Breath of the Dead

Chapter 287: Stay in a weird city

Chapter 287 Staying in a strange city

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After getting out of the car, Gu Xi looked around. For some reason, in his eyes, the city always felt dilapidated, desolate, and miserable.

The Maple Leaf Park that the driver pointed out has twisted trees and gloomy roads. Not to mention the night, even in broad daylight, there are not many people in the park.

The nearby B&Bs are quite old, with white lanterns hanging in the yard, and a shrine in front of the door, with some stones or wooden piles enshrined in water.

As for the abandoned old campus of an unknown school, Gu Xi always felt like dark clouds were hovering on the roof.

 Gu Xi guessed that for such a large campus to be abandoned immediately, there was most likely something going on that couldn't be solved.

Judging from Gu Xi’s many years of experience in novels, dead people are the most basic.

This driver always sends him to some weird places.

Gu Xi was about to turn around and ask, but the driver raised his left hand.

 “Sorry, I have to take over the shift, I’ll go first.”

 After saying that, he got into the taxi and drove away without waiting for Gu Xi to say anything else.

Such funny things left Gu Xi speechless.

 Gu Xi could clearly see that the driver did not have a watch on his hand.

I don’t know if he is deliberately tricking himself or if there is something really wrong.

But having already arrived here, Gu Xi had no intention of running around anymore. He thought about it, glanced at the nearby B&B building, picked the one with the cleanest appearance and walked over.

 “Don’t knock, just come in.”

As soon as I walked to the front of the B&B building, the small speaker installed in front of the door rang.

Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, still hesitating, when the small speaker said again: "What are you still waiting for? Don't knock on the door, just open the door and come in."

Hearing this, Gu Xi understood what was going on. He opened the courtyard door and walked in.

When he stepped into the outer courtyard of the small building, Gu Xi felt that the surroundings seemed a little brighter.

At the same time, the omnipresent eyes of Guanyin no longer stared at him.

Before Gu Xi could see clearly what was going on, the door of the small building was opened, and a woman in her twenties wearing a kimono walked out.

This woman was pretty good-looking. After seeing Gu Xi, she turned around generously and then said, "Are you here to rent a B&B?"

"yes, I…"

“I have a total of four rooms here, but I am only one person, so I only rent out one room.

But don’t worry, my B&B is relatively cheap, one hundred thousand a day, which includes three meals a day, security during the day, and Warring States guards at night.

 I am fully responsible for all the usual laundry, going out for shopping, etc.

  Just relax and be fine. "

Hearing how enthusiastic this woman was, Gu Xi felt uncomfortable.

“Why, are my conditions not good?

I can tell you that the price can no longer be lowered. I have level 3 knock-knockers in my small building, and no level 5 or below will enter my small yard.

In addition, there are 500 Shizu soldiers enshrined in my shrine, which can ensure that the fighting during the Warring States Period at night will not affect the small courtyard at all.

 It costs money to maintain these. I will never lower the price for 100,000 yuan. "

"Okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand. I want a room where you can't open the window and see the Guanyin statue."

Seeing the woman getting more and more excited, Gu Xi hurriedly said: "As long as there is such a room, I will live in it." Upon hearing this, the woman's face showed a smile: "Yes, not only there are, but there are several rooms. I am now Let’s take you in and take a look.”

He was not in a hurry, he opened his briefcase, took out the money and counted it carefully.

“I only have 220,000 yuan now. Let’s rent it for two days and then talk about the rest.”

“Okay, guest, please come this way, I’ll take you to your room.”

 After saying that, the woman took Gu Xi's hand and walked towards the front door of the small building.

 In the past, the woman still introduced herself there.

“My name is Wudou Mino. This is a house passed down from my family. It has been built here for more than eighty years. The stone ancestors outside were begged by my grandfather personally. You can believe in their strength.

These flowers were planted by my father. They also have some spirituality. When Shi Zu cannot resist the enemy, they can turn into a city wall to protect us overnight.

My small building is divided into two floors. The first floor is the living room, kitchen, hot spring bathroom, and a guest bedroom. The upstairs is three bedrooms. Among the four rooms, only the east one on the second floor can be used. No need to see the Guanyin statue. "

 “Okay, then I’ll live in that room.”

Gu Xi now just wants to see such a big Guanyin statue without raising his head.

 As for where he lives, and whether the room is good or not, he doesn't care at all.

"By the way, you mentioned before that the knockers you have here are level 3 knockers. What do you mean they can't enter the courtyard if they are below level 5?"

"Guest, you are from out of town. You may not know the situation here. There are two types of weirdos here, one is the weird that wanders around, and the other is the weird that has a fixed territory.

 Generally, wandering weirdos will not go to other weird places.

So most people will keep a weirdo in their homes. As long as it doesn't violate the weirdo's taboos, it can keep the family safe.

The knocker in my house is like this. His taboo is very simple. You cannot knock on the door. If you knock on his territory, he will appear behind you. After knocking three times, you will be dragged to a door that has never been used before. The door that no one sees will never appear again.

So don’t take taboos seriously. In this city, even Guanyin cannot save you if you break taboos. "

Listening to Wu Dou Mei Nao's words, Gu Xi thought of the Order Mage he saw in front of the station.

This kind of world is probably the most suitable for this kind of profession, at least during the day.

As for the situation at night, Gu Xi has not seen it yet, and he is not sure what the scenery in the room is like.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi asked simply.

"I won't violate this taboo, but I have something to ask. Is there anything weird about it? Why don't you just come in and care about yourself without caring about whether there are other weird things in this place?"

“Yes, there is, but it will cause a big reaction from the weird people on the nearby streets, and may even become the common enemy of the weird people on the nearby streets. Normal weird people will not do this kind of thing.”

 After hearing Wudou Mino's explanation, Gu Xi sighed in his heart.

 You also know that what I said is general, but the extraordinary situation of the Order Mage is really difficult to control.

I am afraid that the current order mages are trying to find ways to get in touch with different levels of weirdness, and prepare to absorb these weirdnesses to improve their own strength.

Looking at Gu Xi’s uncertain expression, Wu Dou Mei Nao couldn’t help but ask.

 “What are you thinking about.”

 “Oh, I was wondering where you usually sleep.”

Hearing this, Wudou Mino's little face turned red, and she gave Gu Xi a light breath, "Of course, I'll sleep wherever you sleep!"

 (End of this chapter)

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