Breath of the Dead

Chapter 272: The third wave launched in advance, air combat and BOSS (please

Chapter 272 The third wave launched in advance, air combat and BOSS (please subscribe)

"Didn't we agree on 15 minutes? It's only been a few minutes now, and I haven't even finished cleaning the battlefield. If you don't follow martial ethics, go to hell! Bone Storm!"

Gu Xi raised the cold wind staff and pointed it at the sky to produce a burst of output.

This time, Gu Xi's Bone Storm hit the crow rushing down from the sky.

When the first wave of crows rushed down, they were swept in on the spot. The bone fragments cut off their feathers and sliced ​​their muscles, making them unable to control the direction of flight. They changed from charging forward to smashing. down state.

 At this moment, Gu Xi's flying troops rushed past the crows that were shattered by the bone storm and continued to fly upward.

 The incarnation of death rushed to the front.

 In fact, at this time, Death Incarnation should use Crystal Storm for better effect.

 But now Gu Xi has no time to let the incarnation of death go back to replace the kit, so he can only use the Spark Shadow to deal with those crows.

 When the Death Incarnation rushes upward, it is not the red dragon that follows the Death Incarnation, but the corpse flies.

 They are the fastest moving unit under Gu Xi.

 Further down are the red dragon and the gargoyle.

 As they rushed upward, they stopped when they reached an altitude of about three hundred meters.

It’s not because they can’t go up anymore, but because the second wave of crows rushing down has been stopped by them.

 They fought with the crows at this height.

 At this height, there was nothing Gu Xi could do to help them, because all his spells could not reach there.

 Now we can only look at the capabilities of the incarnation of death and the flying troops themselves.

  Gu Xi is relatively confident in his men. Not to mention other things, thirty red dragons are enough to sweep through everything, not to mention that he has a level 12 death incarnation there.

The power of the flames directly dyed the sky red.

As soon as the crows rushed down, they were dragged into the flames, and their bodies were immediately set on fire.

These crows are not phoenixes, nor do they have the ability to be reborn in flames. If they are burned, they will be burned to death directly.

As for those that bypass the flames, there are also gargoyles and corpse flies to deal with them, so there is no need to worry about them flying downward.

As for the close combat with the crow, there is no problem. The red dragon and the incarnation of death are both capable of close combat. The crow is big, but it is still much smaller than the red dragon.

The red dragon can often kill a crow with just one bite.

Not to mention that the red dragon can also attack with its claws and sweep with its tail. These are normal attack methods for dragons.

Often a dragon can easily deal with three or four enemies at the same time.

 As long as the enemy's combat power is not too strong, or the enemy is big enough to suppress the dragon, ordinary battles are not a problem for the dragon.

Although the thirty red dragons are all level 7 dragons, they can easily deal with these crows.

Looking at the situation in the sky, Gu Xi felt a little comforted in his heart. Although he couldn't help, the current situation was not too outrageous.

But at this moment, an accident happened. Gu Xi, who had been watching the battle, discovered that all the mirror images of Alidovita in the sky were gone.

 “The situation is not right, everyone, pay attention to your surroundings and strengthen your defenses!”

Just when Gu Xi was giving the order, a large number of locusts came from outside the city gate. These locusts were as big as fists. When they rushed in, they were at least five to ten meters high from the ground. When they pounced on Gu Xi, The momentum was so strong that it seemed to be able to bite everything into pieces and eat it.

As soon as Gu Xi saw these locusts rushing towards him, he immediately raised the Cold Wind Staff.

"Death Ripple!" Following Gu Xi's command, a black ripple spread outward from him.

Wherever the ripples passed, the undead under Gu Xi had no reaction, but those locusts were in bad luck. They ran away and died when they were exposed to the ripples, without even a chance to react.

 Watching the locusts falling to the ground like raindrops, Gu Xi did not relax at all.

He understood that the situation of these locusts was the same as that of the corpse flies under his command. They were counted in groups. As long as one of them survived, they could be resurrected at any time.

 So when the locusts landed, Gu Xi immediately raised the cold wind staff and sent out several death ripples again.

Even because he was worried that the scope of the death ripples would not be enough, Gu Xi ran to several locations with the evil coffin. He did not stop until the entire Aridovita was cleared.

Looking at the pile of locust corpses on the ground, Gu Xi was speechless.

What is going on with this third wave of attacks? Is it so fierce right from the start?

First it was the crow attack, and now it is the locust, which is not enough for anyone to play.

 You said that the crow is taking care of itself and he will recognize it.

After all, crows are frequent visitors who live in Victoria Tower. Gu Xi had also seen the status of crows in the hearts of British people and even the royal family in Victoria Tower before.

 But what the **** are locusts? He has never heard of them. Britain has a tradition of raising locusts.

With this thought, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, faced the locust corpses piled on the ground, and turned around and roared.

“Here comes a skeleton mage who can set fire and light these locusts for me. I don’t want these corpses.”

As soon as Gu Xi's order was given, the skeleton mage who mastered the fireball technique took action and threw fireballs at such a pile of corpses.

 Gu Xi also carefully observed his surroundings to see if there were any enemies that might appear.

 As the locust's body was burned, Gu Xi finally relaxed a lot.

 He was about to look up to see how the battle between his men and crows was going in the sky, when suddenly another change occurred in the flames.

A strange creature with locust legs is crawling out of the flames.

 Gu Xi noticed that the locust corpses that had not been burned since he appeared were quickly concentrating on this person.

It can be seen that this is an insect monster pieced together from these locust corpses.

It seems that this is the final BOSS.

The body is pieced together with locust corpses, right? I don't want you to know what a necromancer's corpse explosion package is. I'm just not a qualified necromancer.

Gu Xi pointed the cold wind staff at the guy whose body had begun to solidify.

 “Corpse explosion!”

 “Corpse explosion!”

 “Corpse explosion!”


Gu Xi's secondary corpse explosion is not very powerful. After all, the vitality of locusts themselves is not very strong. One locust only has 1 point of life. Therefore, when Gu Xi uses Death Ripple, he can easily kill a large group of locusts. .

But Gu Xi's card is very difficult, and every corpse explosion will interrupt this person's devouring of the locust corpses.

After a few times, this man also became angry. He roared and rushed towards Gu Xi.

At this time, Gu Xi raised his head and glanced at the ongoing air battle in the sky, and decisively ordered: "After a corpse explosion, all members attack, kill this guy, and we will win!"

 (End of this chapter)

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