Breath of the Dead

Chapter 279: The hope of the whole village (97160)

Chapter 279 Hope of the whole village (97160)

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At the internal cafe of Chaoyang Guild, Gu Xi was holding a dark red coffee that looked like blood, with a puzzled look on his face.

Is this coffee serious?

“Drink it, this is the blood-sucking coffee that is a specialty of the Song family. After drinking it, it has the effect of replenishing the blood.”

Looking at Gu Xi's troubled face, Li Xinghui couldn't help but laugh.

Hearing this, Gu Xicai took a sip of coffee, and a sour and bitter taste spread into his mouth.

But the next moment, Gu Xi felt a sweetness coming from his mouth and going straight into his abdomen. All the energy he had previously consumed disappeared due to the dizziness caused by taking the magic potion many times.

 The whole person felt as if he had just woken up for three days and three nights, full of energy.

 Everything around me seemed to come alive, and everything I looked at was full of color.

“How about this coffee?”


 Gu Xi took another small sip of blood-sucking coffee, and then asked curiously: "Brother Li, are you here specifically to see me this time?"

 “Ah, how do you put this? I really came here specifically to find you.”

Li Xinghui thought for a moment and then directly stated his purpose.

“There is a good thing for you this time. Bailian City is going to hold the Bailian Festival once every ten years. All official guilds on record can recommend their players to participate.

 Participating players require that they be a formal member of the guild, have a strength of level 5 or below, and be recommended by the guild.

You are the only member that the guild recruited from outside this year. You have just become a formal member of the guild, and your strength is stuck at level 5. Naturally, you have become the hope of the whole village.

Let me talk to you above. I hope you can participate in this Bailian Festival and preferably get a good ranking. "

 After hearing the reason why Li Xinghui came to see him, Gu Xi stared into Li Xinghui's eyes.

“What is the goal of the guild? Is ranking high good for the guild?”

“You have seen this, ranking high is certainly good for the guild.

Let me tell you directly, as long as you can come back first, in the next ten years, we will be the first to pick in the draft of Netherbone Wind Academy. "

Hearing Li Xinghui's words, Gu Xi blinked, "No, how low was the guild's previous ranking? Can you get into a role like me, the last one to come out?"

“There is no way, the guild couldn’t pick anyone to go to before.”

“No, I see there are a lot of players in Sanxian Garden.”

Gu Xi said with a puzzled look on his face.

“But their strength is not good. They have been around for so long and have not reached level 4. They will be used as cannon fodder.

As for those genius children, most of them are children from high-level families in the guild. They have long become elite members of the guild and are prevented from participating in the Bailian Festival.

 So the ranking of guilds has always been poor. "

Li Xinghui could only explain helplessly.

But he didn’t say that Chaoyang Guild was not considered a big guild among the many guilds in Bailian City, and there were really only a few powerful ones.

There is not much support for novice players. Most of the players come here to eat and wait to die. If they are allowed to participate in the Bailian Festival, what good rankings can they get.

After explaining everything clearly, Li Xinghui said: "It's different this time. Your talent is there. I heard that in addition to the three magic skills Death City, you have mastered another magic skill Death." Incarnation. The president has blocked this news, and no one except some people in Sanxian Garden knows about it.

This is your advantage. When they plan your city of death, you, the incarnation of death, will be able to accomplish great feats as soon as you take action. "

Looking at Li Xinghui’s beaming expression, Gu Xi was not so excited, but asked calmly.

“Brother Li, you’ve been talking for so long, but I still don’t know what Bailian Daji is going to do.”

“Oh, if you didn’t tell me, I would have forgotten. Speaking of Bailian Festival, you should know the origin of Bailian City.”

Li Xinghui asked back.

“Of course, I am also a native of this city, and I have learned things in elementary school. How could I forget that this Bailian Daisai refers to the fish festival?”

The origin of Bai Liancheng was learned by Gu Xi when he was in primary school.

The original Bai Liancheng was built here by a player named Bai Lianqiu, who controlled the game incarnation of fish. I heard that the earliest Bai Liancheng was even half a lake and half a city. The presence.

Later, due to some reasons, Bailian City was slowly affected by the invasion of ghosts and slowly turned into ghosts. Especially since the 18th city lord failed to attack level 20, the undead army he controlled was scattered throughout Bailian City. At this time, the city's transformation into undead has become out of control.

 Slowly, the Underworld Ghost Valley appeared outside Bailian City, and the targets of players in the city gradually turned to necromancers or death knights.

 Only Bailian Lake, where the city was originally located, was not affected in this way. The clear water of the lake was still as full of life as before.

 You can even see a large number of fish near the lake.

Even if you don’t know how to swim, don’t worry if you accidentally fall into the water. The fish and the lake will send the players to the shore to ensure that no one will die in the lake.

For so many years, Bailian Lake has been the main source of water and food for Bailian City. It can be said that even if all the players in the city become undead, Bailian Lake will not become undead.

 Hearing what Li Xinghui said, Gu Xi's memory about Bai Liancheng was revealed.

“It’s not a fish sacrifice, but it’s almost the same. This Bailian Festival is a sacrifice to Bailian Lake to ensure the vitality of Bailian Lake.

 When making sacrifices, some Yinshan Ghost Valleys near Bailian City will be affected, and many worlds that did not originally exist in Bailian City will be automatically opened and placed near Bailian City.

If it is directly launched by these worlds, it will be a disaster for Bailian City.

 You should have learned what happens when one city appears near another city. "

 “Invasion, engulfment and destruction.”

“So the Bailian Festival is aimed at these worlds that suddenly appear near Bailian City.”

 “A new disposable world? I understand, I’m in for this one.”

 Listening to Wan Xinghui's explanation, Gu Xi immediately understood what was going on.

But Li Xinghui said something else at this time.

"By the way, for the sake of fairness, all players are not allowed to bring their own troops and contracted undead. When entering the new world, Bailian City will give 30 skeleton soldiers, 10 zombies and 5 ghosts. Everyone is treated the same. "

 At this point, Li Xinghui winked at Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi instantly understood the meaning of Li Xinghui's words.

 “Can both Death City and Death Incarnation be used?”

 (End of this chapter)

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