Breath of the Dead

Chapter 281: The drama begins (please subscribe)

Chapter 281 The drama begins (please subscribe)

 The power has been out for two days, and there is still no hope of a call. I am speechless.

There are so many code words on mobile phones today, please subscribe!


On this day, Gu Xi bought the day's ration of magic potion from the guild store and was about to go to the Radiant Library to study. Li Xinghui's raven suddenly flew in front of Gu Xi.

 “Ready to begin!”

Looking at the information on the note sent over, Gu Xi understood that the Bailian Festival was about to begin.

He packed up the magic potion in his hand, then picked up his weapons and equipment, turned around and headed towards the passage into the Sunlight Guild.

Seeing Gu Xi come out so simply, Li Xinghui, who was waiting in front of the passage gate, was also a little surprised.

“Didn’t I ask you to prepare in the past few days? Why are you not prepared at all?”

"No, we are already prepared. Brother Li, don't worry, you won't suffer any loss this time."

Looking at Gu Xi's confident look, Li Xinghui didn't say anything more.

 As long as there is no problem with Gu Xi, as for other novice players?

How could those rookies win two combinations of three magical skills?

 After leaving the headquarters of Chaoyang Guild, the carriage headed in another direction.

 Sitting by the window, Gu Xi could clearly see many strange vehicles or vehicles, all heading in the same direction.

On those vehicles, there was a player who seemed to be quite powerful, leading seven or eight novice players.

It is very rare for there to be only one novice player like Gu Xi.

"Don't look at it. If it weren't for you this year, our guild wouldn't even have one person."

Seeing that Gu Xi kept looking outside, Li Xinghui said with a smile.


Gu Xi asked curiously.

"How should I put it? The relationship between the guild leader and the current city lord is not very good, so the guild leader will not listen to the city lord's orders if he can."

Li Xinghui said with some helplessness. After all, having such a president was a headache for the guild members.

Thinking of the appearance and imagination of the guild leader, Gu Xi had to admit that the guild leader was not an ordinary person.

Just when Gu Xi was about to say something, he suddenly noticed that the carriage seemed to be slowing down.

At this time, Li Xinghui also poked his head out, "Strange, what is this situation?"

Gu Xi also saw the situation outside through the window. The road not far ahead seemed to be blocked.

Several players were arguing loudly at the intersection.

 Gu Xi looked in the direction where the crowd was watching and found that the vehicles blocked there all had the logos of their respective guilds on them.

“Skeleton Fish Dragon, Ghost Spear, and Steel Ghost Claw, these are the three major guilds in Bailian City. Why did they start to quarrel on the road?”

“Would you like to go over and have a look?” Li Xinghui asked casually, looking at Gu Xi’s curious expression.

"May I?"

 Gu Xi suddenly became excited.

“Of course, we are almost there, we won’t waste much time by going over and taking a look.”

Li Xinghui also looked curious. He wanted to know what the three major guilds were arguing about now.

 At this time, the faces of the captains leading the teams of the three major guilds became quite ugly.

One of the Necromancer players covered in white dragon bones said angrily: "I don't care, this matter was caused by the Steel Ghost Claw, and you are responsible for taking the matter back."

“…” The one responsible for leading the team at Steel Ghost Claw was one of their vice-presidents. His face was a little pale, and he also understood that his plan had offended some people this time. But he actually didn't regret it, he was just a little annoyed that luck was not on his side this time.

He didn’t expect that just adjusting the rules of the festival would cause so much trouble.

However, it is impossible for the other two guilds to put this responsibility on their own heads.

“I just wanted to give the children in the city a fairer chance to challenge. I didn’t expect that Qiufeng City and Hanye City would jump out at this time.

 This is obviously the Bailian Festival in our Bailian City. What does it have to do with them? "

“It has nothing to do with them, but they directly said that Bailian Lake is upstream and downstream of them, and they insisted on joining. Is there any way you can refuse?

 Besides, it’s not about refusing to refuse, it’s about your **** suggestions that have taken away the biggest advantage of the children in this city.

  If you can bring less than 50 soldiers, they will be provided by Bailian City officials.

If a necromancer can't take the undead with him, can he still be called a necromancer?

Can you pretend you don’t see the efforts of those children these days? "

The vice-president of Steel Ghost Claw was also a little embarrassed after being criticized by players of the same level.

He wanted to explain something more, but no one was willing to listen to him.

Had it not been for the teams from other nearby guilds rushing over, they would have even continued to quarrel here.

While Gu Xiwei was watching the excitement, Li Xinghui had already found out some information.

"what happened?"

“Forget it, I just asked and found out that this time the vice-president of Steel Ghost Claw, in order to benefit his son, secretly pushed for the modification of the rules of the Bailian Grand Festival.

 Let each player participating in the Bailian Festival start with only the 45 undead provided by Bailian City.

This situation seemed fair and just on the surface, but when it really happened, his claws became numb.

Autumn Wind City upstream and Hanye City downstream both want to participate in the Bailian Festival this time for some unknown reason.

 In their reasoning, Bailian Lake is also closely related to them, and they must also participate in the Bailian Festival.

 You should know the situation in the two cities upstream and downstream. "

“I know, something strange happened in Qiufeng City, and Hanye City changed its body.”

 Gu Xi is very aware of the situation in nearby cities. It can be said that among the cities built around Bailian Lake, none of them has a positive direction.

Autumn Wind City in the upper reaches is similar to Bailian City, both are gloomy, but they have relatively few necromancers and death knights. They follow a strange system and play with rules.

 The main professions are those called the Order Mage and the Chaos Warrior.

Mage of Order can use the rules to call upon the strange power that has been tamed by them to kill the enemy, while the Warrior of Chaos uses the power of chaos to kill all the strange things that appear in front of him.

The main participants in the festival this time are order mages, but unlike the necromancers who are subject to restrictions, the order mages in Autumn Wind City have no restrictions. They can bring as much weirdness as they have obtained in the game after graduation.

  It is not like Bailiancheng at all, and it is subject to artificial restrictions.

 Hanye City on the other side is following the route of demons and demon warlocks.

 Killing and sacrifice are their mainstream methods of play.

 This time they were also not affected by the city guild, and they took all the benefits they received after graduation with them.

 It can be said that their appearance caught the vice-president of Steel Ghost Claw off guard.

 (End of this chapter)

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