Breath of the Dead

Chapter 263: In front of Victoria Tower (89160)

Chapter 263 In front of Victoria Tower (89160)

 After getting rid of the enemy, Gu Xi and his party moved forward much faster.

 The walls of Victoria Tower were already in front of them.

Sha Ya also caught up with Gu Xi at this time and handed the whistle she just picked up into Gu Xi's hand.

  【You get the Melting Furnace Whistle (blue)】

[Melting Furnace Whistle (Blue): Can gather and command cinders to fight for you. Blow once to gather cinders, blow twice to resurrect cinders who died in battle, blow three times to strengthen the mutation. 】

  【Note: Those who use the melting furnace whistle will also be ignited and become firewood in the melting furnace. 】

  【Explanation: Cinder also needs to be forged constantly. 】

Looking at the things Sha Ya had picked up, Gu Xi's first reaction was that the zombie siege in Victoria City was very wrong.

Judging from the melting furnace whistle in front of us, it is obvious that someone has been prepared for it.

And Gu Xi suspected that there was obviously more than one such furnace whistle.

 There are probably similar props that can be used to control cinders in other places.

 At this moment, several vampire knights also rushed back.

Gu Xi just glanced at them and found that something seemed not right about their situation.

“What’s wrong with you, are you all blushing like this?”

“I sucked the blood of the guy just now. There seems to be something wrong with his blood.”

A vampire knight spoke swayingly as if he was drunk.

“That guy, you mean the one on the roof just now? Does he still have blood?”

Gu Xi had a look of confusion on his face. Although Gu Xi only glanced at the man upstairs just now, it was obvious that he had also turned into cinders. At most, he had not turned into black ash.

 Such a person also has blood?

 But looking at the vampire knight like this, it seems that they haven't stopped drinking.

"What's your situation now? Are you going to advance or mutate?"

“No, I just feel like I’m drunk, and I don’t have any other feelings.”

Looking at the appearance of these vampire knights, Gu Xi felt a little helpless. What they were saying now was all nonsense and of no use at all. If he wanted to know the details, it seemed that he had to wait until they sobered up.

While talking, Gu Xi and the others arrived at the gate of Victoria Tower.

At this time, Gu Xi noticed that several heavy cannons were already aimed at them. If they took even half a step forward, these heavy cannons would be launched.

At this time, a paladin ran out and roared loudly at the city gate.

“Don’t attack, don’t attack, it’s us, I am the eldest son of Viscount Ana, look at my face, I am a living person, don’t attack, don’t attack!”

The soldiers on the city wall saw the paladin and did not move the muzzle of the cannon. Instead, they found a few people to come over and look at him.

Finally, a soldier said: "It's Karim from the Ana family. Go back. Now the Victoria Tower is not allowed to enter, even if the count comes, don't say that you are the youngest son of the Viscount family. Go back and it will be safe if you retreat outside the city."

“Is it General Kanu? I’m not here for Victoria Tower.

 No, I didn’t come to Victoria Tower to avoid enemies, I came to…”

Seeing that the paladin's words were somewhat inconsistent, Gu Xi walked out directly.

His cool look immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Gu Xi pulled the paladin behind him, "I am the necromancer Gu Xi. I escorted the body of Princess Anna from Westminster Abbey."

 Hearing this, everyone on the city wall froze. Looking at their expressions, Gu Xi rolled his eyes at the paladin.

This is really a useless thing. For such a simple thing, just talk about the key points directly. What's the use of talking to them about Victoria Tower and not Victoria Tower.

 Now it’s not just a matter of words to ask them to open the door.

However, it is not that simple to open the door of Victoria City. Victoria City immediately went into chaos after hearing the news that Princess Anna died in the battle.

Soon a horn sound came from behind the wall, and several white-feathered crows flew out from the wall.

 When he saw these crows, Gu Xi's eyes widened.

What have the people of Britain done to raise crows so big and white?

These crows are almost as big as a golden eagle.

If it weren’t for the fact that the head couldn’t deceive people, Gu Xi would have believed it was a white eagle.

Flying to Gu Xi's team and landing, Gu Xi felt that these crows looked like bosses, looked at him disdainfully, and then walked to the body of Princess Anna.

 After seeing the body of Princess Anna, several crows immediately spread their wings and flew away.

Just when Gu Xi thought they were going back to Victoria City to deliver a message, a scene that surprised Gu Xi happened again.

A few crows flapped their wings, and the body of Princess Anna floated up.

 The crow took away the body of Princess Anna without even looking at Gu Xi and the others.

 Such a situation left Gu Xi speechless.

Even if they are not qualified to enter the Victoria Tower, they should come out to meet in person and give them a reward or something.

 Just running away like this, what does this mean? Is running away in vain?

But the human soldiers didn’t think so. When the crow flew up with the body of Princess Anna, they all knelt down on one knee.

They all had a look of pride on their faces, as if they had made a great achievement in sending Princess Anna's body back this time.

 At their appearance, Gu Xi could only shake his head.

 “Okay, it’s done, let’s get ready to go.”

 As he said that, Gu Xi jumped onto the evil coffin, preparing to go back to Victoria City to have a look.

As for the soldiers in front of him, Gu Xi had already negotiated with them on the way here.

When Victoria City is rebuilt, they will help with it. I dare not say much else, but it is a simple matter to secretly circle one or two pieces of land for Gu Xi in the center of Victoria City and build a small building or something. .

Not much else to say, just along the way, there are four apartment buildings where Gu’s interest rate can be guaranteed.

 There is even a building with its own sewer and a small pier on the shore.

As for other things, there were even more. Gu Xi asked Shaya to memorize them all.

 After the zombie siege in Victoria City is over, let Sha Ya receive them one by one.

 Shaya was very happy about this matter.

She had already made plans on the way here. One of the four apartment buildings could be used as a hotel and intelligence center, which would allow her mentor to help train a group of intelligence personnel.

 The one with the small dock can be used as a warehouse and connected to the black market.

 The remaining two buildings serve as a place for Gu Xilai to live in Victoria City, and the other serves as a safe house.

As for the small building leading to and from Alidovi City, it is naturally still built on the same spot. This is Gu Xi’s territory. With the guarantee of these soldiers, no one can take it away.

 (End of this chapter)

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