Breath of the Dead

Chapter 275: Harvest blueprint (this morning

Chapter 275: Harvest Design (this morning’s chapter)

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As the design drawing of the second piece was opened, Gu Xi's eyes fell on the third piece of jewelry. It was also a ring, but this ring looked quite ordinary. There was not even a ruby ​​on it. Only a piece of amber is set in it.

 【Dead Eye Laboratory (Large): Use 3500 resources, 15 units of stone, and 15 units of wood to build a Dead Eye Laboratory (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 10 Dead Eye musicians can be trained every week.

 Before construction, a level 1 cemetery (large) needs to be built. 】

As soon as the architectural design drawing appeared, Gu Xi was stunned.

 He really didn’t understand, what kind of military unit is this?

 In terms of demand, a level 1 cemetery must be built first, which shows that this is a unit of the same level as ghosts, and the output of 10 people per week also shows this.

 But there are musicians in the laboratory?

 What a weird combination this is.

 Gu Xi looked over the architectural design drawing over and over again, but did not find any different information.

 It seems that this really needs to be built before we know the truth.

Now Gu Xi could only temporarily put this doubt in his mind and turn his attention to the last piece of jewelry.

 The first three pieces are all large-scale architectural design drawings, so the last one should be the core architectural design drawing.

Having mastered the dead city for so long, Gu Xi actually already understood some of the situation. The design drawings of most of the core buildings have been engraved in the city's council hall.

 As long as the level of the city increases, it can be built directly without the need for blueprints.

 The appearance of a separate core architectural design often represents changes in urban attributes or some directions.

For example, human cities do not have buildings such as the Soul Evocation Tower and the Dark Sky Canopy, but they can build them by obtaining architectural design drawings.

 Gu Xi looked at the medal-like jewelry in front of him, hoping that this should be a core building exclusive to mankind.

 Stable or Brotherhood, one improves mobility and the other improves morale during defensive battles.

With this thought, Gu Xi reached out and picked up the medal.

 【Astrologer's Tower (Core): Use 3000 resources to build an Astrologer's Tower (Core Building) in the city

 After completion, the weekly horoscope can be turned on, and the horoscope effect will affect the output in the city every week. 】


  Only then did Gu Xi realize that he had heard someone say that astrology actually had a great influence on urban development, but he had never received astrology information, so he didn't know where the influence was.

Now it seems that it’s not that he didn’t get the information, but that he hasn’t built the [Astrologer’s Tower] yet. Without an astrologer to help Gu Xi, naturally no one will tell Gu Xi what the situation will be like in the next week.

 It’s different now. The emergence of the Astrologer’s Tower will bring something new to Gu Xi.

 At the same time, Gu Xi believes that astrologers do not just have this little power.

There must be something else here, but Gu Xi doesn’t have anything right now, so he can’t guess anything by guessing.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Xi put away all the architectural plans and walked out of the central fortress, which was the white tower of Alidovita.

Here Gu Xi discovered that the layers of mirror images of Aridovita in the sky had disappeared, and everything was exactly the same as at the beginning.

"grown ups."

 Luna, who had entered the central fortress at the beginning of the battle, appeared next to Gu Xi.

 “Have you seen the other two Alydovi cities?”

"We have seen two very large cities, either of which is much larger than our current city." Speaking of this, Luna paused.

 “Is there something wrong?”

“I found that except for the fact that the three Aridovi cities share the node of Aridovi Tower, the rivers have not changed.”

Gu Xi is a very smart being. Just after Luna said this, Gu Xi understood.

 “Dockside area.”

“Yes, the dock area is also the key to connecting several cities.”

This time Gu Xi's expression became serious.

 His dock area has many important buildings arranged, including two core buildings and a keel laboratory.

If these places are occupied by others, the situation will be quite bad.

“Luna, I’ve always wanted to ask, what do we need to do if we want to move the built building to another location?”

“If it is demolished and rebuilt, the architectural design drawings will not disappear just because the building is built. After demolition, the resources will not be reduced. It is just a waste of time, and the impact is not big.

 If you are worried, you can actually build the new building first and then demolish it.

We didn't have enough land before, so we had no choice, but if we win two Alidovi cities from different periods, the land will be enough. As long as we are given time, we can arrange each city reasonably. . "

Luna also knew that Gu Xi had obtained a lot of architectural design drawings this time, and he had brought back a set of those from the previous Ghost series.

 As soon as the question was asked, Gu Xi probably wanted to re-adjust and arrange the city, so Luna naturally explained everything clearly.

“That’s okay.” Gu Xizhen didn’t expect that the original design could be reused, but after thinking about it, Gu Xi thought it was very reasonable.

 It’s just that his own land is relatively small, so he doesn’t repeatedly build certain buildings.

 At present, it seems that there is enough open space, so Luna will propose the situation.

“But it’s not needed yet. Our base is still in the original Alidovi City. We can only get in touch with the two Alidovi cities from different periods, but we don’t have the strength to conquer them yet.

 I will let the wine girl handle this matter. At least we need to know the information about the two Alydovi cities before we have a chance to take action.

Now we have occupied all the small and medium-sized plots in the city. This time we captured Alidovi City and gained 15 points of city experience. With the addition of the small and medium-sized plots, the level of the death city should be enough to reach level 4. ? "

 “Yes, that’s enough.”

“Then let’s rush to level 4 first. After level 4, our goal will be on the water network defense line and how many plots of land can be hidden in the sewers. You don’t know this, right?”

 “I understand what your lord means.”

“By the way, the next time I upgrade the core building, I’ll target the Soul Summoning Tower. Even if I can’t put the Soul Summoning Tower on the battlefield during combat, I can always use it in defensive battles.

During this period, the fighting in the magic plant area was quite fierce.

 Without building a soul-calling tower, many souls were wasted. "

 “I understand.” After setting her goal, Luna also showed a firm look in her eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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