Breath of the Dead

Chapter 276: Station and Black Gun Battalion (94160)

Chapter 276 Station and Black Spear Battalion (94160)

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While Gu Xi and Luna were communicating about the future development direction of Alidovi City, all the towers and buildings of Alidovi Tower were also occupied.

Luna would tell Gu Xi from time to time what the newly obtained tower was called and what its function was.

For example, the tower next to the White Tower is called the Blood Tower. I heard that a king and his brother were nailed to the wall of the Blood Tower.

 Further back there is a building called the Queen's Terrace, which is used to imprison the Queen.

 The one connected to the city gate is called the Lion Tower. In the past, a large number of lions, bears and wolves were kept here. Anyone who wanted to enter the Alidovita Tower needed to pass this level.

But now, the gate of Alidovita is open. Not to mention lions, bears, and wolves, there are not even any defensive soldiers.

In addition, there are observatories, prisons, churches, execution grounds, zoos, and small docks in Aridovitalis.

If he hadn't listened to Luna's explanation, Gu Xi wouldn't have known that such a castle could have so many functions.

 At this time, Gu Xi's undead soldiers had also cleaned up the battlefield.

In this air battle, Gu Xi suffered a lot of losses. All the fifteen gargoyles were killed. Most of the red dragons were only slightly injured. They just need to go back and recuperate.

Some of the corpse flies were also killed in the battle, but their record was quite good. They killed all the crows and ensured the safety of the battle on the ground.

Looking at the crow carcasses piled in front of him, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment and said, "Send it to the tavern and see if they can do anything."

At the same time, Gu Xi looked at the thirty red dragons. They all had some injuries more or less on their bodies.

“There is a treasure hall and a mint behind the Alidovita Tower. The area there is quite good. You can rest there. I will ask the wine girl to bring you food and other things.

 You should drink some. "

 Hearing this, all the red dragons nodded.

 Of course they will drink some.

“Then drinks and food will be delivered to you, but your task is to stay here at Aridovita. If someone attacks Aridovita, you must be responsible for the defense.

 When I need you, you must fly to the city gate and wait for my order to attack. "

Gu Xi specifically said this to the red dragons entirely because the red dragons are living creatures and they are not suitable to live in Alidovi City.

 Stay there, they will soon be sent to the Dragon Bone Laboratory to serve as experimental subjects there.

  Instead, it would be more beneficial for them to stay here in Alidovita.

 At least they will not be affected by the negative energy in Aridovi City.

 As for the strange power everywhere outside Aridovita, it has little impact.

After arranging the red dragons, Gu Xi looked at the various garbage piled aside. He rummaged through the garbage, but before he found anything good, Arroyo led his troops back. .

"grown ups."

 “Have you found anything?”

“My lord, I found an outlying tower outside the city.”

 Gu Xi thought for a moment, and then saw that the troops led by Arroyo had obvious signs of having just fought.

 It seems that he is coming back from a killing spree outside.     "Go over and have a look."

 Gu Xi thought for a while. Anyway, there is nothing to do now. There are so many things, and he doesn’t know when he will go to check them. It doesn’t matter if he follows Arroyo and takes a look first.

As soon as Arroyo heard this, he quickly took Gu Xi towards the place where he had just returned from the battle.

After leaving the lawn with the guillotine, Gu Xi and the others left the city gate. At this time, Gu Xi discovered that Arroyo was heading in the other direction of the city gate.

After entering here, there is a 30-meter-wide walled causeway. Gu Xi noticed that the six outermost towers and two bastions are at the end of the passage. It is obvious that that is the real defense of Alidovita. focus.

However, Gu Xi can be sure that there were no such buildings before he came.

 “Did you just come here to fight?”

"Yes, there are some weird shadow-like beings in these towers. They are not very strong. The boss is about level 5, so I just killed them."

 Gu Xi walked around the area and almost understood what was going on.

This should be the overlap of the Aridovita buildings in several periods. The buildings that were originally supposed to be destroyed were preserved, and the newly built buildings in the later period also appeared automatically.

After walking around here, Gu Xi understood why A Luo was so excited.

These six towers and two bastions together turned out to be a large garrison.

 【Building name: City defense tower

 Level: Level 7

 Garrisoned troops: 0 (0/6, six troops can be stationed)

 Hunting heroes: 0 (0/1, one hero can be stationed)

  Garrisoned bosses: 0 (0/12, can station twelve bosses)

  Garrisoned soldiers: 0 (0/1200, 1200 soldiers can be stationed, 1200 is the number of soldiers stationed in the building, the number of hero commanders and boss commanders is temporarily 0.)

Garrisoned troops: no limit

  Annex buildings: Weapon depot (left bastion, stationed soldiers attack +3), ammunition depot (right bastion, all stationed soldiers have unlimited ammunition)

 Note: When the building reaches level 7, heroes can be garrisoned, and when the building reaches level 15, leaders can be garrisoned. 】

Looking at the properties of this tower defense group, Gu Xi knew why Arroyo was so anxious.

 He has always wanted to have an organization.

Now this is a pie dropped directly from the sky. If you don’t eat this pie, Arroyo will not be able to understand his idea.

“Okay, I know what you’re thinking, but there are some things I need to tell you in advance.

Alidovita is quite critical to me. I can only give you the permission to station one of the six troops. When other landowners' stations are built in the future, you and your troops must move away. "

Arroyo also understood that the spearmen he brought were not suitable for defensive warfare, and Gu Xi's request was reasonable.

So Arroyo immediately responded: "Sir, please rest assured, as long as there is a suitable place for me to stay, I will give it up right away."

  "Okay, you can station here first, and as for your troops, call the guns..."

Gu Xi shook his head when he said this, "I see that your army has been shrouded in darkness recently. This should be a new skill. Let's call it the Black Spear Battalion. I hope you will work harder to improve yourself and elevate the Black Spear Battalion to a higher level." level."

Upon hearing this, Arroyo immediately bowed to Gu Xi.

“My lord, please believe that before long, the Black Spear Battalion will become the most elite black spear regiment under your command.”

Hearing what Arroyo said, Gu Xi also burst out laughing, "Okay, then I'll wait for your application to be promoted to the camp."

 (End of this chapter)

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