Breath of the Dead

Chapter 278: Return to the guild (96160)

Chapter 278 Return to the Guild (96160)

 Today’s additional update, please subscribe, recommend, and vote monthly. I hope to call you in the evening!


After leaving Aridovi Tower, Gu Xi found that the fog outside seemed to have dispersed a lot, and he could even see the gate of Aridovi City from a distance.

 It seems that capturing Aridovita is still very beneficial to Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi can be sure that as long as the fog between Aridovi City and Aridovi Tower dissipates, there will be another medium-sized city here.

Luna, who left early, was studying the layout of this area and allocating how many plots of land could be allocated in this area.

When she saw Gu Xi coming, Luna quickly went up to meet him.

 “Sir, have you settled Aridovita’s affairs?”

“It’s taken care of, Crow Lantern, you can arrange it later and dispel the fog first.”

“No, sir, the crow lantern is not used here.”

Luna knew what Gu Xi was thinking as soon as she heard it, but she still explained it to Gu Xi.

"I will make arrangements for the crow lanterns. This is used for patrolling in the city. It does not necessarily need to be placed in the fog. Arranging three crow lanterns for each area is enough."

As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he knew that Luna had already seen the harvest this time.

The reason why he kept these three things was to let Gu Xi know what he had gained this time.

 As for the use of these things, Luna has already made a judgment.

“Okay, you know better than me when it comes to urban construction, so you can arrange it however you want. By the way, how do you feel about walking around here?”

“It’s a good piece of land. We can build a new area here. From what I’ve checked so far, we can get at least three large plots, seven medium-sized plots and 11 small-sized plots.

 The most important thing is that there are no other buildings in this area. When we arrange the arrangement, we can adjust the position of the building more conveniently. "

"So big?" Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then he asked, "Luna, do you think that with our current military strength, it is better to expand outward from the existing city?

Or is it better to use Aridovi Tower as a springboard to attack Aridovi City in the other two periods? "

 Listening to Gu Xi's question, Luna did not answer, but asked a question in return.

“Sir, even if we can reach the city of Aridovi in ​​other times now, do we have the manpower to garrison it?”

This question made Gu Xi smile helplessly.

This is really a very real problem.

 Gu Xi's men were severely lacking in troops.

Sometimes Gu Xi wonders, is he still a necromancer?

 Why does he always feel that he is short of troops everywhere?

 Actually, Gu Xi didn't know that in the eyes of others, he was a model of the necromancer.

 Whose Necromancer has an army of several thousand people at level 4.

  Whose necromancer has his own city before he gets his talent.

 Gu Xi felt that his troops were insufficient at the moment. That was entirely because his troops could not meet the needs of the rapidly expanding city.

If you ask Gu Xi to have no city now and only lead his own troops to see if he thinks the troops are insufficient.

Not to mention three heroes, not to mention dozens of leaders, even more than a thousand soldiers, they are all accumulated by other necromancers for many years.

 Gu Xi has not yet realized this.

Having only been a necromancer for a few days, he only felt that his strength was seriously insufficient.

"No, we have to find a way to get some troops. It would be great if we had the Death Lord skill. Find a world of undead and farm around with all kinds of troops." When Gu Xi was complaining about this matter, it happened to be Entered Aridovi City with Luna.

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you. I have to go back to the guild first. This time the copy is not in vain. At least I made some money. After I go back, keep an eye on the people in Victoria City. Condition.

  If Shaya needs anything, please help if you can.

I think the changes in Victoria will take some time to complete.

If our hearthstone side is unavailable, let’s try to see if we can contact Saya at Alidovita.

I think the Victoria Tower still exists after six changes, which shows that this place is the eternal core of the city of Victoria. No matter how Victoria changes, there will not be much change here.

There shouldn't be any obstacles to our connection with Victoria City, so take care of it yourself. "

 Gu Xi is relatively relieved about Luna's existence.

Before returning to the meeting hall of Alidovi City, Gu Xi exchanged a few words with Luna before choosing to exit Alidovi City.

This time when he exited, Gu Xi heard the previous notification sound again.

  【Dungeon: The Westminster Abbey event was destroyed and the dungeon ended early. Should you restart the dungeon now or exit the dungeon directly? 】

  Gu Xi took a look at his attributes and finally said with certainty: "Exit the copy."

As soon as Gu Xi said these words, Gu Xi was thrown out of Alidovi City.

Fortunately, Gu Xi's current strength has improved a lot. In addition, Chaoyang Guild has plans to deal with various pop-up worlds and dungeons. When Gu Xi was thrown out, he immediately felt his own The body becomes much lighter.

 He felt like a feather fluttering in the wind.

 Gu Xi tried his best to turn over, but before he could straighten up, the force that kept him floating disappeared in an instant, and Gu Xi hit the ground directly, face first.

 After lying on the ground for a moment, Gu Xi got up.

Looking up and looking around, he found that he was still standing at the portal where he entered the dungeon.

“You are out. This is your dungeon crystal. You have four more chances. Keep it yourself and don’t let others **** it away.”


 Gu Xi put away the dungeon crystal, and then took a look at his own attributes. The knowledge of the undead and magic knowledge reached the standard, but the number of professional skills that reached level 4 was still seriously insufficient.

 Looks like I need to find a place to practice my skills.

 Next time, wait until level 5 before playing this dungeon again.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi asked: "I want to ask, if I want to improve my professional skills, where should I go?"

The player looking at the portal glanced at Gu Xi, "Come on, newcomers. If you want to quickly improve your professional skill level, then go to the battlefield. The fastest way to improve is by brushing the battlefield level."

 “Battlefield, which battlefield?”

Gu Xi was about to ask about the situation here, but was stopped by someone.

 “Gu Xi, don’t mess around.”

Gu Xi looked back and found that the person who came was none other than Li Xinghui, who had brought him to the Chaoyang Guild.

 “Brother Li, why are you here?”

 “I came here specifically to find you and find a place to chat.”

 (End of this chapter)

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