Breath of the Dead

Chapter 282: A grand festival full of conspiracies (I finally called, please order)

Chapter 282: The Great Festival with Conspiracies (Finally, the call came, please subscribe)

Finally, I got a call. It’s been two days and three nights. I felt like I came alive when the lights came on. I’m going to keep updating. Please subscribe. Today’s updates are stable!


“Brother Li, why do I always feel like the guy from the Steel Ghost Claw Guild is plotting something?”

“You don’t know this, but that fool’s son also graduated this year. It seems that he is the one who was robbed of the top position by you. He has the skill of soul hunter.

 You can get ghosts by killing them. In the case of the same soldier type, his undead transformation speed is much faster than others.

Now you should understand the reason for this, right? "

“He is playing like this and isn’t he afraid of overturning? No, now that he has overturned, he has not been punished at all.”

“Why not? This time the matter has become big, and the fool can’t get anything good, but even if there is a punishment, what’s the use? Players from the other two cities also joined in.

 The new rules have also been set, and they cannot be changed before the next Bailian Festival.

This time the Bailian Festival is probably going to have a big problem. "

After hearing what Li Xinghui said, Gu Xi smiled instead, "Brother Li, this is what's wrong. At this time, who is thinking about violating the rules? At this time, we should just take action and kill those two Kill all the players in the city.

 Even if I rank last, I believe the players in Bailian City will still remember my methods. "

"You're right, that's what it's like. The Bailian Festival is the grand festival of our Bailian City. What does it have to do with those two cities? I don't care what the rules are. Killing all the players in those two cities is the most important thing. of.

 You all listen to me clearly, if you see the players in Qiufeng City and Hanye City, kill them directly! "

Just after Gu Xi finished speaking, a voice came from behind him.

Gu Xi looked back and saw a middle-aged player wearing a white dragon bone talking excitedly.

"Liu Yongsheng, you can't be like this. If they join, they will be included in the ranking of the festival. If we break the rules, we will not have the chance to be on the list. We will lose the face of Bai Liancheng. I'm afraid you won't be able to handle this." responsibility."

 The vice president of the Steel Ghost Claw Guild jumped out again at this time.

The middle-aged player named Liu Yongsheng was about to speak when Gu Xi spoke.

"What are you afraid of? Just knock out all the players on the ranking list. I don't believe it. With so many necromancers gathered together, they will not be able to take out the order mages and demon warlocks who have been put together temporarily."

"Yes, what we need is this momentum. Everyone, please listen to me clearly. Don't be afraid of breaking the rules and being kicked off the rankings. Just kick other people off the rankings. This time we don't need to be first. Autumn Wind City and Han The people of Yecheng must die."

 Speaking of this, Liu Yongsheng also looked at the vice president of the Steel Ghost Claw Guild, with a serious look on his face, as if these words were meant for him.

This look made the vice-president of Steel Ghost Claw very angry.

 But he couldn't fight with Liu Yongsheng, so in the end he could only stare at Gu Xi with a vicious look, as if he wanted to scare Gu Xi.

But how could Gu Xi be afraid of such a look? Without even looking at the so-called vice-president, he turned around and headed towards the opening of the Bailian Festival.

 When he walked past Liu Yongsheng, Liu Yongsheng patted Gu Xi on the shoulder.

“Young man, you’ve done a good job. Bailian City needs players like you.”

“That is, who is the chief of the Nether Bone Wind this year? If I don’t stand up at this time, who will stand up?”

“Ah, hahahaha, okay, just have this kind of momentum. Don’t worry, some people can’t dance for long.”

Hearing Gu Xi's words, Liu Yongsheng was stunned for a moment. Then he patted Gu Xi's shoulder heavily, and then turned to look at the vice president of Steel Ghost Claw, the look in his eyes almost turned into a fan shape.

Gu Xi did not look at their eyebrows and lawsuits. He directly pushed past the novice players blocking the way and walked to the portal specially prepared for the big festival.

Looking back at Li Xinghui, Gu Xi found that Li Xinghui was giving him a thumbs up.

Gu Xi smiled at Li Xinghui and stepped directly into the portal without taking the weapon cards distributed in front of the portal.

Seeing Gu Xi's behavior, the other players' eyes lit up. They tore their bodies and tore off the suppression of their own power, and undead appeared one after another behind them. Then they pushed their hands outward, pushed away the weapon cards being distributed, and decisively stepped into the portal into the Bailian Festival.

The vice president of Steel Ghost Claw wanted to step forward to stop him, but was directly stopped by Liu Yongsheng.

“Don’t worry, your son hasn’t arrived yet, don’t you know he’s waiting in line?

 Don't worry, your son will definitely get a military card.

 I think there may be more soldier cards.

It's a pity, these are powerful troops trained in the city lord's private domain.

Now you don’t have to worry about your son. There are so many military cards. You can choose carefully and hard, and you can always choose the right one. "


“Don’t be picky. This is a good opportunity to prove that you are fair and impartial, and that you have no selfish motives for secretly promoting the new rules this time.”

 Liu Yongsheng had an "I'm staring at you" look on his face, which made Vice President of Steel Ghost Claw quite angry.

 Ever since Gu Xi pushed away the soldier card and entered the portal, he knew that the situation had changed.

 He did not dare to let his son play according to the rules.

 After all, after entering the game, your life depends on yourself.

 It would be fine if everyone abided by the rules, but now that everyone does not abide by the rules, it would be really fatal.

But Liu Yongsheng had long been angry with the vice president's behavior, and he was directly watching this matter. No matter what the vice president thought, Liu Yongsheng would not let his son enter the portal easily.

 If you don’t follow the rules, you will die.

 Finally, under Liu Yongsheng's strict defense, after all the new players entered the portal, the son of the vice president, the unlucky player named Song Sheng, entered the portal.

 He is the only player who took away the soldier card in the Bailian Festival this time.

 Because besides Liu Yongsheng, there are dozens of leading players from major guilds watching his every move.

Song Sheng had every reason to believe that if he didn't take this soldier card, he would be directly killed by so many players present, and even his father wouldn't be able to protect him here.

For the sake of his own life, he could only take the soldier card and leave quickly.

 After all the new players entered the portal of the Bailian Festival, Liu Yongsheng closed the portal, and then he looked at the vice president of the Steel Ghost Claw.

“Okay, everyone has gone in. Now let’s talk about our affairs. Do you think the people from Qiufeng City and Hanye City have also entered the game?”

 Hearing this, the vice president’s eyes suddenly widened with a gloomy look on his face.

 “Liu Yongsheng, what do you mean?”

“It’s not interesting, I just want to adjust it. This time, if you are killed in the Bailian Festival, you will die!”

Regarding the rules of death, here is an explanation:

Necromancers and death knights have a chance to transform, but after they transform, they are no longer players. This should be understandable.

In addition, there are some world rules that can be set, which can be set to send the game out immediately after death.

Just like the world we are fighting now, it was originally a trial festival to benefit the players in this city.

The setting at the beginning is not very strong, it is to exit after the battle.

As a result, when outsiders came, they all died immediately.

After all, for players in other cities, killing is the most normal choice.



 (End of this chapter)

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