Breath of the Dead

Chapter 286: The most powerful and strange way of heaven, Guanyin in white (please subscribe)

Chapter 286 The Strongest and Weird Heavenly Dao Guanyin in White (please subscribe)

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 The scene that appeared in front of Gu Xi was something he had never expected.

Beyond this station, there is a huge city composed of countless two- and three-story wooden buildings, with wires like spider webs between the houses.

But what surprised Gu Xi was not this, but a huge white Guanyin statue erected among the buildings.

The statue of Guanyin is quite conspicuous. From Gu Xi's position, he can feel that Guanyin is staring closely at him.

This feeling made Gu Xi quite uncomfortable. He was about to shrink back inside the station, but he felt that his briefcase was getting hot again.

 He quickly took out the white paper and found an extra line of text on it.

[Grand Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven (Level 20): The most powerful strange thing in this world. The upper limit of the level in this world is 10, and she is the only exception. At level 20, she controls the only external rules of this world. Nothing is allowed to happen during the day. fighting.

Whoever fights in the daytime will be fully attacked by the great Goddess of Mercy in white. 】

  【Killing method: Undiscovered】

  【Weakening method: not found】

 “Level 20?”

 Gu Xi let out a low cry.

 Gu Xi never expected that as soon as he got off the train, the world would give him a direct blow.

If it was only level 10, Gu Xi would still have an idea to give it a try.

Level 20, forget it, the incarnation of death is not omnipotent.

Before Gu Xi could figure out how to deal with this Heavenly Dao Guanyin in white, the white paper in his hand suddenly became hot.

Gu Xi looked up and found that the Great Guanyin's eyes had widened and seemed to be staring at him.

Gu Xi understood that it was because he had been looking at the Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven for too long, which caused the other person's reaction.

 Fortunately, the rules here are quite simple. As long as you don't fight openly during the day, you'll be fine.

Gu Xi quickly lowered his head, carefully put away the white paper, and walked out of the station with his briefcase.

When he stepped onto the streets of the city, Gu Xi felt that the crowd around him suddenly became alive.

The people walking on the street were all busy office workers. Their faces were clear and they were not the weird [logical people] Gu Xi had met before.

However, their situation is somewhat strange. When they move forward, they either look directly at the road ahead or lower their heads. They are not used to looking up.

 After observing for a moment, Gu Xi discovered the reason why they were like this.

 Beside these mortals, there will always be some weird things hidden in the shadows.

As long as you don't look at these weirdos, the weirdos won't see them, so they can live their lives safely.

 It is precisely because of this living environment that they have developed such a habit.

  Gu Xi didn’t have any in-depth thoughts about these mortal habits, but Gu Xi thought it was a good way to discover other players during the day.

Most players won't notice this and will continue to do things as they were used to before.

 As long as you pay more attention, you can discover the presence of players.

 As for how to shady players during the day, this needs to be considered.

After all, the number of weird things Gu Xi has seen now is less, and many rules have not been determined. Applying some rules to players is not Gu Xi's mainstream ability. Gu Xi planned to give it a try two days ago, but if it didn’t work, he would hide during the day and wait until night for the killing spree.

Just when Gu Xi was about to find a place to stay, he suddenly found a man in a gray suit staring at him from across the street.

This man wore a white mask on his face, but the people around him didn't seem to notice him.

Looking at the aqua-blue light flashing behind the mask, Gu Xi knew that this was a player from Autumn Wind City.

 A mage of law.

 After knowing some rules and information about this world, Gu Xi regarded the players in Autumn Wind City as their formidable enemies.

 They learn from an early age how to deal with weirdness and how to control weird abilities to strengthen themselves.

Although they have only graduated a few days ago and may not have many powerful weirdos in their hands, Gu Xi has heard that they have the same inherent weirdness as the contracted undead.

 In such a world, they will really be at home and take advantage of other players.

On the first day Gu Xi came here, he didn't want to come into contact with these people immediately.

The demon man named Duan Lun was tricked to death by him because that guy jumped out on his own in a place like the train that was inconvenient to leave, and he also actively tried to attack Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi took action after being forced to fight back.

 You have to be careless to avoid taking action before things start.

 Looking at the Order Mage from afar, Gu Xi had no intention of stepping forward to conflict or communicate with him.

He took a step back, glanced at the sign painted on the ground, stretched out his hand and a taxi stopped in front of him.

Gu Xi opened the back door, smiled at the Order Mage, and then sat in.

After entering the taxi, Gu Xi's brows suddenly frowned.

He felt that the taxi driver in front of him seemed a little impatient, as if Gu Xi's appearance had ruined his actions.

Looking closely at the taxi driver, Gu Xi found that the driver had wrapped his whole body tightly, even wearing **** gloves on his hands.

 Gu Xi is not sure whether all taxi drivers in this world are like this, but he always feels that the situation is not very good.

 “Sir, where are you going, sir.”

“Oh!” Only then did Gu Xi react. Several thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally he said, “Please go to a larger park nearby and help me find a B&B.”

 “Okay, please sit down.”

The driver thought for a moment and then understood what Gu Xi meant. He put the car into gear and started.

As the taxi drove out, Gu Xi accidentally discovered that there seemed to be some bottles and cans under the passenger seat.

This situation made Gu Xi wake up a little. He put his hand on the spiritual lamp on his left wrist. If the taxi driver made any unusual behavior, Gu Xi would directly use the power of his mind.

 Fortunately, apart from being a little impatient, the taxi driver showed no unusual behavior along the way.

The car drove for about ten minutes, and Gu Xi had already noticed that no matter where the car drove, he could directly see the huge Guanyin in white when he looked up.

  No wonder this Great Guanyin can suppress the whole city. It is really uncomfortable to feel that the whole city is under the eyes of this Great Guanyin.

 Just then the taxi stopped.

"Guest, you are here. Over there is Maple Leaf Park. The maple leaves here are beautiful in autumn. Those are good B&Bs that can be rented for short periods. By the way, over there is the abandoned old campus of Yitou Middle School. There are always There are some weird things happening, so don’t go over there.”

 (End of this chapter)

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