Breath of the Dead

Chapter 277: Unexpected harvest (95160)

Chapter 277 Unexpected Harvest (95160)

Yesterday’s completion, I’m working **** the rest, but the mobile phone code is not easy to use, so I’d rather ask for a subscription!


After finishing the surrounding matters of Alidovita, Gu Xi returned to the lawn of Alidovita, where the loot had also been taken care of.

When Gu Xi came back, Luna didn't ask why Arroyo was missing, and directly sent several items with properties that she had picked out to Gu Xi.

Gu Xi took these items and did not look at the properties of these items. Instead, he ordered Luna: "Luna, build roads and owl communication points here. These are not buildings, but the original The continuation of construction only needs people, right?"

“Yes, sir, please don’t worry, these undead souls just summoned can be used, I will deal with them.”

 “Okay, then you go ahead, Robbie!”

Gu Xi called out again.

As soon as he heard Gu Xi's order, Luo Bi rushed over with his troops.

He also saw Arroyo's situation just now. Seeing that Arroyo could directly find a place to station, Robbie was also very jealous.

  After all, a hero with a garrison can bring much more troops than a hero without a garrison.

Robbie, who ran around in the Alidovita Tower before and visited all thirteen edge towers, also wanted to get some benefits.

 As a result, after running for so long, he got nothing in the end, so he was naturally unhappy.

"grown ups."

"Robbie, you have seen the current situation. We have not yet completely stabilized the distance from Alidovi City to Alidovi Tower. During this period, you are responsible for patrolling and protecting this road. , until we build the road and start occupying this area.”

 “Ensure the completion of the task.”

As soon as Robbie heard this, he knew this was his chance.

Gu Xi had promised Robbie before that the resources for the upgrade of the Skeleton Swordsman Camp would be provided by Robbie. As long as Robbie found enough resources, the Skeleton Swordsman Camp could be upgraded to as many levels as he wanted. Gu Xi would not go there. Pick peaches.

 The only problem with Robby now is the resources used for upgrading.

 Gu Xi assigned him a task. For Robbie, it was a steady stream of resource points and an opportunity for him to upgrade the Skeleton Swordsman Battalion.

So Robbie immediately called his troops, as well as the two leaders of the Bone-cutting Battalion, and rushed out.

 After several of his subordinates had received their assignments and left, Gu Xi looked at the items in his hands.

 These items were dug out by Luna from all the white and gray garbage on the battlefield.

 Gu Xi didn’t have time to look at it before, but now that he had time, Gu Xi calmed down and took a look at his previous battle gains.

At this glance, Gu Xi's eyes widened. He thought he had gained nothing this time.

  Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain this time.

  【Lancer Skin-Toy Tin Soldier: All spearmen-type troops can be transformed into tin soldiers. 】

  【Crow Lantern (Auxiliary): You can master the construction method of auxiliary building crow lanterns. After mastering, you can place crow lanterns in the city by consuming 100 negative energy. 】

Locust seeds (green): A wilderness full of locust eggs can be placed at a designated location to turn the wilderness into an abandoned farmland producing locusts. 】

  【Abandoned farmland (large): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build an abandoned farmland (large building) in the wild.

 After completion, 60 swarms of locusts can be trained every week.

 After completion, it can produce 1,000 kilograms of dry locusts per week. Once completed, it can produce 30 units of locust poison per week. 】

  【Locust (level 1): Attack 1, defense 1, life 1, skills: swarm state, swallow everything, flying troops. 】

 These three things are all earned in vain for Gu Xi.

Gu Xi has seen the skin of the spearman. The front is a blue leather armored spearman unique to human castles, and the back is a British-style spearman with a red coat, black hat and a tin body.

This kind of spear skin does not necessarily need to be available to the spearmen of the human castle.

 According to the above description, any troops who use spears to fight can use this skin.

It just so happened that Arroyo already had his own establishment, and all the Black Gun Battalion happened to be full of spearmen. Whether it was skeleton spearmen or Arroyo trying to get zombies to carry spears, they were all within the conversion range of the skin. inside.

 Just think of this as a reward for Black Gun or Black Gun, and unify the appearance of the Black Gun camp first.

As for the crow lantern and the abandoned farmland decorated with locust seeds, these are both buildings.

Gu Xi has seen crow lanterns. They are crows that are half alive and half dead. They can fly within a certain range, holding lanterns in their claws.

  It can illuminate the road in the fog. Gu Xi planned to tell Luna later about placing this kind of crow lantern between Alidovita and Alidovi City to facilitate the movement of troops.

 The abandonment of farmland surprised Gu Xi.

This is the first building that Gu Xi has discovered that is not built in the city.

However, Gu Xi looked through it and found out that locusts themselves are relatively unsolvable existences. It is true that there are many of them, but their combat effectiveness is low. The most important thing is that their vitality is low, even worse than Skeleton.

And their characteristic is that they can devour everything. The resources invested in raising locusts are too great. With the food available, wouldn't it be better to take care of raising other soldiers?

 Gu Xi estimated that when the locusts would really be of great use, it would be when Gu Xi's spiritualism passed level 8 and he could start to attract ghosts.

 At that time, a group of locusts will all gather together, and once the death ripples are released, another wave of spiritualism will come, and a large number of ghosts will come out.

 In the end, the locust carcasses can be used to fertilize a field or something, which is regarded as waste utilization.

Now, Gu Xi is planning to build this abandoned farmland far away. It is better not to damage the layout of Alidovi City first.

 After seeing the situation of these things, Gu Xizheng wanted to call Luna.

But I found that Luna seemed to have been assigned to do something.

So Gu Xi quickly put away these things, jumped on the evil coffin, and headed outside the Alidovita Tower.

While passing by the city defense tower, Gu Xi handed the spearman skin to Arroyo and watched the black spear battalion complete the change.

Just as Gu Xi thought, after changing their skins, all the spearmen in the Black Spear Battalion, whether they were skeleton soldiers or zombies, were all wearing red clothes and black hats. A tin soldier whose skin shone with metallic light.

However, their combat characteristics have not been affected at all, and there is still a layer of black dust around them.

 When they moved, they looked like metal troops coming out of the darkness, and just looking at them made them feel horrified.

Arroyo, who was walking at the front, opened his clothes even more excitedly. In his eyes, his current skin was much better than his original appearance.

Looking at Arroyo's eyes, Gu Xi knew what he wanted to do.

However, it was impossible to change the name now. Gu Xi directly said that he still had something to do, and quickly left Alidovita without giving Arroyo any chance to comment.

 (End of this chapter)

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