya.

Shaya turned over a few times and jumped onto a nearby building. Then she started lightly and quickly jumped over some nearby obstacles. At this time, the man also noticed Shaya's arrival. He said angrily: "Go away, I will kill you if you come back."

How could Shaya be afraid of such a guy? Faced with the opponent's provocation, Shaya jumped up and jumped over a long distance.

At this time, the man was also angry. He picked up a hammer-like object, turned it in his hand, and threw it heavily at Gu Xi.

 But just as he threw the hammer, a vampire knight appeared behind him.

Before the man could react, the vampire knight slashed his sword from behind the man, slicing the man's back open.

At this time, a large amount of blood spurted out from the wound, and the blood on the man's body was quickly evaporated by the high temperature.

 The man's face turned from black to ink at this time, and he roared loudly.

 “Do you know what you have done?”

Just after he finished shouting, another vampire knight appeared behind him. This time, the vampire knight's sword changed from a vertical slash to a horizontal slash.

Shaya also came to the man at this time. She had a dagger in her right hand and an elder stick in her left hand. She crossed her hands and put them on the man's neck, and made a heavy stroke forward.

 The man's neck was cut open by Shaya.

At this time, on the other side of the incarnation of death, the incarnation of death, surrounded by black ash, spit out its strongest attack, the death dragon's breath, at the black ash.

 A ray of green light went down, and all the surrounding darkness was dispersed.

At the same time, the black mist around him also began to swallow everything.

 In the blink of an eye, the black gray in the sky was reduced by half.

Seeing Sha Ya knocking the man down with one blow, Gu Xi stopped looking.

 The battle here is no longer important, the most important thing now is to get to Victoria Tower.

 If we put it off any longer, we still don’t know what we will face.

"let's go!"

Gu Xi didn't care about anyone else and gave the order directly.

So Arroyo's troops began to rush forward again to clear the way, while the remaining undead protected the human soldiers and moved forward together.

Sha Ya, who had already killed the man, picked up the whistle from the man's mouth, jumped down from the building, and ran towards Gu Xi.

However, the vampire knight following Shaya did not leave immediately. They all gathered around the man's body and pondered something.

 They all had some doubts in their hearts. There seemed to be something wrong with this man's blood.

Several vampire knights discussed with each other and finally took out all the blood from the man's corpse. Even though the blood was now as hot as lava, they drank it.

At the same time, the incarnation of death fighting Black Ash in the sky made the final finishing touches. He kept rolling in the sky, and every time he rolled, Black Ash would be dragged into the black mist.

It was almost time to wait until the incarnation of death flashed across the sky and disappeared into the air as quickly as it came.

At this time, the griffons in the sky who had not yet had time to join the battle gathered in twos and threes and looked at the place where the incarnation of death disappeared and considered a very serious question.

The battle on the ground has nothing to do with them, and the battle in the sky has nothing to do with them.

Then what are they doing this time?

 (End of this chapter)

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