Breath of the Dead

Chapter 273: A destructive big explosion (please subscribe)

Chapter 273 A devastating explosion (please subscribe)

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After Gu Xi finished speaking, he pointed at the huge figure made of locust corpses.

At this time, the position Gu Xi was pointing to happened to be the position he had observed before. After using corpse explosions several times, Gu Xi had already understood the enemy's situation and knew which locust corpse to blow up, which could temporarily confuse the enemy. .

 Gu Xi planned to take this opportunity to make this person temporarily unable to control the situation, so that his men would have a chance to attack.

Didn’t you see that when Gu Xizhi exploded, the skeleton shooter and skeleton mage behind him both shot at the same time, focusing on the huge figure?

However, Gu Xi still underestimated the fighting wisdom of this huge BOSS composed of locusts. He was assassinated by Gu Xi several times in a row, and how could he not let Gu Xi's corpse explode?

When Gu Xi was preparing to explode the corpses, he threw his hand forward, and the locust corpses that were about to fly to him were thrown in Gu Xi's direction.

At the same time, he kicked his legs back and jumped back.

 He has already locked into a position where there are piles of locust corpses. As long as he falls and is given ten seconds, he can form a completed body.

 When he launches an attack again, no matter how many undead there are, they will not be able to stop him.

But he never expected that when Gu Xi saw this guy retreating, he knew something was wrong and quickly added another corpse explosion.

 Now Gu Xi doesn't care about anything else, he just wants the other party not to swallow more locust corpses.

 At the same time, several thoughts flashed through Gu Xi's mind, thinking about whether he should use another spell to deal with the enemy.

At this moment, Gu Xi's movements suddenly stopped, and he suddenly felt an uneasy feeling welling up in his heart.

Without thinking much, Gu Xi pointed the cold wind staff in the direction of the enemy and shouted: "Everyone get down!"

Then Gu Xi himself hid behind the evil coffin, and the incarnation of death appeared directly in front of the cold wind staff pointed in the direction of the enemy.

 This is because Gu Xi consumed all his mana and teleported the incarnation of death fighting in the sky in front of him.

After Gu Xi finished all this, he heard a bang from where the BOSS landed.

A big explosion shook the entire Alidovita.

The locust corpses piled up into a hill flew towards this side on the spot. All the locusts were ignited and made a crackling sound when flying.

 Although Gu Xi's men were very obedient, they all fell down immediately.

But they did not have the incarnation of death and the evil coffin was blocking them in front. After being hit by these locusts, the people who were hit were turned upside down and many were killed.

 After this wave of impact was over, Gu Xi stuck his head out.

He found that the evil stars around the incarnation of death that were blocking the front were greatly reduced.

But Gu Xi didn't pay attention to this at all now. He looked at the big crater that was blasted in the square in front of Alidovita in surprise, and he didn't understand what was going on.

It was obvious that the BOSS was about to succeed, so why did it suddenly explode?

At this time, a dragon roar came from the sky. Gu Xi looked up and saw that because he had lost the incarnation of death, the crow that had been suppressed and beaten actually fought back.

Looking at the situation in the sky, Gu Xi pointed upward.

“Death incarnation, come on!”

At the same time, Gu Xi held the Cold Wind Staff and headed towards the blasted pit. At this time, Gu Xi only had one thought in his mind, which was to see what happened just now and why there was such a violent explosion.

 Jumping into the big pit, Gu Xi turned over the soil and soon discovered a situation.

 There are also locust corpses mixed in the soil, as well as some corpses from other enemies, but there is something obviously missing here.

 That is the metal that has been burned by the red dragon's flames before, and then had all the heat taken away by the incarnation of death.

 Gu Xi thought about it seriously. He seemed to have considered collecting the whole piece of metal before to see what happened to the large piece of metal.

It's just that the sudden appearance of the crow disrupted his rhythm, so he didn't have time to deal with this thing.

Then a large number of locusts appeared, and Gu Xi only had to use the death ripples. There was no time to care about this. In Gu Xi's mind, it was too late to go back and deal with it after everything was over.

 The result was that it was just in time, and Gu Xiyi was successfully saved.

The corpse explosion technique that Gu Xi just used did not hit the locust corpse, but the melted metal.

This is the fusion of the corpses of more than two thousand weird spearmen. No matter how weak the original weird spearmen are, their combined lives are definitely beyond the imagination of normal people.

As soon as Gu Xi's corpse explosion was activated, a large satellite was naturally launched. The BOSS, which was pieced together from the corpses of locusts, was blown to pieces in this explosion before it was fully formed, even destroying those locusts. His corpse was blown out, knocking over many of Gu Xi's men.

It can be said that all this was an accident, but it also allowed Gu Xi to see the powerful effect of the corpse explosion.

If there hadn't been this wave of corpse explosions this time, if the BOSS, who had no fighting ability, had to successfully get up, Gu Xi's troops wouldn't know if they could win the battle.

Unlike now, as long as the battle in the sky is over, the mission this time will be considered completed.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi quickly looked up to the sky. He had temporarily teleported the incarnation of death down just now, which had affected the battle in the sky. He didn't know what the current situation was now.

When Gu Xi looked up, he found that the incarnation of death was grabbing the neck of a huge crow, opening its mouth and spraying the dragon's breath of death into the crow's mouth.

 That crow is almost the same size as the incarnation of death.

While flying, Gu Xibian could still see some light blue wind lines.

  Obviously this crow is the boss of the air battle. If the incarnation of death was not here just now, Gu Xi's men would have suffered heavy losses if this crow had been left to fight in the sky.

The situation is different now. The incarnation of death grabbed the big crow and sprayed the death dragon's breath directly at the opponent's mouth. This is almost Godzilla's trick.

Gu Xi didn’t think this crow could withstand such an attack.

Sure enough, under the impact of a wave of death incarnations, the big crow lost its last vitality.

At the same time, Gu Xi noticed that the light blue wind line that was originally hovering around the crow jumped to the incarnation of death.

It seems that Death Incarnate will have another attack kit.

At this moment, a tingling sound came from Gu Xi's ear.

  【Temporary mission: The core progress of the transformation has changed. The third wave of enemies has been killed. Please occupy the main building of Alidovita. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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